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- AP 0-01 ACC Procedure Process
- AP 1-40 Academic Freedom
- AP 2-01 Shared Governance Structure
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards Faculty Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process Faculty
- AP 3-20C - Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation Administrative Professional And Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Development Award
- AP 3-45 Administrative, Professional and Technical Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
- AP 3-81 Chairs Rights And Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web It Accessibility Plan
- AP 3-150 Employee Code Conduct
- AP 3-160 Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
- AP 4-25 Tuition Classification Appeal
- AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
- AP 10-10b Social Media Accounts
- AP 10-20 Open Records Request
- AP 16-60a Protocol for Non-Commercial Expressive Activity on Campus by the General Public
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AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
Arapahoe Community College
Series 3 – College Personnel
AP 3-80 Faculty Rights, Responsibilities and Workload
Originated: January 1993
Revised: May 2006; April 2009; July 2014; November 2015; July 2016; July 2018; May 2019; April 2023; March 2024
Effective: May 2006; July 2009; July 2014; August 2016; July 2018; May 2019; April 2023, March 2024
References: BP 3-10; BP 3-20; BP 3-60; BP 3-80; SP 3-31; AP 3-10; AP 3-31; AP 3-55; AP 3-81
Stephanie J. Fujii, PhD
President, Arapahoe Community College
To promote excellence within Arapahoe Community College (the College), to protect academic freedom and intellectual inquiry, as well as recognize the College's responsibility to provide leadership, sound management and orderly procedures for faculty members at the College.
This Procedure contains pertinent information affecting faculty members, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Procedure is inconsistent with State or Federal law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BPs) or Colorado Community College System President’s Procedures (SPs), the law, BPs and SPs shall supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System President, respectively. Faculty members are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the BPs, SPs as well as College directives, including but not limited to this Procedure.
Nothing in this Procedure is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an express or implied contract or to guarantee employment for any term. The College reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to this Procedure as it deems appropriate.
This procedure applies to regular faculty members.
The College is committed to the following given sufficient resources:
- Faculty Rights
- Establishment and maintenance of a physical environment in which faculty members can practice their profession as college teachers to the maximum advantage of their students and themselves.
- As much opportunity for study, professional advancement, and attendance at professional conferences as is consistent with the needs of the College's instructional program.
- Adequate office facilities.
- Equipment, supplies, library and other instructional resources appropriate to the teaching field.
- Provision of a clearly-stated set of written institutional practices.
- Opportunity to participate collaboratively in both the setting of procedure and decision-making, particularly as related to instruction and matters directly concerned with faculty welfare.
- Open channels of communication which allow the faculty to express their views, make recommendations, air grievances, seek appropriate action, and when appropriate, obtain rationale for decisions individually, collectively or through authorized representatives.
- Salary schedule for both the academic year and summer term which compares favorably with those of similar institutions and is as remunerative as possible while remaining consistent with sound budgeting; and an opportunity to qualify for advancement on that salary schedule based on reasonably determined performance assessment.
- Administrative staff which accepts as its primary responsibility the development of the instructional program to its highest possible level of quality and service to students.
- Establishment and maintenance of a physical environment in which faculty members can practice their profession as college teachers to the maximum advantage of their students and themselves.
Faculty Workload
An annualized full-time workload is 30 Adjusted Credit Hours ("ACH") within the standard 166-day faculty contract period (see Appendix A). Full-time faculty members are not required to teach during the summer semester; however, faculty members who choose to teach summer classes may do so as a faculty overload assignment. For Department Chair assignments see AP 3-81.
In order to complete the annualized ACH requirement, full-time faculty members are expected to work a minimum of forty hours per week, as defined by Board Policy (BP 3-80). This includes an expectation that faculty perform all duties assigned by the College including:
- Meeting all classes
- Meeting all office hours
- Serving the College and/or Community
- Engaging in professional development activities
These professional duties may be performed either on or off campus. Full-time faculty shall, at a minimum, be on campus on the average of three (3) days a week and no fewer than 24 hours per week. "On campus" consists of actual time on campus for teaching, committee work, and other required assignments. The time spent performing required assignments that occur off the main campus, including travel time between ACC locations, shall be included.
- Faculty must offer 5 office hours per week, half of which can be done remotely.
- Faculty wanting to adjust any of the requirements must submit an alternative work schedule request to be approved by the Dean and Provost / Vice President of Instruction.
- Exceptions: Faculty will be required to be on campus Monday - Thursday of BCC Week, Monday - Thursday of the first week of classes, Summit Day, Monday - Wednesday of finals week and graduation day.
- Overload is in addition to the required 40-hour work week and should not impact the faculty members' ability to participate in service to the school.
- Required meetings could be scheduled Monday through Fridays outside of the set schedule and attendance would be expected. Facilitators of these meetings should give appropriate notice.
Scheduling and Notification
Each faculty member shall submit their schedule to their direct supervisor at the start of each semester showing posted office hours, class schedule and typical availability. Campus hours shall be scheduled in a way that is acceptable to the faculty member, the department, and the Dean. Schedule changes, absences or conflicts shall be communicated to the appropriate parties in advance whenever possible. Schedules should be visibly posted on office doors and in D2L classes with updates posted as appropriate.
Teaching for Non-Salaried Compensation
Based on prior mutual agreement with the appropriate Dean and approval from the Provost / Vice President of Instruction, full-time faculty may add an additional 6 credits of teaching or service for a maximum of 21 adjusted credit hours per semester during the regular academic year, including credit bearing, non- credit bearing, and non-teaching assignments. Per BP 3-80, the 21 adjusted credit hours includes assignments at all CCCS colleges. In extenuating circumstances, the College President may approve an assignment in excess of 21 adjusted credit hours limit for a faculty member. Workloads in excess of 21 adjusted credits are reported by the President to the CCCS Chancellor. Overload assignments may not be counted as part of the required 40-hour work week.
Compensated non-teaching assignments are defined as work performed beyond a faculty member's regular responsibilities, as described in Internal Compensation Practices and Guidelines which are provided to Faculty Department Chairs annually with their faculty contract. Department chair activities and related responsibilities can be found in AP 3-81.
Full-time Administrators and Professional Technical (APT) Staff
Full-time APT employees may also teach up to 6 credit hours per semester (including summer) as instructors. Six (6) credit hours will be the maximum allowed per semester across all CCCS colleges. APT teaching assignments may not be counted as part of their required 40-hour work week.
APT instructors may also refer to Instructors' workload document AP 3-10a for additional procedures related to teaching assignments.- Meeting all classes
ACC reserves the right to change any provision or requirement of this procedure at any time and the change shall become effective immediately.
Appendix A - Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) Formula and Examples
Effective Fall Semester 2024
The college recognizes contact hour differentials among 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2, 1:2.5 and 1:3 class formats. Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) calculations will apply to all full time faculty and part time instructor loads.
Table below adapted from: (CDHE website- Version 2002, effective July 1, 2002 pg. 9) http://highered pdf
TABLE I: Contact/Credit Hour Conversion Table
Type | Description | Contact Ratio | Contact Hours |
Lecture (LEC) | Formal presentation/communication by faculty. | 1:1 | 15 contact hrs. |
Recitation: Discussion/Seminar | Two-way (student and faculty) communication of course materials. | 1:1 | 15 contact hrs. |
Laboratory : Academic/Clinical | Instructional activities conducted by faculty requiring student participation, experimentation, observation or practice. | 1:2 | 30 contact hrs. |
Laboratory: Vocational/Technical (LLB) | Instructional activities involving training for employment in a work- like environment with active faculty teaching role. | 1:1.5 | 22.5 contact hrs. |
Art Studio (LAB) | Painting, sculpture and other lab-type activities conducted by faculty | 1:2 | 30 contact hrs. |
Field Instruction | Instructional activities conducted by faculty and designed to supplement individual course work. | 1:2.5 | 37.5 contact hrs. |
Music : Private Instruction (PRI) | Formal presentation in a one-to- one relationship between student and instructor. | 1:0.5 | 7.5 contact hrs. |
Music: Studio (SMU) | Band, ensembles, music labs and the like conducted by faculty. | 1:2.5 | 37.5 contact hrs. |
Physical Education/ Recreation Courses (LAB) | Physical education and recreation activities conducted by faculty designed for the development of skill proficiencies. | 1:2 | 30 contact hrs. |
Tutoring | Tutoring services provided by faculty through the Student Success Center, Writing Center or other format | 1:2 | 30 contact hrs. |
FLEX Lab | Instructional activities conducted by faculty in an open lab format. | 1:1.5 | 22.5 contact hrs. |
Nursing Lab/Clinical | Instructional activities involving training for employment in a work- like environment with active faculty teaching role. | 1:3 | 45 contact hrs. |
Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) = (actual contact hours + credit hours) / 2
Actual contact hour is defined as the actual time spent in class each week based on a 15-week semester. Example: 3 credit hour class at a 1:1.5 ratio meets 4.5 classroom hours per week and a 1:2 ratio meets 6 classroom hours per week
Example (1):
One 3 credit hour class taught at 1:1.5 ratio
Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) = (4.5 +3) / 2 = 3.75 Adjusted Credit Hours
Example (2):
One 3 credit hour class taught at 1:2 ratio
Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) = (6 + 3) / 2 = 4.5 Adjusted Credit Hours
Short Cuts for different ratios (n=number of credit hours)
Ratio | Formula |
1:0.5 | 0.75(n) |
1:1 | 1(n) |
1:1.5 | 1.25(n) |
1:2 | 1.5(n) |
1:2.5 | 1.75(n) |
1:3 | 2(n) |
Example (1) using short cut:
One 3 credit hour class taught at 1:1.5 ratio
Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) = 1.25(n) = 1.25(3) = 3.75 Adjusted Credit Hours
Example (2) using short cut:
One 3 credit hour class taught at 1:2 ratio
Adjusted Credit Hours (ACH) = 1.5(n) = 1.5(3) = 4.5 Adjusted Credit Hours