Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Information
Arapahoe Community College has over 200 high school adjunct faculty that teach Concurrent Enrollment courses in our partner high schools!
If you are interested in teaching a course for Concurrent Enrollment credit, please read the following to see if you meet the qualifications to teach at ACC before applying to teach Concurrent Enrollment course(s). Applications are due by March 15 for Summer, Fall, and Yearlong Terms and October 15 for Spring Terms.
*If you are applying for a lab-based course, please consult with your District CE Administrator to confirm that the space and facilities have been approved by our faculty.
Application Requirements
When submitting the CE Instructor application, new instructors will need the following:
- Personal and school contact information
- ACC course requests
- A current resume
- Transcripts (unofficial are accepted in the initial screening, the official must be provided during the onboarding / hiring process)
- For CTE courses, verified occupational experience documentation
Application Review Process
Once you submit your application, it is forwarded to your CE / CTE School District Administrator for initial review and District approval. When approved by the District Administrator, your application material is forwarded to the Concurrent Enrollment program and shared with the appropriate Academic Dean and credentialing office for review.
- The Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) will notify you, your CE high school contact (typically an A.P. or counselor), and the CE / CTE School District Administrator via email of your application approval status.
- Upon approval, the CEP will forward your approved application to the ACC Human Resource Office for new faculty Red Carpet onboarding. You will receive an email from HR regarding the onboarding process.
- Upon approval, official transcript submission through the onboarding process is required for all new ACC instructors per HLC requirements.
- During the onboarding process, your employee ACC S# will be generated and emailed to you. Your S# gives you access to the ACC employee portal, myACC. To access myACC you will have to activate your portal account. This is where you will access ACC resources and enter final grades.
What to Expect After You Have Been Approved to Teach
- The CEP will provide you with the contact information of your ACC Faculty Liaison. If you are teaching a fall semester course, we ask that you reach out to your Liaison before you leave for the summer break in May to discuss curriculum, textbook requirement(s), course philosophy and pedagogy, ACC academic resources, and administrative responsibilities/procedures. If you are teaching a spring semester class, we ask that you reach out to your Liaison before you leave for the holiday break in December.
- Copies of your course syllabus and class schedule are expected to be provided to your Liaison prior to the start of class.
- Course syllabus must reflect ACC competencies and requirements
- The syllabus should include the ACC course title, prefix, and number
- Instructors may be required to provide additional materials and/or use ACC exams to ensure consistency.
- All instructors, new and continuing, are required to attend an annual discipline-specific Professional Development. The Professional Development will address such topics as:
- course content
- course delivery
- assessment
- evaluation
- research and development in the field
- Classroom visits will be conducted in the first semester the course is offered and periodically thereafter as determined by you and your programmatic Liaison.
- All CE instructors are expected to respond within 48-72 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) to their ACC Faculty Liaisons' communications.
- Instructors and CE high school contacts will work with the CEP to ensure students are enrolled in the class for college credit.
- CE instructors are required to submit final grades into the myACC portal using their S# within 48 hours after the last class date. Directions on how to enter grades will be provided during CE Instructor Orientation or toward the end of the course via email.
*If you are a new instructor and are unable to attend the CE Instructor Orientation and Professional Development, or you are a continuing instructor and are unable to attend the Professional Development, an individual meeting must be arranged with the CEP and/or your Liaison to obtain this information no later than October 1.
- CE Instructor Application
- CE Course Addition Request
- CTE Credential Renewal Request
- Faculty and Instructor Qualifications
- High School Instructor Resource Guide
- Occupational Experience Guidelines
- General Occupational Experience Form
- Self-Employed Verification Form
- List of CTE Disciplines
acc [dot] ce [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (acc[dot]ce[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)