Grants are a type of financial aid that does not have to be repaid. If you qualify, we encourage you to seek both state and federal grants. Grants are awarded based on full-time enrollment and may be prorated according to your actual enrollment level.
State Grants
In order to qualify for any state grant, you must:
- Complete the FAFSA
- Demonstrate financial need via FAFSA results
- Be a Colorado resident
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
Awarding priority for state grants is based on the order in which the student’s Financial Aid file is complete.
Colorado Career and Technical Education Grant
The Colorado Career and Technical Education (CTE) Grant is a need-based grant that is funded by the State of Colorado. To be eligible, you must:
- Meet all general qualifications in the above State Grants section
- Be enrolled in an eligible short-term certificate program that is ineligible for federal Title IV aid
- Be registered with the Selective Service System (if required)
Colorado Student Grant
The Colorado Student Grant (CSG) is a need-based grant that is funded by the State of Colorado. To be eligible, you must:
- Meet all general qualifications in the above State Grants section
- Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree-seeking program
- Attend at least half-time (6 credit hours) each semester
- Not have completed a first bachelor’s degree by July 1, 2018
Federal Grants
In order to qualify for a federal grant, you must:
- Complete the FAFSA
- Demonstrate financial need via FAFSA results
- Be an enrolled undergraduate student working on a first degree
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
Federal Pell Grant
The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based grant funded by the federal government to help students with college expenses. To be eligible, you must:
- Meet all general qualifications in the above Federal Grants section
- Have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) less than or equal to the maximum figure established by the federal government for the academic year
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
A Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a grant for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. To be eligible, you must:
- Meet all general qualifications in the above Federal Grants section
- Be PELL eligible with the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
- Attend at least half-time (6 credit hours) each semester
finaid [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (finaid[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Room M2330