Math Support
Math Support
Math tutoring is available for students at any skill level in math and for multiple disciplines, including science, liberal arts, and career math.
Writing Lab
Writing Lab
The Writing Lab offers one-on-one tutoring sessions for writers of any skill level, from any class or discipline. Writing Lab appointments can be made through WCOnline.
Science Support
Science Support
We offer tutoring in many of the physical sciences, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geography, and physics.
Subject Tutoring
Subject Tutoring
We also offer tutoring support for courses in a wide variety of other disciplines, including business, accounting, economics, philosophy, psychology, history, and Spanish.
Art & Design Tutoring
Art & Design Tutoring
We offer tutoring for the following areas in the Art & Design Center: Adobe Photoshop, CAD Software, Interior Design and MGD coursework.
Health Programs Tutoring
Health Programs Tutoring
Tutoring is available in several of our health pathway programs, including EMT, MLT, Nursing, and PTA. Tutoring sessions are led by our expert faculty, alumni, or industry professionals.
What to Expect / Tutoring Policies
Who can access Tutoring and Learning Resources?
Tutoring is FREE and available for all currently enrolled ACC students, including students taking concurrent enrollment courses.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Appointments only need to be scheduled for the Writing Lab or for virtual tutoring appointments. These must be made 24 hours in advance. To create a writing center appointment, visit WCOnline. To create a virtual appointment for other subject areas, it’s just like making an Academic Advising appointment! Visit Navigate360 → Appointments, click Schedule An Appointment, use the drop-down menu to select Tutoring & Learning Resources, then “Tutoring for my course.” Once you click “Find Available Time,” you can find a tutor for the class(es) you are looking for. If you need help scheduling an appointment, please reference our instructions or give us a call!
How long are tutoring appointments?
Students are allotted up to one 30-minute appointment and one 60-minute virtual tutoring appointment per day. You can choose from either a 30-minute or 60-minute appointment for any of your course(s) when booking virtual appointments. Please schedule your online and Writing Lab appointments with greater than 24 hours’ notice to allow our tutors adequate time to prepare.
What happens if I am late or miss a virtual appointment or writing center appointment?
Tutors will wait 15 minutes for students who may be running late to a tutoring appointment. Beyond 15 minutes, you will be marked as a no-show to your appointment. Students are allowed 3 no-shows before access to WCOnline and / or Navigate360 is restricted. If you find that you are unable to make an appointment in either platform, please contact Tutoring and Learning Resources for assistance.
What happens if I need to cancel my appointment?
If you need to cancel your tutoring appointment, you can either cancel it yourself in WCOnline or Navigate360, or contact our office for assistance. If you cancel a tutoring appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, it will be counted as a no-show.
What if none of the ACC virtual or drop-in times work for my schedule?
Our ACC tutors are the best resource for help since they are familiar with course content, faculty, and specific knowledge about our campus. However, if you need tutoring outside of the hours that ACC offers tutoring, Pear Deck Tutor (formerly TutorMe) allows currently registered ACC students to meet with a qualified tutor online. You can find the Pear Deck Tutor link in D2L, under the Resources tab. Students are limited to 5 hours of Pear Deck Tutor services per week.
What can I work on with my tutor?
Please come to tutoring with class notes or other resources you would like to work on further. Many students like to come to tutoring for help with confusing class content, assistance with homework, guidance on projects or papers, or even just a place to study. Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class or completing online coursework on your own! Tutors are not permitted to solve homework problems for students or help students with quizzes / exams.