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Business Administration Certificate - Academic Plan


Total Credits = 24

The Business Administration certificate offer opportunities for students to add a wide range of business related courses to their expertise in order to advance in their jobs, to enhance skills needed in the workforce sectors, and to excel in endeavors involving self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Recommendations

Where requirements are listed as course categories (e.g. Electives, Arts/Humanities) rather than as specific courses, please note that depending upon course choice, prerequisites may be required.

*Grade C or better required

Required Course Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommendation
CIS 1018 - Introduction to PC Applications Required: Students must have Windows file management skills to create file folders, rename files, delete files, copy and move files.

Recommended Course Sequence (Full-Time Track)

Year 1: Fall
Concentration Course (3 Credits)

See notes for details.

Year 1: Spring
Concentration Courses (9 Credits)

See notes for details.

Recommended Course Sequence (Part-Time Track)

Year 1: Fall
Year 1: Spring
Concentration Course (3 Credits)

See notes for details.

Year 1: Summer
Concentration Course (3 Credits)

See notes for details.

Year 2: Fall
Concentration Courses (6 Credits)

See notes for details.


  • Select one of the following concentration areas:
    • Entrepreneur Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from any courses with the ENP prefix or BUS 2088 - Business Practicum.
    • Finance Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from MAN 2025, BUS 1016, ENP 2007, INV 1150, or BUS 2088.
    • General Business Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from any courses from the following prefixes: BUS, ENP, MAN, MAR, or BUS 2088.
    • Human Resources Management Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from MAN 1028, MAN 2000, MAN 2001, MAN 2026, or BUS 2088.
    • Management Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from any courses with the MAN prefix or BUS 2088.
    • Marketing Concentration: Choose 12 credit hours from any courses with the MAR prefix or BUS 2088.
  • Course availability is subject to change.
  • Recommended courses may be listed above for certain electives; consult with the Academic Advising Office (advising [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5664) for additional elective recommendations.
  • Refer to 2024/2025 catalog for specific requirements and important information about this certificate.