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About ACC
- Accreditation
- Locations
- College Leadership
- Social Equity and Belonging Council
- ACC Vision - Strategic Plan
- Employment at ACC
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Institutional Research
Policies & Procedures
- AP 0-01 ACC Procedure Process
- AP 1-40 Academic Freedom
- AP 2-01 Shared Governance Structure
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards Faculty Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process Faculty
- AP 3-20C - Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation Administrative Professional And Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Development Award
- AP 3-45 Administrative, Professional and Technical Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
- AP 3-81 Chairs Rights And Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web It Accessibility Plan
- AP 3-150 Employee Code Conduct
- AP 3-160 Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
- AP 4-25 Tuition Classification Appeal
- AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
- AP 10-10b Social Media Accounts
- AP 10-20 Open Records Request
- AP 16-60a Protocol for Non-Commercial Expressive Activity on Campus by the General Public
- AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus
- AP 16-60c Protocol for Posting and Bulletin Boards on Campus
- AP 19-30a Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus
- AP 19-40a Campus-Wide Epinephrine Auto-Injector Procedure
- Accessibility Statement and Issue Reporting
- Classified Leave Sharing Program
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- Veterans Affairs Tuition and Fees Payments
- Foundation
- Visit ACC
- Contact
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(Select to support: ACC Foundation- General Scholarship Fund)
Register for Rewards
About the Foundation
The Foundation works to advance the mission of the college by providing financial assistance and opportunities to students, encouraging public support for the college, and strengthening the teaching, learning and cultural environment of the college and our community.
To increase postsecondary credential attainment through financial assistance and wraparound services to support students and to seek and develop innovative resources for the college and communities we serve.
How You Can Help
The ACC Foundation is raising funds for 5 main priorities this year:
Scholarships are a type of financial aid that can help pay for college. They are awarded based on academic achievement, financial need, major, and other criteria. The ACC Foundation awarded over $1 million in scholarships this past academic year!
Student Emergency Fund
Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund Program provides financial and resource support for ACC students experiencing financial crisis that impede their ability to attend, or complete, enrolled courses for the current semester.
Sturm Collaboration Campus: Phase II
Sturm Collaboration Campus: Phase II
“Lift the Gift” - ACC’s Sturm Collaboration Campus has been acclaimed for its student-centered scheduling and collaboration with industry, 4-year college and high school. Now having met the match for Phase I, we look forward to building out Phase II! Please join us on this exciting venture!
Mini-Grants for Innovation
Mini-Grants for Innovation
Mini-Grants for Innovation are awarded to departments or employees to: pilot programs or special projects or purchase materials/equipment to enrich/ innovate the student, or staff, experience.
Greatest Need of the College
Greatest Need of the College
Support ACC students, staff, and programs where the need is greatest.
More Ways to Give
More Ways to Give
Learn about other ways you can support the ACC Foundation and ACC students.
Financial Aid often isn’t available, or enough, for ACC students. Student Loans must be paid back with high interest rates. Many ACC students are adult learners looking to upskill, or reskill, so they can re-enter the workforce at a living wage. That’s why we truly lean on our community to help our students.
We need your help to fund students, but we’re working on it too! How?
ACC’s Sturm Collaboration Campus has been highlighted as a leader in innovative partnerships by blurring lines between high school, post secondary education, and industry needs. Learn more about how the important work of concurrent enrollment and apprenticeships can help students into a career debt free! (See pg.12 for the note on ACC’s Sturm Collaboration Campus)
We can’t bring our students into the future if our employees aren’t given the opportunities to grow
Why YOU?
Because your gift truly does change the paradigm for students’ futures.
To find out more about why giving matters, please visit our Year End Newsletter.
The work of Arapahoe Community College is crucial to the vitality of Colorado’s future. We ask you to be a catalyst for change by joining the ACC Foundation community if you have not already.
If you have, we so value and need your continued support.
You can also support ACC students and Programs through these ACC Foundation hosted events:
Affordable Arts Festival held annually on ACC's Littleton Campus in August.
Topgolf Fundraiser in May.
Sign up to our mailing list to be updated on these events and check out the ACC Event Calendar for other opportunities to mingle with a purpose!
Foundation History
Established in 1971, the ACC Foundation turned 50 years young in 2021. Like the grassroots effort by Littleton residents in 1965 to open the doors of ACC, donors came together a few years later to create the Foundation to support the important work of this college. As a registered, 501 (c)(3) organization, it is the mission of the ACC Foundation to advance the mission of the college by providing financial assistance and opportunities to students, encouraging public support for the college, and strengthening the teaching, learning and cultural environment of the college and our community
The ACC Foundation is Honored to be able to offer scholarships from these Endowed Funds:
Dr. Diana Doyle Endowed Scholarship for First Generation Students
rita Derjue Endowment for the Arts
Robin Furuta for the Arts
Jim Weber
Study Abroad
Avery Annuity
Nelnet Endowment
Bettie Sitterly Endowment
Dennis Swenson Endowment
Dr. Leahbeth Barnard Endowment
ACC Foundation General Endowment
Ian Anthony Williams Memorial Scholarship
Judith A Ganschaw Fund for Accounting
Karol H Myers Manis Endowment for health care
Kevin Patterson Memorial Endowment
Leonard Mullis Endowment
McKinnell Endowment for the Arts
The Colorado Trust Endowment for Nursing
Thomas Sorensen Endowment for Psychology
Follett Endowment
LoSasso Endowment for Technology
Burt Foundation Endowment
Sturm Foundation
M&B Jacobson Endowment
Centura Endowment
Schomp Endowment
Lin & Thom Endowment
John Jordon Memorial for Criminal Justice
Phil-Vail for Nursing
Town & Gown
Ellie and Manny Greenberg
Haley Timothy Nursing Endowment
Dr. Leahbeth H. Barnard Endowment Fund
Apply for Scholarships
Contact Us
Contributions and Communications:
Marie Perrin-McGraw (she/her)
Director of Operations
Office J201
marie [dot] perrin-mcgraw [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (marie[dot]perrin-mcgraw[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Nina Gomez
Program Manager
christina [dot] gomez [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (christina[dot]gomez[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Scholarship Management and Awarding:
Travis Ogburn
Scholarship Program Manager
travis [dot] ogburn [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (travis[dot]ogburn[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Partnerships and Major & Legacy gifts:
Courtney Loehfelm
Associate Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director, ACC Foundation
courtney [dot] loehfelm [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (courtney[dot]loehfelm[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Connect with Us
- Join our Mailing List
- Volunteer - If you are interested in volunteering and learning more about our year-round opportunities please contact Marie at marie [dot] perrin-mcgraw [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (marie[dot]perrin-mcgraw[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
- Attend an Event
Foundation Offices
ACC - J.F. Sato Building
Littleton, CO 80160-9002
foundation [at] arapahoe [dot] edu
*Please note that the J.F. Sato building is not open to the public. If you wish to speak to a member of the Foundation team, please call or email us using the information listed above.
Mailing Address
ACC Foundation
5900 South Santa Fe Drive
Campus Box 43
Littleton, CO 80160-9002
Double Your Impact
The ACC Foundation works closely with our partners to match your contributions $1 for $1. Thanks to the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (aka COSI) and our Arapahoe County Matching Student Scholarship Grant, Douglas County Matching Student Scholarship Grant and Workforce Matching Student Scholarship Grant for our Apprenticeship Programs all new and/or increased scholarship donations will qualify to receive the match, doubling your impact.
Lift the Gift
In March 2019, the ACC Foundation received a gift of up to $10 million from the Sturm Family Foundation, the largest in the history of the 13-institution Colorado Community College System. With an over $5 million match opportunity, the funding will be used in its entirety for ACC’s Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock. You can help ACC to LIFT THE GIFT through matching dollars raised by the ACC Foundation in three unique areas: the program innovation fund, an endowed scholarship fund and an investment in the future Phase II of the campus.
How Your Support Helps ACC Students
More than $700,000 in scholarships awarded in 2020
486 students received scholarships in 2020
Over $100,000 in Faculty and Staff Mini Grants for Innovation awarded over the past 10 years