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Policies & Procedures
- AP 0-01 ACC Procedure Process
- AP 1-40 Academic Freedom
- AP 2-01 Shared Governance Structure
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards Faculty Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process Faculty
- AP 3-20C - Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation Administrative Professional And Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Development Award
- AP 3-45 Administrative, Professional and Technical Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
- AP 3-81 Chairs Rights And Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web It Accessibility Plan
- AP 3-150 Employee Code Conduct
- AP 3-160 Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
- AP 4-25 Tuition Classification Appeal
- AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
- AP 10-10b Social Media Accounts
- AP 10-20 Open Records Request
- AP 16-60a Protocol for Non-Commercial Expressive Activity on Campus by the General Public
- AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus
- AP 16-60c Protocol for Posting and Bulletin Boards on Campus
- AP 19-30a Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus
- AP 19-40a Campus-Wide Epinephrine Auto-Injector Procedure
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Faculty and Instructor Qualifications
At Arapahoe Community College (ACC), all full-time and part-time faculty must meet both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) minimum faculty qualifications criteria and the ACC minimum faculty qualifications criteria. In addition, Career and Technical Education (CTE) faculty must meet the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education (SBCCOE) board requirement for CTE credentialing. This includes all full-time faculty, part-time instructors, and Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Instructors regardless of location or modality.
ACC assigns instructors to teach based on course qualification requirements, not by an overall discipline/prefix expert basis. Each course within a discipline prefix may have different faculty minimum qualifications or equivalent experience options.
Having the minimum faculty qualifications in no way guarantees that an instructor, faculty member, or teacher will be hired or retained by ACC to teach in that area. Minimum faculty qualifications are only one of several criteria for hire or retention.
This faculty qualifications document lists all faculty minimum qualifications for each course taught at Arapahoe Community College.
Accounting (ACC)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in accounting or related subfield, OR
- Current Certified Public Accountant license, OR
- Current Certified Management Accountant license
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Accounting, Tax Auditing, Taxation, Business Administration, Bookkeeping, Economics, Finance, Investing / Investments, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Advancing Academic Achievement (AAA)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Education, Developmental Education, English as a Second Language, or Adult Education, or related subfield
Advancing Academic Achievement (AAA) 1001
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any subject and completion of Inclusive by Design or EDU 2221 Effective Teaching; OR
- 3 years (full-time equivalent) occupational experience in a higher education institution with direct student interaction and completion of Inclusive by Design or EDU 221 Effective Teaching
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Student Affairs, Higher Education, College Personnel, or related subfield
Anthropology (ANT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology, or Biological Anthropology; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Bioarchaeology, Forensic Science, Human Osteology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Human Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Primatology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, Museum Studies, Global Studies, Developmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, Human Geography, Sociology, and Ecology
Architectural Engineering (AEC)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field; OR
- Current professional license in Architecture
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Architecture or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Art (ART) History
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Art History or related field
Art (ART) Studio
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any field plus equivalent experience*
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Fine Art in specific studio art discipline / medium, or related subfield
*Master’s degree in any field plus experience in the specific studio art discipline/medium that meets all of the following exhibition and portfolio criteria: o Exhibition record includes a minimum of 3 shows per year for each of the past 5 consecutive years.
- Exhibition record consists of juried, professionally vetted, or peer-reviewed shows in galleries, museums, or centers for the arts.
- Exhibition works are in the specific studio art discipline/medium.
- Portfolio displays an advanced, professional level of technical proficiency in the specific studio art discipline/medium.
- Portfolio is comprised of conceptually and visually related art works created during the past 5 consecutive years in the specific studio art discipline/medium.
- Artist statement accompanying the portfolio contextualizes his/her current works within a conceptual framework that demonstrates understanding of contemporary practices in the specific studio art discipline/medium.
Astronomy (AST)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences, Astrobiology, Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Archeoastronomy, Cosmology, or related field
AST 1140 Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Astronomy; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences, Astrobiology, Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Archeoastronomy, Cosmology, Archaeology, Anthropology
AST 1150 Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Astronomy; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences, Astrobiology, Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Archeoastronomy, Cosmology, Biochemistry, Evolution, Ecology, Developmental Ecology / Evolution, Genetics, Wildlife Biology, Paleobiology, Microbiology
Automotive Technology (ASE, ELT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR, Equivalent experience (see below); AND
- Current ASE 1-8 and G-1 certifications
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Automotive Technology or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
*Equivalent experience may be used in place of the associate degree in Automotive Technology through one of the following options:
- Option 1: Holds the highest level of technician certification given by one or more manufacturers (e.g., GM World Class Technician, Honda Master Technician, Audi Expert-Level Technician, Chrysler Master Technician)
- Option 2: The applicant must complete and pass a series of practical assessments. These competencies are chosen directly from the ASE Education Foundation task lists that all accredited colleges must follow to retain their level of certification. Applicants will need to score 80% or higher for each test they take to qualify to teach within that skill area. ASE is divided into eight areas. A1 Engine Repair, A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle, A3 Manual Transmission and Driveline, A4 Steering and Suspension, A5 Brakes, A6 Electrical, A7 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and A8 Engine Performance.
Biology (BIO) 1016
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DD, PA, DDS; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Anatomy and Physiology, Integrated Physiology, Neurobiology, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology, Forensic Science, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Automotive Technology (ASE, ELT) ASE 2210, ASE 2220
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR, Equivalent experience (see below); AND
- Current ASE 1-8 and G-1 certifications; ASE in L3 (Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicles); ASE xEV Level 1 and xEV Level 2 certifications recommended.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Automotive Technology or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
*Equivalent experience may be used in place of the associate degree in Automotive Technology through one of the following options:
- Option 1: Holds the highest level of technician certification given by one or more manufacturers (e.g., GM World Class Technician, Honda Master Technician, Audi Expert-Level Technician, Chrysler Master Technician)
- Option 2: The applicant must complete and pass a series of practical assessments. These competencies are chosen directly from the ASE Education Foundation task lists that all accredited colleges must follow to retain their level of certification. Applicants will need to score 80% or higher for each test they take to qualify to teach within that skill area. ASE is divided into eight areas. A1 Engine Repair, A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle, A3 Manual Transmission and Driveline, A4 Steering and Suspension, A5 Brakes, A6 Electrical, A7 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and A8 Engine Performance.
Behavioral Health (BEH) - BEH 1001, 1020, 1030, 1040, 2001, 2030, PTE 1010
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; AND completion of the Behavioral Health Assistant II micro-credential, or closely comparable program; OR
- Equivalent experience (see below)
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
Healthcare or Behavioral Healthcare, or related subfield;
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Equivalent Experience:
From the CCCS Behavioral Health Program Guide:
- Associate or higher in a healthcare or behavioral healthcare field or related program and 4000 verified occupational/industry hours or teaching of behavioral health content within the past 5 years; OR
- Associate or higher in a healthcare or behavioral healthcare field or related program AND completion of the Behavioral Health Assistant II micro-credential, or closely comparable program; OR
- Current EMT, AEMT, or Paramedic certification with 4000 verified occupational/industry hours and completion of the Behavioral Health Assistant II micro-credential, or closely comparable program; OR
- Completion of the Behavioral Health Assistant II micro-credential and 4000 verified occupational/industry hours or teaching of behavioral health content within the past 5 years.
Biology (BIO) 2101, 2102, 2103, and 2116
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO, PA, DDS; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Anatomy and/or Physiology, Integrated Physiology, Neuroscience, Pathophysiology, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 1003, 1005
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master'd degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO, PA, DDS; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Botany, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Cellular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Entomology, Evolution, Ecology, Developmental Ecology / Evolution, Genetics, Wildlife Biology, Molecular Biology, Paleobiology, Microbiology, Mycology, Immunology, Forensic Science, Virology, Zoology, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 1004
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO, PA, DDS; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Anatomy and/or Physiology, Integrated Physiology, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 1111
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Biology, Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bacteriology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Genetics, Immunology, Virology, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 1112
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Environmental Sciences, Zoology, Evolution, Ecology, Developmental Ecology / Evolution, Organismal Biology, Wildlife Biology, Entomology, Paleobiology, Mycology, Genetics, Botany, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 2104
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO; OR
- Master'd degree plus 18 graduate credits in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Bacteriology, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Biology (BIO) 1015
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- PhD, MD, DO; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Genetics, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Cellular Biology, Genomics, Microbiology, Virology, or similar degree (at discretion of department)
Business (BUS, ENP, FIN, INV, MAN, MAR)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field; OR
- Bachelor's degree in any field with 18 graduate-level discipline-related credits
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Business, Business Management, Leadership, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, Human Resources, Public Policy, Public Administration, Accounting, Finance, Law, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Chemistry (CHE)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, or related subfield
Commercial Photography (PHO)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Commercial Photography or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Communication (COM)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Communication or related subfield
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Computer Aided Drafting or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Computer Networking (CNG)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR
- Associate degree plus 18 credit hours (undergraduate or graduate) in related field; OR
- Bachelor's degree in any field with 18 credit hours of coursework that demonstrates knowledge and utilization of computer-based technology and relevant applications
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Computer Networking or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Computer Networking (CNG) 2060, 2061, 2062, 2063
Minimum Qualifications Required
- In addition to the above CNG requirements, must have current CCNA or higher certification and NetAcad Instructor Training Certificate; OR
- 5 years (full-time equivalent) non-teaching occupational hours within the last 7 years in the content area and current industry certification in the content area
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Computer Technology (BTE, CIS, CSC, CWB)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR
- Associate degree plus 18 credit hours (undergraduate or graduate) in related field; OR
- Bachelor's degree in any field with 18 credit hours of coursework that demonstrates knowledge and utilization of computer-based technology and relevant applications
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Construction Management (AEC)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in Construction Management or related subfield and has, or qualifies for, postsecondary CTE credential including 2000 non-teaching occupational hours within the last 7 years; OR
- Current professional license in Construction AND has, or qualifies for, postsecondary CTE credential including 4000 non-teaching occupational hours within the last 7 years
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Construction Management or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Cosmetology (COS, EST, NAT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field and Current Colorado Cosmetology License, Current Colorado Cosmetology Instructor License; OR
- Certificates of completion of training programs in Cosmetology, Nail Technician, or Esthetician, and Current Colorado Cosmetology License, Current Colorado Cosmetology Instructor License
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Cosmetology, Salon Management, Nail Technician, Esthetician, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Criminal Justice (CRJ)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
Criminal Justice, Criminology, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Psychology, Juris Doctorate, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science, Public Administration, Public Affairs
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Criminal Justice (CRJ) 1010
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
Criminal Justice, Criminology, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Psychology, Juris Doctorate, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science, Public Administration, Public Affairs
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 1011, 1111, 1125, 2051
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in early childhood education and 4 years verified occupational experience; OR,
- Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or a related degree and 2 years verified occupational experience; OR,
- Master’s degree in early childhood education or a related degree.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Child Development, Child Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Educational Leadership and Administration, Elementary Education, Family and Human Development, Family Studies, Special Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, Endorsement in Early Childhood Education, CTE Credential Endorsement in Early Childhood Education, Endorsement in Family and Consumer Sciences, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, Curriculum & Instruction.
- Must have a CTE Credential in Early Childhood or can obtain one.
- Verified Occupational Experience: Care and supervision of four (4) or more children less than eight (8) years of age who are not related to the individual. Must be submitted on official letterhead from the program(s).
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 1031, 1045, 2381, 2621, 2101, 2401, 2411, 2631, 2651, 2641, 2661
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or a related degree and 12 graduate credit hours in early childhood education. 2 years (4000 hours) verified occupational experience; OR
- Master’s degree in early childhood education or a related degree.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Child Development, Child Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Educational Leadership and Administration, Elementary Education, Family and Human Development, Family Studies, Special Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, Endorsement in Early Childhood Education, CTE Credential Endorsement in Early Childhood Education, Endorsement in Family and Consumer Sciences, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, Curriculum & Instruction
- Must have a CTE Credential in Early Childhood or can obtain one.
- Verified Occupational Experience: Care and supervision of four (4) or more children less than eight (8) years of age who are not related to the individual. Must be submitted on official letterhead from the program(s).
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 2601
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master’s degree in early childhood education, Early Childhood Special Education, Special Education, or a related degree.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Early Childhood Special Education, Special Education, Speech Language Pathology, Occupational or Physical Therapy Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education.
- Must have a CTE Credential in Early Childhood or can obtain one.
Economics (ECO)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Economics or in related field; OR
- MBA with concentration in Finance, Accounting, or Business
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Finance, Environmental Economics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, International Economics, Public Economics, Teaching Economics, Labor Economics, Quantitative Economics, Econometrics
Education (EDU)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Education or related subfield
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field (or relevant current industry license or certification) and a current state certification or ability to obtain state certification as a Paramedic within 6 months of initial appointment.
NOTE: EMS Director must have Master’s degree in Education or related field AND have current Paramedic, ACLS instructor, and PALS instructor certifications
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Education, related Healthcare, Paramedics, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE Credential to teach.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 3000 & 4000 level courses
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master’s degree in related field (or relevant current industry license or certification) and a current state certification or ability to obtain state certification as a Paramedic within 6 months of initial appointment
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Education, related Healthcare, Paramedics, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE Credential to teach.
Emergency Service Administration (ESA)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master’s degree in related field; OR
- Master’s degree in any field and minimum 5 years (full- time equivalent) non-teaching occupational experience in the content area(s) being taught
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Emergency Service Administration (Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, Fire Science, Medical Service, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Wildland Safety, or a related subfield.
Engineering (EGG) 1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050, 1051, 1065, 2011, 2012, 2020, 2030, 2041, 2075
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- EGG 1040 Master’s degree in Engineering or related field
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics .Engineering or Creative Technology & Design: Creative Industries
Engineering (EGG) 1060
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics
Engineering Graphics Technology (EGT) 1110
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics
English (ENG)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- English, Writing, Rhetoric and Composition, Fine Arts (Writing), Linguistics, or related subfield
English (ENG) 0092
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- English, Writing, Rhetoric and Composition, Education, Developmental Education, English as a Second Language Education, Adult Education or related subfield
Environmental Science (ENV) 1010
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Environmental Science or related field; OR,
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Environmental Geology, Geology, Physical Geography, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Natural Hazards, Emergency Planning or Preparedness, Atmospheric Science, Climatology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Planetary Science
Environmental Science (ENV) 1111
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Environmental Science, Geography or Geology, or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Biogeography, Ecology, Environmental Geology, Meteorology, Physical Geography, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Geochemistry, Earth Science, Oceanography, Hydrography, Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, Climatology, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Biology, Ecology, Forestry, Watershed Science, Natural Resources
Geography (GEO) 1005, 1006
GEO 1005
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Geography or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Urban Geography, Political Geography, Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Regional Geography, Physical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Geohumanities, Anthropology, Political Science, History, Sociology, Economics, International Studies, Demography, Social Studies, Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, Urban Studies, Urban Planning, Natural Hazards, Climatology, Earth Science, Geoscience
GEO 1006
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Geography or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 9 graduate credit hours in Geography plus 9 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Urban Geography, Political Geography, Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Regional Geography, Geography Urban Geography, Political Geography, Human Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Geohumanities, Cultural Geography, Regional Geography, Anthropology, Political Science, History, Sociology, Economics, International Studies, Demography, Social Studies, Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, Urban Studies, Urban Planning
Geography (GEO) 1011, 1012
GEO 1011 Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Geography or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Biogeography, Geology
GEO 1012 Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Geography or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Physical Geography, Biogeography, Climatology, Meteorology
Geology (GEY) 1111, 1112
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Geology or related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Geology, Geological Engineering, Geochemistry, Petrology, Paleontology, Physical Geography, Geological Sciences, Geophysics
Health and Wellness Education (HWE) 1004, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1061, 1068, 2060, 2064
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any field plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Strength and Conditioning, Athletic Training, Personal Training, Sports Medicine, Biomechanics
Health and Wellness Education (HWE) 1062
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any field plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Health and Wellness Education, Public Health, Public Health Education
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health and Wellness Education (HWE) 1065, 2062, 2063
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any field plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Medicine, Biomechanics
Health and Wellness Education (HWE) 2061
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in any field plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Sports Psychology, Performance Psychology, Exercise Neuroscience
Health and Wellness Education (HWE) 1050
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Human Nutrition, Food Science, Clinical Nutrition
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Information Technology (HIT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field
NOTE: Program Chair requires bachelor's degree for accreditation. All faculty/instructors must have a credential in their assigned teaching area i.e. Coding Faculty must hold an AHIMA/AAPC credential in coding.
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Health Information Technology, Health Information Management
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Psychology, Counseling, Sociology, Social Work, Divinity, Healthcare discipline with direct patient- care emphasis, Emergency Medical Services, Health Information Technology, Medical Lab Technician, Medical Office Technology / Medical Assisting, Mortuary Science, Nursing, Nurse Aide, Physical Therapist Assistant, Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Nutrition, Nursing or Nurse Aide, Nursing, Nurse Aide, Physical Therapist Assistant, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1008
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Meets the qualification requirements for Emergency Medical Services, Health Information Technology, Medical Lab Technician, Medical Office Technology/Medical Assisting, Nursing, Nurse Aide, or Physical Therapist Assistant; OR
- Bachelor’s degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Healthcare field
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1010
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Meets the qualification requirements for Nursing or Nurse Aide; OR
- Bachelor’s degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Nutrition or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1011
Minimum Qualifications Required
- American Heart Association Instructor certification
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1017
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Meets the qualification requirements for Physical Therapist Assistant; OR
- Bachelor’s degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Kinesiology, Exercise Science, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1020, 1080
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field, and Current RN, MLT (with Phlebotomy), or Phlebotomy certification; OR
- Five years (full-time equivalent) non-teaching occupational experience in Phlebotomy, 2 of those years must be within the last 5 years, and Current RN, MLT (with Phlebotomy), or Phlebotomy certification
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Phlebotomy, Healthcare Discipline or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1038, 1145, 1178, 1040
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Meets the qualification requirements for Emergency Medical Services, Health Information Technology, Medical Lab Technician, Medical Office Technology/Medical Assisting, Mortuary Science, Nursing, Nurse Aide, Certified Ophthalmic, or Physical Therapist Assistant, OR
- Bachelor’s degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Healthcare field
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1050
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Meets the qualification requirements for Emergency Medical Services; OR
- Meets the qualification requirements for Nursing with a cardiac background
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Health Professions (HPR) Additional qualifications for HPR 1058
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree from an American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) accredited mortuary science program and a bachelor’s degree in any field and have passed BOTH the Arts and Sciences Sections of the National Board Exam
History (HIS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- History or related subfield
Humanities (HUM)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Humanities, English / Literature, Art History, Film Studies, Theater, or related subfield
Interior Design (IND)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR
- Associate degree in related field AND one of the following certifications:
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Interior Design, NCIDQ, CKBD, AIA, or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Journalism (JOU)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Communications (i.e., Mass Media, Mass Communication, etc.), Journalism (Journalism Education, Public relations, Photojournalism), English (Literature, Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Communication, Writing, Linguistics), Master of Fine Arts (writing, photography, or video, or digital media emphasis) or related subfield
Journalism (JOU) 2025
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Communications (i.e., Mass Media, Mass Communication, etc.), Journalism (Journalism Education, Public relations, Photojournalism), English (Literature, Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Communication, Writing, Linguistics), Master of Fine Arts (writing, photography, or video, or digital media emphasis) or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Law Enforcement (LEA)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Degree in a field related to the content area being taught, or POST certification and specialized training in the content area being taught; AND
- Minimum 5 years (full-time equivalent) demonstrated non-teaching occupational experience in the content area(s) being taught; AND
- Skills Instructors:
- Training and certification qualifications established by POST (Rule 23) as either assistant of full skills instructor
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Law Enforcement
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Literature (LIT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- English with a Literature concentration or related subfield
Mathematics (MAT) 0200, 0240, 0250, 0260, 0300, 0340, 1120, 1140
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, OR, applied Mathematics, OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics, OR
- Master’s degree and completion of Actuarial Exams 1 and 2, OR,
- Master’s degree and successful completion of AP Statistics Training and at least 4 years’ experience teaching AP Statistics, OR,
- Master’s degree and successful completion of AP Calculus Training and at least 4 years’ experience teaching AP Calculus, OR,
- Master’s degree and successful completion of IB Standard Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Standard Level course, OR,
- Master's degree and successful completion IB Math at Higher Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Math at Higher Level course, OR,
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math Education, math Curriculum and Statistics
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
Mathematics or related subfield;
Mathematics (MAT) 1150, 1160
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics or applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree and 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics; OR
- Master’s degree and successful completion of AP Calculus Training and at least 4 years’ experience teaching AP Calculus; OR
- Master’s degree and successful completion of IB Standard Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Standard Level course; OR
- Master's degree and successful completion IB Math at Higher Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Math at Higher Level course; OR
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math Education, Math Curriculum and Statistics and 18 graduate credits in Education, Curriculum Development or related discipline; OR
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math Education, Math Curriculum and Statistics
Mathematics (MAT) 1220, 1230
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, or applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree and 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics; OR
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math Education, Math Curriculum and Statistics and 18 graduate credits in Education, Curriculum Development or related discipline; OR
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math Education, Math Curriculum and Statistics
Mathematics (MAT) 1240, 1260
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, or applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics; OR
- Master’s degree and completion of Actuarial Exams 1 and 2; OR
- Master’s degree and successful completion of AP Statistics Training and at least 4 years’ experience teaching AP Statistics
Mathematics (MAT) 1320, 1340, 1400, 1420, 1440, 2075, 2410
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, or applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics; OR
- Master’s degree and successful completion of AP Calculus Training and at least 4 years’ experience teaching AP Calculus; OR
- Master’s degree and successful completion of IB Standard Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Standard Level course; OR
- Master’s degree in Mathematics and successful completion of IB Math Higher Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Math at Higher Level Course
Mathematics (MAT) 2420
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree and successful completion IB Math at Higher Level Training with certificate in the last 5 years and at least 4 years of teaching the IB Math at Higher Level course
Mathematics (MAT) 2430, 2431, 2520, 2540, 2560, 2561, 2562
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Mathematics, or applied Mathematics; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in Mathematics
Medical Assisting Program / Medical Office Technology (MAP / MOT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate's degree in related field; AND, Current industry-recognized credential/certification such as CMA, RMA, NCMA, or CCMA; OR,
- Five years (full-time equivalent) non-teaching occupational experience in Medical Assisting, 2 of those years must be in clinical general practice and 2 of those years must be within the last 5 years; AND, Current industry-recognized credential/certification such as CMA, RMA, NCMA, CCMA, or LPN
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Medical Assisting or Science (with content area specific coursework), CMA, RMA, NCMA, CCMA, or LPN or RN
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Medical Lab Technology (MLT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in any field; AND
- Current MT or MLS certification (ASCP)
NOTE: MLT Program Chair must have all of the above AND Master’s degree
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Medical Lab Technology or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master’s degree in any field; AND
- Current MLS certification (ASCP); OR
- Specialist degree certification (ASCP) (Blood Bank, Chemistry, Microbiology or Hematology); AND
- Current MLS certification
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Medical Lab Technology or related subfield
- Medical Lab Scientist Occupational Experience (2 years)
Meteorology (MET)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in Meteorology or related field; OR,
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Atmospheric Science, Climatology, Meteorology, Planetary Science
Mortuary Science (MOR)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field; OR
- Bachelor’s degree in any field AND have passed BOTH the Arts and Sciences Sections of the National Board Exam
NOTE: Full-time faculty & program chair must have a master’s degree from any field and an active/current funeral director and embalmer license from any state
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Mortuary Science or related subfield, from American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) accredited mortuary science program
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Multimedia Graphic Design (MGD)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Multimedia Graphic Design or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Music Audio Technology (MUS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Music, Audio Technology, Recording or related subfield
Must have a CTE credential to teach
Music - General Education (MUS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Music - General Education or related subfield
Music - Private Group Lessons and Ensembles (MUS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field; OR
- Degree in any field AND minimum 10,000 hours professional music experience (Professional music experience includes, but is not limited to: stage performance, recording, sound checks, rehearsals, individual rehearsal preparation, composition, arranging, music production, instrument maintenance / repair, and music-related business activities)
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Music – Private Group Lessons and Ensembles or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Nurse Aide (NUA)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate or Bachelor’s degree in nursing; AND
- Current RN or LPN License (must have held license for at least one year).
Additional Colorado Board of Nursing requirements:
- One year experience caring for chronically ill and/or caring for elderly, AND has one of the following:
- completed a course in teaching adults,
- documented experience in teaching adults
- one year experience managing nurse aides
NOTE: NUA program coordinator (State Board of Nursing title) must have RN license plus the rest of the above AND 1 year experience at a long-term care facility (this is in addition to the 1-year experience listed above)
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Nurse Aide
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Nursing (NUR)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Faculty: Masters in related field, and current unencumbered RN license
- Part-time Clinical Instructors: Bachelor of Science in related field, and current unencumbered RN license
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Nursing
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Ophthalmic Technician (OPT)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field and Certified Ophthalmic Technician, Ophthalmologist or Optometrist (OD) in good standing
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Ophthalmic Technician or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Paralegal (PAR)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor's degree in related field and demonstrated knowledge of the utilization of paralegals to include experience working with or as a paralegal; OR
- Bachelor's degree in any field, and Paralegal certificate with a minimum of 18 credit hours in Paralegal coursework, and demonstrated knowledge of the utilization of paralegals to include experience working with or as a paralegal
NOTE: Paralegal Program Chair must have Juris Doctor degree
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Paralegal or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Philosophy (PHI)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Philosophy, Religious Studies, Classics, or related subfield
Philosophy (PHI) 1013, 2013
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Same as Philosophy (PHI) with at least one graduate level course in logic
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Philosophy, Religious Studies, Classics, mathematics, computer science, or related subfield
Physical Education (PED)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Bachelor’s degree in related field, and one-year (full- time equivalent) occupational experience in the content area, and current certification in the content area from a nationally recognized agency; OR
- Bachelor’s degree in any field, and three years (full-time equivalent) occupational experience in the content area, and current certification in the content area from a nationally recognized agency; OR
- Associate degree in any field, and five years (full-time equivalent) occupational experience in the content area, and current certification in the content area from a nationally recognized agency
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Physical Education, Exercise Science, or related subfield
Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field and a Bachelor's degree in any field, and current PT license or PTA certification in the State of Colorado
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Physical Therapist or related subfield
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Physics (PHY)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Physics, Engineering, or Astrophysics or related field
Political Science (PSC)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- International Political Economy, International Relations, Public Policy, Political Theory, Political History, Political Anthropology, Political Sociology, Economics, Law
Psychology (PSY)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Psychology or APA-recognized sub-field / speciality in professional psychology which could include school psychology, school counseling. Subfields: brain science and cognitive psychology, climate and environmental psychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, developmental psychology, experimental psychology, forensic and public service psychology, health psychology, human factors and engineering psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, psychology of teaching and learning, quantitative psychology, rehabilitation psychology, social psychology, sports and performance psychology.or related subfield.
Public Health (PBH)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, or related subfield
Robotics and Automation Technology (EIC, ELT, IMA, MTE, PRO)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Associate degree in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Electronics Technology, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering Technology, Industrial Arts
- Must have a CTE credential to teach
Science (SCI)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Physical science, life science, science education, or related subfield
Sociology (SOC)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Social Work, Social Psychology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Political Science
Social Work (SWK)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- CSWE-accredited social work program OR a related degree. Related Degrees: Social Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Behavioral Economics; Health Psychology; Comparative Behavior; GeoPsychology; Applied Psychology; Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Community Psychology; Positive Psychology; Organizational Sciences; Educational Psychology; Human Development and Family Studies; School Psychology; Counseling Psychology; Mental Health Counseling; Community Counseling; Clinical Counseling; Counselor Education; Marriage & Family Therapy; Clinical Mental Health; Rehabilitation Counseling, Drug, & Rehab Counseling.
Theater (THE)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Theatre, English Literature, or related subfield
World Languages (ARA, ASL, FRE, GER, JPN, SPA, RUS)
Minimum Qualifications Required
- Master's degree in related field; OR
- Master's degree plus 18 graduate credit hours in related field AND Demonstrated native or near-native language proficiency in the target language*
Related degrees, credential, and/or equivalent experience
- Related Fields: Target language, Linguistics (content-area specific), or Education (content-area specific)
*Language proficiency demonstrated through interview with department Chair and expert language instructor, or via language proficiency exam from Language Testing International
HLC Policy
HLC Policy Adopted November 2, 2023
The adopted policy change revises the faculty qualifications provision in HLC’s Assumed Practices to emphasize that an institution must establish and maintain processes for determining that instructors are qualified. This obligation extends to all instructors, including any other entities to whom the institution assigns instruction. Additionally, the policy change specifies that an institution can deem instructors qualified on the basis of a variety of factors, including academic credentials, progress towards academic credentials, equivalent experience, or some combination thereof.
HLC Assumed Practices Related to Faculty Qualifications CRRT.C.10.010
HLC Assumed Practice B.2.a
The institution establishes and maintains reasonable policies and procedures to determine that faculty are qualified. The factors that an institution considers as part of these policies and procedures could include but are not limited to: the achievement of academic credentials, progress toward academic credentials, equivalent experience, or some combination thereof. The institution’s obligations in this regard extend to all instructors and all other entities to which it assigns the responsibility of instruction.
Alignment with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
HLC specifies that an institution can deem instructors qualified on the basis of a variety of factors:
Academic credentials
Achievement of academic credentials means that an instructor possesses an academic degree relevant to what they are teaching and at least one level above the level at which they teach, except in programs for terminal degrees. In terminal degree programs, an instructor possesses the same level of degree.
In the context of general education courses, or other non-occupational courses, achievement of academic credentials typically means that an instructor holds a master’s degree or higher. Generally, this degree is in the discipline or subfield in which the instructor is teaching. If an instructor holds the degree in a discipline or subfield other than that in which they are teaching, the individual has completed a reasonable amount of coursework in the discipline or subfield in which they teach, as defined by the institution.
Faculty teaching in career and technical education college-level certificate and occupational associate degree programs should possess the minimum threshold of education in the field or a combination of education, training, and occupational experience as defined by that specific program. Such qualifications are allowable even in instances where technical/occupational courses transfer, which HLC recognizes is an increasing practice.
Progress toward academic credentials
Progress toward academic credentials means demonstrable, current, and consistent progress toward the academic credential(s) deemed relevant by the institution for an instructor to be qualified. It is expected that an instructor who is qualified as a result of progress toward academic credentials will not permanently be qualified on that basis; rather, the instructor will eventually be qualified on another basis. An instructor who is qualified based on progress toward academic credentials has access to and engages with resources that the institution provides to support their teaching. This could include, for example, professional development opportunities or opportunities to collaborate with other qualified faculty members who are not qualified based solely on progress toward academic credentials.
Equivalent experience
Equivalent experience means experience that is commensurate with achievement of academic credentials such that it qualifies an instructor for the instruction. This could include through a minimum threshold of experience; research and/or scholarship; recognized achievement; and/or other activities and factors. Equivalent experience may differ by discipline or program. Previous years of classroom instruction does not alone constitute equivalent experience.
Some combination of the above
Changes to Faculty and Instructor Qualifications
ACC has developed a process for the development and revision of faculty and instructor qualifications. The process outlines key elements from the HLC’s overall guidance on faculty qualifications to be aware of when preparing or revising faculty qualifications. The process also includes specific information to consider when developing faculty qualifications for career and technical education (CTE) faculty qualifications, general education (GE) faculty qualifications, and faculty qualifications that overlap between CTE and GE qualifications. Faculty Qualifications Process FALL 2024
Approval Procedure for Changes to Faculty and Instructor Qualifications
After members of the academic department faculty vet and propose changes to the faculty and instructor guidelines, Faculty and Instructor Template needs completed and signed by the appropriate department Chair/Director, the Dean, and the Provost/Vice President of Instruction. The signed faculty Qualifications Revision Template should then be submitted to the HLC Accreditation Officer (ALO) and the Dean of Educational Partnerships for a compliance review. The HLC ALO will present the revisions to the ACC curriculum Committee for final approval.
Previously Approved Faculty and Instructors, Grandfather Clause
When ACC’s Faculty Qualifications are modified and as a result an instructor or faculty member no longer meets the new qualifications as outlined in the updated Faculty Qualifications Guide, ACC may continue to consider the individual to be qualified to teach if the individual has documented satisfactory performance on file in accordance with ACC’s AP 31 Evaluation of Faculty Job Performance. Renewal of Faculty Qualifications and credentialing is contingent upon satisfactory job performance documented in the individual’s HR file per the requirements of AP 31. ACC retains a record of all previous Faculty Qualification Guidelines in an archive that may be accessed for auditors/reviewers in its instructional files.
International Degrees
ACC does not accept unaccredited degrees. Any international degree must go through an evaluation process with a third-party credential evaluation service in order to be given credit towards qualification. Applicants can use any member organization from one of the two national associations of credential evaluation services: National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE). These credential evaluations are not free, and applicants are responsible for any costs associated with such evaluations.