Section Navigation
About ACC
- Accreditation
- Locations
- College Leadership
- Social Equity and Belonging Council
- ACC Vision - Strategic Plan
- Employment at ACC
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Institutional Research
Policies & Procedures
- AP 0-01 ACC Procedure Process
- AP 1-40 Academic Freedom
- AP 2-01 Shared Governance Structure
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards Faculty Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process Faculty
- AP 3-20C - Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation Administrative Professional And Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Development Award
- AP 3-45 Administrative, Professional and Technical Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
- AP 3-81 Chairs Rights And Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web It Accessibility Plan
- AP 3-150 Employee Code Conduct
- AP 3-160 Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
- AP 4-25 Tuition Classification Appeal
- AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
- AP 10-10b Social Media Accounts
- AP 10-20 Open Records Request
- AP 16-60a Protocol for Non-Commercial Expressive Activity on Campus by the General Public
- AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus
- AP 16-60c Protocol for Posting and Bulletin Boards on Campus
- AP 19-30a Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus
- AP 19-40a Campus-Wide Epinephrine Auto-Injector Procedure
- Accessibility Statement and Issue Reporting
- Classified Leave Sharing Program
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- Veterans Affairs Tuition and Fees Payments
- Foundation
- Visit ACC
- Contact
Policies & Procedures
Review many of the policies, procedures, and guidelines related to students, prospective students, employees, and prospective employees.
As a member of the Colorado Community College System, ACC is governed by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education which has the authority to establish policies (known as Board Policies or BPs) for the 13 community colleges of Colorado. System President’s Procedures (known as SPs) have been developed to carry out the direction of the State Board. View CCCS policies and procedures.
ACC Procedures (AP)
View the current Arapahoe Community College Procedures. Please note that Board Policies (BPs) and System President's Procedures (SPs) supersede ACC Procedures (APs). Please note that Series 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18 are currently vacant for all BPs, SPs, and APs. If there are no APs in the series, please refer to the BPs and SPs.
Series 0 - Procedures
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 1 - Doctrine
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 2 - Organization
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 3 - College Personnel
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards for Faculty and Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process for Faculty
- AP 3-20c Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation of Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation of Administrators and Professional Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Advancement
- AP 3-45 APT Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights, Responsibilities and Workload
- AP 3-81 Academic Chair Rights and Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web-IT Accessibility Plan Procedure
- AP 3-150 Employee Code of Conduct
- AP 3-160 - Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 4 - Students
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 7 - Vacant
There are no APs or SPs associated with the series. Please refer to BPs.
Series 8 - Fiscal
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 9 - Educational Programs
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 10 - Communication and Marketing
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
Series 16 - Buildings and Grounds
Series 17 - Vacant
There are no APs associated with this series. Please see BPs and SPs.
Series 19 - Safety and Security
Please refer to BPs and SPs for more information.
ACC Policies & Guidelines
Read additional policies, procedures, and guidelines for ACC students, faculty, staff, and community.
Civil Rights
Colorado Community College System (CCCS)
Fiscal & Accounting
Information Technology & Security
Legal Notices & Consumer Information
Safety & Security
Student Financial Aid
- Appeal Process
- Application Checklist
- Book Voucher Program
- Disbursement Processes
- Grant Awarding Processes
- Loan Awarding/Accepting
- R2T4 Return of Title IV Funds
- Reporting Attendance of Financial Aid Recipients
- Reporting Attendance of Veterans
- SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress)
- Scholarships
- Unusual Enrollment History
- Verification
- Veteran Affairs Tuition and Fees Payments
- Veteran Processes
- Work Study Process
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Renewal
- Academic Standing
- Attendance
- Auditing a Course
- Course Substitution
- Credit Completion Progress Standard
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Disability Records
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
- Disabilities Accommodations
- Disciplinary Procedure
- Directory Information
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- Grade Point Average Calculation
- Grading Systems
- Graduation
- Graduation Honors
- Grievance and Appeal Procedures
- In-State Tuition Classification
- Non-Civil Rights Complaints & Grievance - Student
- Registration (add/drop/withdrawal)
- Repeat Courses
- Sexual Misconduct Procedure
- Smoking Policy
- Student Email Acceptable Use Policy
- Student Code of Conduct: Responsibilities & Rights
- Term Academic Honors
- Transcripts
- Transfer Credit Evaluations
- Veteran's Affairs
- Waiver of Minimum Age Requirement for Admission