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AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
Arapahoe Community College
Series 8 - Fiscal
AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
Originated: February 11, 2025
Effective: March 2025
References: BP 8-60; SP 8-60a
Stephanie J. Fujii, Ph.D.
President, Arapahoe Community College
This Procedure contains pertinent information affecting employees, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Procedure is inconsistent with State or Federal law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BPs) or Colorado Community College System President’s Procedures (SPs), the law, BPs and SPs shall supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System President, respectively. Employees are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the BPs, SPs as well as College directives, including but not limited to this Procedure.
Nothing in this Procedure is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an express or implied contract or to guarantee employment for any term. The College reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to this Procedure as it deems appropriate.
This procedure incorporates the requirements established in BP 8-60 Delegation of Signature Authority and SP 8-60a Delegation of Signature Authority.
This procedure establishes guidelines for delegation of signature authority to college personnel to approve purchases in their areas not to exceed the amounts indicated below, or the equivalent, in the aggregate. All delegations must be in writing and maintained in the ACC controller’s office. All arrangements to commit funds are subject to and must follow appropriate State Procurement Rules, including approval by the State Controller or designee.
Purchasing Authority Levels
All purchase transactions require two signatures. Any level of ORG authority can serve as the 1st signature/initiator. ORG Owner or higher authority—depending on transaction amount--from within the ORG’s subdivision must be one of the required signatures. Actual Pcard limits are set by Purchasing not to exceed the employee’s Purchasing Authority Level. All Purchasing Authority Levels can be held personally responsible for purchases made without proper authorization.
Vice Presidents
Purchasing Signature Authority to $25,000.
Accountable to President for fiscal operations within their division.
Responsible for verifying Purchasing Signature Authorities within their division are accurate and appropriate.
Serve as 2nd/ Final Signature for transactions between $10,000 - $25,000 within the division.
Responsible for verifying all purchases made within their division are appropriate and don’t exceed overall division budget.
May delegate $10,000 Level or lower purchasing authority for ORGS in their division.
Sub-Division Directors
(AVP, Dean, Director II/III (Cabinet Level), Executive Director)
Purchasing Signature Authority to $10,000.
Accountable to VP or President for fiscal operations within their sub-division.
Responsible for:
Verifying Purchasing Signature Authorities within their sub-division are accurate and appropriate.
Serve as 2nd / Final Signature for transactions between $5,000-$10,000 within the sub-division.
Verifying all purchases made within their sub-division are appropriate and don’t exceed overall sub-division budget.
Developing a budget for all ORGs within their functional area in collaboration with Department Managers each Fiscal Year to be submitted to their Vice President / President. Budgets are reviewed / revised at Fiscal Budget meetings with Sub-Division Directors and VPs and approved by Cabinet.
May delegate $5,000 Level or lower purchasing authority for ORGS in their sub-division.
Department Managers
(Director I & II, Faculty Department Chair, Associate Dean, Associate & Assistant Director, Manager, Executive Assistant.)
Purchasing Signature Authority to $5,000.
Accountable to Sub-Division Director for fiscal operations within their department.
Responsible for:
ORG Owner for Multiple ORGs.
Serve as 2nd / Final Signature for transactions for $5,000 or less within the department.
Reviewing budget to actual reports as necessary to verify that expenses are not exceeding designated budget.
Notifying Fiscal Budget and Sub-Division Director of any budget overages and developing a plan for bringing spending within budget.
Developing a budget for all ORGs within their functional area in collaboration with ORG owners each Fiscal Year to be submitted to their Sub-Division Director. Budgets are reviewed/revised at Fiscal Budget meetings with Sub-Division Directors and VPs and approved by Cabinet.
May not delegate Purchasing Signature Authority.
May delegate Query-Only Authority
ORG Owner Authority
Purchasing Signature Authority to $5,000.
Accountable to Department Manager for fiscal operations for their ORG.
Responsible for:
Verifying that all purchase transactions allocated to their ORGs are appropriate and within budget.
Must approve / sign all transactions applied to ORG.
Signing all invoices as received for transactions to be applied to their ORG. Will sign as receiver even if current invoice total is higher than Purchasing Signature Authority of $5,000. Associated Purchase Requisition provides higher authority approvals.
Notifying Department Manager of any budget overages and developing a plan for bringing spending within budget.
Developing a budget for their ORG in collaboration with their Department Manager each Fiscal Year to be submitted to their Sub-Division Director. Budgets are reviewed/revised at Fiscal Budget meetings with Sub-Division Directors and VPs and approved by Cabinet.
May not delegate Purchasing Signature Authority.
May delegate Query-Only Authority.
Pcard / Travel Card-Only Purchase Authority
Pcard Purchasing Authority to $2,500.
Authorized to make Pcard purchases up to their card limits but cannot be the final approver for any purchase transaction.
Pcard / Travel Card statements must be reviewed and approved by appropriate individual with ORG Owner or higher-level Purchasing Authority.
Additional Pcard authority may be awarded after review by the Purchasing Director and Budget Authority.
May not delegate Purchasing Signature Authority or Query-Only Authority.
Query-Only Authority
Access to view ORG activity in Finance Self-Service 9, but no purchase authority.
Cannot be held personally responsible for purchases made without proper authorization.
May not delegate Purchasing Signature Authority or Query-Only Authority.
President/Finance/IT Authority
Universal ORG access and Purchasing Signature Authority tailored to position.
President - $200,000
Vice President Finance & Administrative Services - $100,000
Controller - $100,000 with state controller delegation
Provost / VP Instruction - $100,000 with state controller delegation
Senior Information Officer - $50,000