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AP 16-60c Protocol for Posting and Bulletin Boards on Campus
Arapahoe Community College
Series 16 – Buildings and Grounds
AP 16-60c Protocol for Posting and Bulletin Boards on Campus
Originated: February 2020
Effective: February 2020
References: BP16-60 Facilities Use; SP 16-60 Facilities Use and SP 4-30a Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities Resolution Procedure
Stephanie J. Fujii, Ph.D.
President, Arapahoe Community College
ACC has determined to make certain College facilities available for posting items on designated bulletin boards. This protocol sets out the rules for posting flyers, posters, and notices at ACC. This protocol provides operational directives that interpret Board Policies and System Procedures. It does not create, nor shall be construed to create, an express or implied contract or a guarantee or promise of any specific process, procedures, practice or benefit.
This protocol contains information affecting students, employees and the general public. To the extent that any provision of this protocol is inconsistent with federal or state law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies Board Policies (BPs) or System Procedures (SPs), the law, BPs and SPs, shall, in that order, take precedence, supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System Chancellor, respectively. ACC reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to this protocol as it deems appropriate.
This protocol applies to students, employees and the general public.
- Student Life Boards – Bulletin boards designated for posting by ACC made by persons or organizations affiliated with Arapahoe Community College or its departments to promote on-campus events and activities.
- Community Boards – Bulletin boards available to the general public for posting items in accordance with this protocol, such as for community events, roommate/rental postings, job positing, tutoring services, textbook sales/rentals and items for sale by ACC students and staff.
- Departmental Board - Departmental bulletin boards are maintained by individual departments within Arapahoe Community College and may have restrictions on the material that can be posted on these boards as determined by Department Chairs, Deans, or Directors.
Campus Contacts for Bulletin Boards
Requests to post items on campus bulletin boards are coordinated through the campus contacts listed below:
- For students: Student Life Office
- For employees: Student Life Office or Marketing Office
- For recognized student groups: Student Life Office
- For members of the general public: Student Life Office
Rules for all posting and dissemination of materials in all areas of ACC
- All materials to be posted and/or disseminated must list the name and contact information (email and/or phone number) of the sponsoring group or person and include details for receiving accommodations.
- ACC is not responsible for loss, damage or return of posted materials.
- Materials to be posted are to be attached by masking/scotch tape, staples or tacks and must be attached in such a manner as not to damage or deface College property. Persons or groups who post materials that damage or deface College property shall be responsible for damages.
- No posters or printed materials shall be placed over other posters nor shall already affixed posters be unnecessarily moved.
- Only one copy of a poster or other printed material is allowed per bulletin board.
- Prior approval must be obtained from the Student Life Office before content may be added to postings placed within restrooms or other non-bulletin board areas.
- Postings on bulletin boards shall not exceed 8.5" by 14" unless pre-approved by the Student Life Office and Marketing Department.
- Distribution of newspapers or magazines must be approved by the Student Life Office. Approved newspapers or magazines are allowed only in designated bins.
- Flyers and handouts may not be placed on tables unless as a designed free standing table tent. Table tents must be approved by Student Life.
- Freestanding materials should not be placed within the path of travel and should allow sufficient room for persons with disabilities and other impairments to navigate safely. ACC-affiliated racks and freestanding kiosks are allowed only in designated areas. Special permission may be granted through the Student Life Office, with consultation with Facility Rental, for use of freestanding signage under unique circumstances.
- Additional methods for postings may be approved upon consultation with the Student Life Office and the Marketing Department.
Rules for Student Life Bulletin Boards
- Posting on Student Life bulletin boards is limited to items relating to College events or activities, recognized student clubs and organizations, or any activity sponsored by ACC.
- Postings must be approved by the appropriate Campus Contact.
- Postings related to specific events must be dated and will remain posted through the date of the event, space permitting.
- Postings related to general offerings will be kept up for the semester in-progress, space permitting.
- Priority for space will be given to events with a specific date.
- Posted materials should be removed or taken down within 48 hours of the date listed on the materials.
- Collegial postings should adhere to the standards delineated in the Americans with Disabilities Act and all postings for sponsored event shall contain an accommodation statement along with contact information.
- Materials to be posted and/or disseminated may not indicate ACC’s endorsement of a partisan, political, sectarian or religious position.
- Collegial postings should follow recommendations found in the ACC Style Guide & Graphic Standards Manual, see the Marketing department for more information.
- Items that are not approved may be removed by ACC, without notice, and items will not be returned to the owner.
Rules for Community Bulletin Boards
- Prior approval is not required for community postings. Community postings may only be placed at designated distribution points.
- Off-campus housing, textbook sales/requests and tutoring services/requests may be placed only on the designated community bulletin boards.
- All community postings shall be cleared on the final Friday of each month and all other postings will be completely cleared at the end of each semester by the Student Life Office. Bulletin boards may be cleared more frequently if they become too cluttered.
Refusal or Removal of a Posting
Postings may be removed for the following:
- Any advertising that competes with official College activities or businesses with which CCCS has entered into an exclusive contract (e.g., food service, beverage/snack vending).
- Any activity prohibited by local, state and/or federal laws (e.g., solicitation for credit cards, campaign contributions, sales or promotion of tobacco and tobacco-related products and marijuana or marijuana-related products).
- Failure by sponsoring individuals, groups or organizations to comply with these procedures.
- Items may be removed by ACC, without notice, and items will not be returned to the owner.
ACC reserves the right to deny a posting to any requestor who has already posted previously in the semester, in order to allow fair access to the bulletin boards for other requesting parties.
Violation of this protocol may result in having a posting removed without notice and without return of the item. ACC reserves the right to refuse to grant future requests to individuals or groups in violation of this protocol. Students and employees also may be subject to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion for students and dismissal or termination for employees.