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- AP 0-01 ACC Procedure Process
- AP 1-40 Academic Freedom
- AP 2-01 Shared Governance Structure
- AP 3-10 Employment Selection Procedure
- AP 3-10a Employment Standards Faculty Instructors
- AP 3-10b Employment Practices for Instructors
- AP 3-20 Due Process Faculty
- AP 3-20C - Issuance and Termination of Faculty Contracts
- AP 3-31 Evaluation Faculty Job Performance
- AP 3-31a Evaluation Administrative Professional And Technical Staff
- AP 3-44 Faculty Professional Development Award
- AP 3-45 Administrative, Professional and Technical Salary Plan
- AP 3-55 Faculty Salary Plan
- AP 3-60 Transitional Retirement Program
- AP 3-80 Faculty Rights Responsibilities And Workload
- AP 3-81 Chairs Rights And Responsibilities
- AP 3-125g Web It Accessibility Plan
- AP 3-150 Employee Code Conduct
- AP 3-160 Travel and Relocation Assistance for Finalists and New Hires
- AP 4-25 Tuition Classification Appeal
- AP 8-60 - Delegation of Signature Authority
- AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
- AP 9-30 Curriculum Development
- AP 9-47 Instructional Program Review
- AP 10-10b Social Media Accounts
- AP 10-20 Open Records Request
- AP 16-60a Protocol for Non-Commercial Expressive Activity on Campus by the General Public
- AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus
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AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
Arapahoe Community College
Series 9 – Educational Programs
AP 9-09 Requirements for Certificates and Degrees
Originated: January 1993
Revised: April 2003; March 2006; April 2021
Effective: April 2021
References: SP 4-10a; SP 9-30a; SP 9-30b; SP 9-80a
Diana M. Doyle, Ph.D.
President, Arapahoe Community College
This Procedure contains pertinent information affecting students, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Procedure is inconsistent with State or Federal law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BPs) or Colorado Community College System President’s Procedures (SPs), the law, BPs and SPs shall supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System President, respectively. Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the BPs, SPs as well as College directives, including but not limited to this Procedure.
Nothing in this Procedure is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an express or implied contract or to guarantee employment for any term. The College reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to this Procedure as it deems appropriate.
This procedure applies to students.
- Awarding Certificates and Degrees
The awarding of certificates, associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees will be governed by the following requirements:- A student applying for a certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree must be a current student with an active record (active student status in the official Student Information System).
- A student applying for a certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree must qualify under the requirements published in the College catalog
- The catalog must contain the certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree.
- Catalogs cannot be combined (e.g. some requirements from one catalog may not be combined with some requirements from another catalog).
- If a student’s record at ACC becomes inactive, they must reapply for admission and may only select from catalogs in effect after their readmittance.
- The catalog may not be more than six academic years old at the time of graduation.
- Some certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree programs may have more restrictive catalog year requirements and may limit the catalogs from which a student may choose for graduation requirements. Notwithstanding other guidance in this Procedure to the contrary, unless otherwise stated by the Department Chair, students must go by the requirements listed in the catalog for the academic year in which they were officially accepted in the certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree program.
- A minimum 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) in coursework applicable to the student’s certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree is required to earn a degree at ACC:
- Some certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree programs may require a minimum grade of “C” in all courses to meet program requirements for graduation.
- Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all credits applied to the certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree to qualify for the guaranteed transfer.
- A grade of "C" or better is required in each course applied to the associate degree in order to be accepted for guaranteed transfer as described in any applicable CCHE Transfer Policy.
A student must satisfy the residency requirements in one of the following ways*:
- Complete all certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree requirements at ACC, or
- Complete a minimum of 25% of the credit hours required for the certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree at ACC
*Certain certificate, associate degree, and bachelor’s degree programs may have more restrictive residency and/or transfer credit requirements.
- Awarding Second Certificates or Degrees
The awarding of a second certificate, associate degree or bachelor’s degree will be governed by the following requirements:- A student applying and qualifying for any certificate may earn a second certificate providing no more than 75% of the credit hours of the first certificate are applied to the second certificate.
- A student applying and qualifying for any associate degree may earn a second associate degree providing no more than 75% of the credit hours of the first associate degree are applied to the second associate degree.
- A student applying and qualifying for any bachelor’s degree may earn a second bachelor’s degree providing no more than 75% of the credit hours of the first bachelor’s degree are applied to the second bachelor’s degree.