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ACC and the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed and signed in March 2020. It established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). These allocated funds are for the students of Arapahoe Community College to “provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.” (CARES Act, Section 1800)
As a student of ACC, if you incurred expenses or hardships related to the coronavirus that disrupted your education, we may be able to help! This not only includes needs such as technology to participate in the remote learning versions of your classes, improvements in internet service, and new or additional course materials, but also if you are struggling due to the disruption to pay rent, buy food, pay for childcare, and pay for related healthcare expenses.
If you are struggling to pay any educational expenses or would like assistance taking classes in an upcoming semester, we can help with those too.
Arapahoe Community College signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. Arapahoe Community College signed the assurance and submitted on April 20, 2020, and received the funds on April 25, 2020.
$1,039,805 minimum will be used for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
Distribution of CARES funds to ACC Students
The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of the date of submission (i.e., as of the 30-day Report and every 45 days thereafter).
- As of June 30, 2021, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $1,039,805.00 to students.
- As of March 31, 2021, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $1,031,150.53 to students.
- As of December 31, 2020, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $1,023,905.00 to students.
- As of September 30, 2020, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $713,978.35 to students.
- As of August 12, 2020, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $707,770 to students
- As of July 1, 2020, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $693,820 to students
- As of May 20, 2020, Arapahoe Community College had distributed $515,770 to students
Estimated Total Number of Eligible Students
The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- 2,612 students are estimated to be eligible under Section 484 in Title IV.
Number of Students Who Have Received CARES Funds
The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- As of June 30, 2021, 1115 students have received a grant.
- As of March 31, 2021, 1112 students have received a grant.
- As of December 31, 2020, 1108 students have received a grant.
- As of September 30, 2020, 721 students have received a grant.
- As of August 12, 2020, 714 students have received a grant.
- As of July 1, 2020, 698 students have received a grant.
- As of May 20, 2020, 507 students have received a grant.
Methods Used to Determine Which Students Receive Grants
The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- All students enrolled in Spring 2020 courses that were not solely online were invited to apply. Students who applied were reviewed to determine if they met initial eligibility as designated by the Department of Education – specifically enrolled in Title IV eligible programs on campus (not online) as of March 13, 2020, and the nature of the impact (housing, technology, childcare, food, instructional materials, other). After review, applications were reviewed by Financial Aid professional staff to determine if the student was Title IV eligible or if additional information is needed to assess Title IV eligibility. The average award is $932.56 (updated June 30, 2021).
ACC CARES Plan Initiatives
The ACC CARES Plan consists of three initiatives;
- Student Emergency Relief
- Emergency Funds. Recognizing that the COVID-19 situation has drastically impacted many students, funding will be awarded to any ACC student, regardless of previous established financial need or prior eligibility, through a simple application and review process that is executed through the Dean of Students Office. It will utilize the established ACC Emergency Funds process which will be modified to account for needs due to COVID-19
- The Dean of Students Office (DOS) will refer student request and DOS-approved amount and purpose for funds to the Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid Office will apply the funds to the student’s account to be disbursed directly to the student through the Bank Mobile Vibe preferences chosen.
- Professional Judgement. Students who contact the Financial Aid Office for professional judgement consideration of financial aid eligibility will be asked about their expenses related to COVID-19 issues stemming from change in college instruction to fully remote mode and closure of campus facilities. Consideration of matters such as technology expenses or lack of access to free resources on campus (i.e. food pantry) will be reviewed and related funds awarded. As with the emergency fund process, the Financial Aid Office will apply the funds to a student’s account to be disbursed directly to the student through the Bank Mobile Vibe preferences chosen.
- Emergency Funds. Recognizing that the COVID-19 situation has drastically impacted many students, funding will be awarded to any ACC student, regardless of previous established financial need or prior eligibility, through a simple application and review process that is executed through the Dean of Students Office. It will utilize the established ACC Emergency Funds process which will be modified to account for needs due to COVID-19
- Student Continuation of Education Grants
- Grants available to students who dropped at least one course during the Spring 2020 semester, due to COVID-19 circumstances, to provide aid (up to $1000) to continue their education in either the Summer or Fall 2020 semester. COVID-19 related issues may include employment, health, technology, childcare, and/or another COA eligible expense. Financial Aid Office will disburse these grants directly to students. These funds will not apply to any student balances, but instead will be paid directly to students for use on expenses as determined by the student.
- Student Completion Grants
- Academic grants available to some students who have completed 30 or more toward their degree completion who indicate they are in need of funds to continue their education due to COVID-19 related issues and seek to complete course work for their degrees. This includes students who report that they are unable to enroll due to lack of funds because of loss of employment, housing, food, health issues or now needing technology, books, childcare or other resources to continue to be enrolled. Priority will be given to students in the Nursing program at ACC as the healthcare field has been impacted negatively in this pandemic. The Financial Aid Office will disburse these grants directly to students. These funds will not apply to any student balances, but instead will be paid directly to students for use on expenses as determined by the student, unless the student requests in writing that they wish for it to apply to their balance.
Eligibility requirements per the US Department of Education
Eligible students include US citizens taking on campus classes who have completed high school. Students in programs that were exclusively online prior to March 13, 2020 are not eligible. Eligibility will be verified prior to the distribution of grant funding. Students who have not filed a FAFSA but who are eligible to file a FAFSA also may receive emergency financial aid grants. The criteria to participate in programs under Section 484 of the HEA include but are not limited to the following: U.S. citizenship or eligible noncitizen; a valid Social Security number; registration with Selective Service (if the student is male); and a high school diploma, GED, or completion of high school in an approved homeschool setting. Source: US Dept. of Education.
CARES Act Emergency Grants Final Update
As of June 5, 2021 ACC has awarded the current allocation of the CARES Act Emergency Grants and is no longer processing applications. If you have need for technology or food or other assistance, please review student resources and if ACC is allocated additional funds, we will review the applications for awarding. In the meantime, you are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible if you have not already. If your financial situation has changed since you filed your 2018 taxes and you have already completed a FAFSA, please contact the Financial Aid Office ask about the Professional Judgement Appeal process. They will provide you with the steps necessary for your file to be reviewed with your current financial information.
Funds will be processed through your BankMobile account. The CARES funding available to ACC is limited and the funding available to ACC students will be distributed as soon as possible while the funds last. Applying for the funding early is strongly encouraged. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please apply and we will assist you accordingly.
Arapahoe Community College has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used the applicable amount of funds designated under the CRRSAA and ARP (a)(1) and (a)(4) programs to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
Total Allocated to ACC is $1,039,805
It is estimated that 5,346 students were eligible under Section 484 in Title IV.
HEERF II Awarding Process
Institutions are required to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants. The HEERF II funds can be awarded to online students as well. Effective May 14, 2021, the Secretary of Education amended the US Department of Education regulations by “revising the definition of ‘student’ to make clear that any individual who is or was enrolled at an eligible institution on or after the date the national emergency was declared for COVID-19 may qualify for assistance under HEERF program requirements. Because an individual is no longer required to be title IV eligible in order to receive a HEERF student grant, we are removing the definition of “student” from the general provisions regulations that apply to student assistance under the title IV programs and relocating the revised definition to 34 CFR part 677, which governs the HEERF programs.
How is ACC distributing HEERF II:
In order to adhere to ED’s requirements that distribution of grants should prioritize students with exceptional financial need, ACC will disburse funds in the following ways:
- The first round of disbursements will go to students who meet the following criteria:
- Have a non-rejected FAFSA on file.
- Enrolled in the Spring 2021 semester in a minimum of 1 credit hour at the time of disbursement
- The following tiers of Estimated Family Contributions (EFCs) and corresponding amounts will be followed. Note that the EFCs being used will be as of the day of disbursement unless a future update of the FAFSA lowers the EFC (ex. a professional judgement performed drops the EFC to a lower tier).
Institutional Portion |
Definition |
Amount awarded |
Tier I |
EFC = 1-5711 |
$700 |
Tier II |
EFC = 5712-11422 |
$500 |
Tier III |
EFC = 11423+ |
$300 |
Student Portion |
Definition |
Amount awarded |
Tier I |
EFC = 0 |
$700 |
These funds will be refunded directly to the students through the BankMobile refund process without being applied to students’ balance.
- The second round of disbursements will be based on requests through the Dean of Students Office (DOS). Students who express a significant financial hardship due to the effects of COVID-19 through communication with the Dean of Students office can be approved for CRRSAA funds. The Dean of Students will refer student information to the Office of Financial Aid with approved amounts to apply to student’s account.
- These funds will be refunded directly to student through the BankMobile refund process. Exceptions will be made to apply funds directly to a student’s balance if the student requests this in writing.
- The third round of disbursements will be awarded to any ACC student, regardless of previous established financial need or prior eligibility, through an individualized request and review process that is executed through the Dean of Students Office. It will utilize the established CARES Grant process for review of eligibility and then amounts based on previously studied local costs will be used to determine amount of funds student will receive. Students who have a Pell-eligible EFC will be prioritized for funding with those students receiving funds first and in the case the funds will be expended before all students have received funds, taking priority over those who do not have a Pell-eligible EFC.
- These funds will be refunded directly to student through the BankMobile refund process. Exceptions will be made to apply funds directly to a student’s balance if the student requests this on the form. In the case that funds applied to the balance exceed the balance due, the remaining funds will also be refunded directly to the student via the BankMobile refund process.
- The fourth round of disbursements will go to Pell Grant recipients enrolled in the Summer 2021 semester.
- These funds will be refunded directly to student through the BankMobile refund process. Exceptions will be made to apply funds directly to a student’s balance if the student requests this in writing.
January 1, 2021 - March 31, 2021
- Total Disbursed - $607,600
- Total Students – 868
- Average Award - $700
April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021
- Total Disbursed - $430,882.39
- Total Students – 493
- Average Award - $874
July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021
- Total Disbursed - $0
- Total Students – 0
- Average Award - $0
October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
- Total Disbursed - $0
- Total Students – 0
- Average Award - $0
Final Report
- Total Disbursed - $1,039,805
- Total Students (unduplicated) – 1087
- Average award: $955.79
American Rescue Plan (ARP) - HEERF III Reporting
Arapahoe Community College has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used the applicable amount of funds designated under the CRRSAA and ARP (a)(1) and (a)(4) programs to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
Total allocated to ACC is $5,156,577.
HEERF III Awarding Process
Emergency Funds
Recognizing that the COVID-19 situation has drastically impacted many students, funding will be awarded to any ACC student, regardless of previous established financial need or prior eligibility, through a simple application and review process that is executed through the Dean of Students Office. It will utilize pre-set amounts arrived at from research into costs for the metro area that correspond with established Cost of Attendance components.
For Summer 2021 and Fall 2021 Arapahoe Community College (ACC) will set up an online application where students will have multiple options which correspond with Cost of Attendance components. Students will select which costs they are unable to cover due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Financial Aid Office will apply the funds per the student’s selection according to the pre-set amounts for each component to the student’s account at ACC. The application contains the option for students to dictate if they wish for the funds to be disbursed directly to the student through the Bank Mobile Vibe preferences chosen or if they choose to have the funds applied to their balance at the school. The Cashier’s Office will process the refund selection based on this selection. Should funds become limited, priority will be given in the following way in date order:
- Primary priority is given to students enrolled in the current term who have FAFSAs on file and have gross need.
- Secondary priority is given to students enrolled in the current term who have FAFSAs on file and do not have a gross need.
- Tertiary priority is given to students who are enrolled in the current term and do not have a FAFSA on file.
For Spring 2022, Arapahoe Community College (ACC) will set up an online application where students will have multiple options which correspond with Cost of Attendance components. Students will select which costs they are unable to cover due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For Spring 2022, students who applied prior to January 21, 2022 will have the 3 (or fewer, if students select fewer than 3) components with the highest corresponding pre-approved amount selected as the funds they may receive if their application is approved. Students who applied after January 21, 2022 will be allowed to select up to 3 of their own most needed expenses to be covered, rather than up the full 6 originally available. Funds will be limited for Spring 2022 so priority will be established in the following way in date order at each disbursement date:
- Primary priority is given to students enrolled in the Spring 2022 term who have not yet received ARP funds, who have a FAFSA or CASFA on file and have gross need.
- Secondary priority is given to students enrolled in the Spring 2022 term who have not yet received ARP funds, either do not have a FAFSA or CASFA on file or who do have gross need.
- Tertiary priority is given to students who are enrolled in the current term who do not meet either 1 or 2
After the Spring 2022 semester ended, approvals for these funds also ended as the funds appeared spent in full.
Beginning Spring 2023, the funds that were reserved for students who were not enrolled in the active semester to help with past-due balances that existed due to COVID will be made available to the following students:
- Students who are not currently enrolled in Spring 2023 semester but have been enrolled at ACC at least one semester since the COVID-19 pandemic began (Spring 2020 and beyond) who have a past-due balance
- All students who are enrolled in Spring 2023 courses
To distribute the funds ACC will perform the following steps:
- A form will be created to provide students with the opportunity to apply to receive funds toward their COVID-related expenses. This form will ask them how they want to receive the funds, either applied to their balance or sent to them as a refund.
- An email will be sent to them informing them of the opportunity to apply for the remaining funds
- Students’ requested amounts will be honored up to $1200 but will not be smaller than $500
- Refunds will be issued or not issued based on the student’s answer on the form.
Students will be notified of their disbursement or the result of their application should not be approved to receive ARP funds through their myACC accounts. Notification of disbursements will include instructions on setting up refund preferences through their Bank Mobile Vibe account.
July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021
- Total disbursed between July 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021 - $2,728,267.40
- Total number of students receiving funds between July 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021 - 997
- Average award between July 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021 - $2,736.48
- Total ARP disbursed to date - $2,728,267.40
- Total students - 997
- Total Average Award - $2,736.48
- Eligible Students (unduplicated) - 19,436
October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
- Total disbursed between October 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 - $569,420.00
- Total number of students receiving funds between October 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 - 367
- Average award between October 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 - $1,551.55
- Total ARP disbursed to date - $3,297,687.40
- Total students - 1,068
- Total Average Award - $3,087.72
- Eligible Students (unduplicated) - 20,783
January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022
- Total disbursed between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022 - $1,564,471.05
- Total number of students receiving funds between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022 - 606
- Average award between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2022 - $2,581.64
- Total ARP disbursed to date - $4,862,158.45
- Total students - 1,329
- Total Average Award - $3,658.51
- Eligible Students (unduplicated) - 24,173
Institution HEERF Report
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 1.10.2024 (00134600_HEERF_042023_01.10.24.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 10.10.2023 Revised 01.10.24 (00134600_HEERF_Q32023_101023.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 10.10.2023 (00134600_HEERF_Q32023_101023.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 7.10.2023 (00134600_HEERF_Q22023_071023.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 4.10.2023 (00134600_HEERF_Q12023_041023.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 1.10.2023 (00134600_HEERF_Q42022_011023.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 10.10.2022 (00134600_HEERF_Q32022_101022.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 6.30.2022 (00134600_HEERF_Q22022_071022.pdf)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 3.31.2022 (00134600_HEERF_Q12022_04102022.PDF)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 12.31.2021 (00134600_HEERF_Q42021_01102022.PDF)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 9.30.2021 (00134600_HEERF_Q32021_01032022.PDF)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 9.30.2021 (00134600_HEERF_Q32021.PDF)
ACC HEERF I, II, & III Report 6.30.2021
ACC HEERF I CARES Report 3.31.2021
ACC HEERF II CRRSAA Report 3.31.2021
ACC Cares Reporting Form 12.31.2020
ACC Cares Reporting Form 9.30.2020
Institution HEERF Report 6.30.2020
If you need an accessible version of one of our reports, please contact fiscal [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (fiscal[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).