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Computer Information Systems - Business, AAS


CIP 110101 (BIZ2)

The Computer Information System (CIS) degree is a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree that prepares students with a solid set of skills and knowledge in the Computer Information System field. The degree allows students to further their knowledge by pursuing an area of emphasis towards industry certification, computer programming or transferring to a 4-year university. *

Major courses are carefully selected in areas of Information Systems, Computer Networking, and Computer Programming to provide students with an exceptional foundation in the field.

Job opportunities exist in entry-level positions as a computer support professional or technician, systems analyst or computer programmer.

*The Business concentration allows students to transfer to Metropolitan State University - Denver (MSU-Denver) toward a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems. Please see an advisor for more information.

Program Requirements

Business Concentration (13 credit hours)

Note: Students completing this Concentration and all prescribed coursework are eligible to transfer to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems at MSU-Denver.

Total: 60 credit hours

Graduation Requirements

  • Apply for graduation online at
  • As a graduate of a Career and Technical Education program you will be contacted by an ACC employee in approximately six months to verify your employment information. This information gathering is a federal requirement to ensure that ACC receives certain federal funding.