Digital Marketing Certificate
CIP 520201 BADM
The Digital Marketing Certificate is intended to give students a foundation of business and marketing and to focus on strategies for digital marketing and applying these for meeting business goals. The certificate will also focus on measuring and analyzing applicable strategies using social media and digital analytics, employing these concepts to plan a marketing campaign. The certificate will provide students with digital marketing concepts such as digital analytics, social media marketing and digital marketing.
Admission Requirements
Program Requirements
Major Courses (18 Credit Hours)
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
OR MAR 2035 - Consumer Behavior
3 Credits
Total Hours: 18 credit hours
Graduation Requirements
- Apply for graduation online at
- As a graduate of a Career and Technical Education program you will be contacted by an ACC employee in approximately six months to verify your employment information. This information gathering is a federal requirement to ensure that ACC receives certain federal funding.