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Medical Office Administrative Assistant Certificate - Academic Plan


Total Credits = 9

The Administrative Assistant certificate enables students to work the front office/reception area of physician's offices. The MOT curriculum is designed to facilitate the correlation between theory and clinical practice while exercising critical thinking proficiency.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Recommendations

Where requirements are listed as course categories (e.g. Electives, Arts/Humanities) rather than as specific courses, please note that depending upon course choice, prerequisites may be required.

*Grade C or better required

Recommended Course Sequence (Part-Time Track)


  • Refer to the 2024/2025 Catalog for program admission, elective course and graduation requirements; consult the MOT Department for specific course planning information and guidance and utilize DegreeCheck to monitor progress.
  • This certificate REQUIRES departmental advising; therefore a suggested course sequence will be determined according to the student's schedule. Student must email program chair to schedule advising session.