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Computer Science Transfer Major, AS: CSU - Academic Plan


Total Credits = 60

The program provides a computer science foundation in the mathematical and scientific principles underlying computing and information technology, along with hands-on instruction in developing effective design and analysis skills related to computing systems. Career paths for Computer Science include software developer, systems administrator, systems analyst, and applications developer. A full-time student can complete this Associate of Science (AS) degree in two years. This degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year university to complete the second half of a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science. To be successful, a student should have strong math, computer and keyboarding skills, and be detail-oriented.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Recommendations

Where requirements are listed as course categories (e.g. Electives, Arts/Humanities) rather than as specific courses, please note that depending upon course choice, prerequisites may be required.
*Grade C or better required

Required Course Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommendation
MAT 2410 - Calculus I: GT-MA1 Prerequisite: MAT 1420 - College Trigonometry: GT-MA1 or MAT 1440 - Pre-Calculus: GT-MA1 or College Level Math Placement
CSC 1060 - Computer Science I (Language) Prerequisite: CSC 1019 - Introduction to Programming: (Programming Language) or MAT 1340 - College Algebra: GT-MA1 or higher
MAT 2420 - Calculus II: GT-MA1 Required for most Computer Science programs at most 4-year institutions Prerequisite: MAT 2410 - Calculus I: GT-MA1

Required for Colorado State Univeristy:

Required Course Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommendation
CSC 2065 - Discrete Structures Prerequisite or Corequisite: CSC 1061 - Computer Science II (Language)
CSC 2034 - C++ Programming (Platform) Prerequisite: CSC 2033 - Object-Oriented Prog.: (Lang)

Recommended Course Sequence (Full-Time Track)

Year 1: Spring
Natural / Physical Science GT-SC2

~Recommend Natural / Physical Science Course(s)~

Year 2: Fall
Natural / Physical Science GT-SC1

~Recommended Natural / Physical Science Course(s)~

Social / Behavioral Science GT-SS1-SS3

Choose one course:

~Recommended Social / Behavioral Science Course(s)~

Year 2: Spring
Arts / Humanities GT-AH1-AH4

Choose one course:

~Recommended Arts / Humanities Course(s)~

Elective Course

Choose one course:

~Recommended Elective(s)~

Social / Behavioral Science GT-SS1-SS3

Choose one course:

~Recommended Social / Behavioral Science Course(s)~

Recommended Course Sequence (Part-Time Track)

Year 1: Spring
Natural / Physical Science GT-SC2

~Recommended Natural / Physical Science Course(s)~

Year 1: Summer
Arts / Humanities GT-AH1-AH4

Choose one course:

~Recommended Arts / Humanities Course(s)~

Year 2: Fall
Natural / Physical Science GT-SC1

~Recommended Natural / Physical Science Course(s)~

Year 2: Spring
Year 3: Spring
Elective Course

Choose one course:

~Recommended Elective(s)~

Social / Behavioral Science GT-SS1-SS3

Choose one course:

~Recommended Social / Behavioral Science Course(s)~

Year 3: Summer
Social / Behavioral Science GT-SS1-SS3

Choose one course:

~Recommended Social / Behavioral Science Course(s)~


  • **CSC 1060 and CSC 1061 must be taught in a specific programming language (i.e., Java or C++) to be accepted for transfer by the receiving institution. Please consult with an academic advisor when registering for these courses. CSC 1060 has a prerequisite of CSC 1019 or equivalent.
  • All courses required for this degree must be completed with a "C" or better to be considered for transfer to another Colorado institution. Transferability of courses to colleges or universities outside of Colorado is determined by the receiving institution.
  • In order to meet program requirements, students registered for ENG 1021 or ENG 1031 must also register for ENG 0094 unless they can demonstrate otherwise meeting the ENG 0094 standard through assessment testing, prior college coursework, or recent High School coursework. See an Advisor for details.
  • Please refer to the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement for Computer Science on the CDHE website ( for specific information on the required courses and elective credits accepted by each of the four-year institutions.
  • Recommended courses are listed below for certain electives; consult with the Academic Advising Office (advising [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5664) or the Sociology Department for additional recommendations.