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Sound Engineering Certificate - Academic Plan


Total Credits = 22

The Sound Engineering certificate program offers opportunities for students to add a wide range of music technology related courses to their expertise in order to advance in their jobs and to enhance skills needed in the audio industry. The content includes, but is not limited to: computer music software applications, audio recording/production, and live sound engineering.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Recommendations

Where requirements are listed as course categories (e.g. Electives, Arts/Humanities) rather than as specific courses, please note that depending upon course choice, prerequisites may be required.

*Grade C or better required

Required Course Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommendation
MUS 2085 - Independent Study Required: Instructor's permission

Recommended Course Sequence (Part-Time)

Year 2 - Fall
1.0 Credits



  • Course availability is subject to change.
  • Recommended courses may be listed above for certain electives; consult with the Academic Advising Office (advising [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5664) for additional elective recommendations.
  • Refer to 2024/2025 catalog for specific requirements and important information about this certificate.