Provides the learner with the opportunity to apply clinical concepts, strategies, and skills in a supervised field internship setting as a pre-hospital healthcare provider. Under the supervision of a preceptor, participants will be expected to manage all aspects of an emergency call from the time of dispatch to patient transfer. This will include radio, verbal and written communications, legal and ethical issues, response activities, scene assessment and management, patient interaction, assessment, and treatment, patient disposition, and preparation for the next call. The course allows the learner to gain knowledge, skills, and experience that may be required for employment, or required as a pre-requisite for further Emergency Medical Services (EMS) education. The knowledge base for this course is based on current pre-hospital healthcare provider certification, and knowledge and skills acquired from EMS classes the participant has completed or is currently enrolled in. Note: This course was previously listed as EMS 181.
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Programs by Pathway
EMS Internship I