Game Design and Development, AAS
CIP 500411 (GAM)
The Game Design and Development A.A.S. Degree prepare students for a broad range of careers in the Gaming industry, including independent game developer, computer programmer and game artist. Graduates of the degree may also elect to work in multimedia or graphic design capacities.
Students will develop 2D and 3D digital modeling, digital animation, and programming skills using an industry standard gaming engine. Course electives allow students to gain experience with art concepts, digital sound editing and additional 3D modeling tools.
Students will develop a Portfolio while completing the degree to show to prospective employers.
The number of local companies in Game development in Colorado is increasing; please check the Colorado Game developer association website for more information: However, as U.S. game studios tend to be concentrated in specific cities, graduates may need to relocate to pursue a career in this field. Students can pursue a 4-year degree by transferring their courses to the University of Denver's Animation and Game Development degree. Please see an advisor for more details.
Note: Because gaming technology changes more rapidly than that in other fields, students may be required to upgrade their PCs during the course of their program.
Admission Requirements
Program Requirements
- CSC 116 - Programming Logic 3 Credits
Students must take 12-13 credits from the following
- or any CSC course approved by Department
Graduation Requirements
- Apply for graduation online at
- As a graduate of a Career and Technical Education program you will be contacted by an ACC employee in approximately six months to verify your employment information. This information gathering is a federal requirement to ensure that ACC receives certain federal funding.