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Study the science of the physical world at Arapahoe Community College and earn a Physics degree that will transfer to 4-year universities in Colorado.

ACC student completing physics problem on a white board in a physics class at ACC's Littleton Campus.

Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion, and behavior through space and time, and is one of the oldest academic disciplines. Its study has led to the discovery of electricity, flight, transistors, and nuclear energy, and some of the most well-known scientists, including Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, and Sally Ride, were physicists.

By studying physics at ACC, you could follow in their footsteps, helping to understand the physical world and the causes of its phenomena. If topics such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and cosmology really get your gears turning, then our Associate of Science in Physics is a great way to get started in a field with opportunities for both career growth and self-fulfillment. Our AS degree in Physics is designed to transfer, so you can continue to Move Mountains in your education after you graduate.

ACC Admissions
admissions [at]
Jennifer Jones
Program Chair / Faculty
jennifer.jones [at]

What You'll Learn

In studying the science of physics, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use graphical methods to document results and analyze problems
  • Analyze physical situations and apply physical laws to solve problems
  • Communicate scientific ideas and methods clearly in writing

CIP 400801 (DPHY)

The purpose of a statewide articulation agreement is to identify the courses a student at a Colorado public community college must complete as part of an AA/AS degree to be guaranteed to be able to complete the designated baccalaureate degree program at public four-year colleges and universities as designated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) transfer agreement.

For more information about this transfer degree please refer to the Colorado Department of Higher Education website.

Program Requirements

General Education Courses (36 credit hours)
Written Communication (6 credit hours)

GT - One GT Pathways approved CO3 course (GT-CO3)

Mathematics (5 credit hours)
Arts and Humanities (9 credit hours)
  • GT - Three GT Pathways Arts & Humanities courses (GTAH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3, GT-AH4)
History (3 credit hours)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 credit hours)
  • GT - One GT Pathways Social & Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, or GT-SS3)
Natural and Physical Sciences (10 credit hours)
Additional Required Courses (24 credit hours)

Please Note: If these credits are not required for the major at a receiving 4-year institution, they will be applied to the Bachelor's degree as elective credit towards graduation. Please check with the receiving institution to determine in which way these courses will be applied.

  • MAT 266 - Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4 Credits *

*Please be advised: If you choose one of these courses, it will put you over 60 credits. The courses will transfer, but the extra credits may not. That is, the receiving institution may still require the completion of 60 credits for the major.

2 Students planning to transfer to University of Colorado Boulder must take CHE 1112 (not CSC 1060) to fulfill this requirement.
3 Students planning to transfer to University of Northern Colorado must take CSC 1060 (not CHE 1112) to fulfill this requirement.
4 Students planning to transfer to Fort Lewis College or University of Colorado Colorado Springs must take both CSC 1060 and CHE 1112
5 Students planning to transfer to a receiving institution not listed here may choose either one of these courses.

Students are strongly encouraged to seek academic advising prior to registration regarding the acceptability of online science courses if they anticipate transferring to a 4-year institution or completing graduate work in the sciences or health professions. It should be noted that per Colorado Revised Statute, §23-1-125(1)(e), general education courses taken online are guaranteed to satisfy core course (gtPathways) requirements at all Colorado public institutions of higher education.

Total: 60 credit hours

All courses required for this degree must be completed with a "C" or better to be considered for transfer to another Colorado institution. Transferability of courses to colleges or universities outside of Colorado is determined by the receiving institution.

Graduation Requirements

ACC academic plans will help guide you through your chosen program. The academic plan will provide you with important information, like which semesters courses are offered if there are any prerequisites or co-requisites for courses, program outcomes, course sequence recommendations, notes for the program, graduation requirements, and other important information. These are updated annually, so we recommend downloading a copy of yours to keep on track to graduation.

Job Opportunities in Physics