ACC Distinguished Faculty 2018-2019 Profile: Denice Pardee

Accounting, both as a faculty member and program chair.
Years teaching at ACC
14; I was a part-time instructor for nine years and have been full-time faculty for the last five.
Total number of years teaching
I have been teaching for 14 years. Teaching is my second career; my first - for over 15 years - was in financial management at various healthcare organizations in Colorado.
Undergraduate degree
BS, Accounting, MSU Denver.
Graduate degree
MS, Health Administration, CU Denver
Professional honors & credentials
Leadership Academy, 2015-16; Master Teacher, 2017; Distinguished Faculty, 2018-19.
Current committee work
Outside of ACC: member of American Accounting Association (AAA), Teachers of Accounting at Two-Year Colleges (TACTYC) and Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA). At ACC: Professional Development Advisory Board, Faculty Senate Executive Team, Workload Committee and Peer Review Committee.
Fun fact about me
My favorite color is purple. For those that know me, this is no surprise.
My most memorable moment at ACC
When my students visit to inform me about a new job, a job promotion or how they’re doing at a four-year university. Hearing about my students’ success is why I teach at ACC. Congratulations, Denice Pardee, one of ACC's Distinguished Faculty for 2018-2019!