ACC - Spring Courses & Information
Hello ACC Pumas!
We have a great video Keeping Our Neighbors Safe that explains many details including how courses are offered, safety measures ACC is taking and what we are asking you to do as a student for Spring 2021. Please take a few minutes to watch the video.
ACTION ITEM FOR Today, Tuesday, January 12
Know how your course will be offered! Do you need to be on campus? Do you need to log in and how will that work?
- Several courses scheduled to be in-person for Spring 2021 will be starting remote/virtual until February 8. During this time ACC will carefully monitor the recommendations and requirements of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE), Tri-County Health Department (TCHD), and the Governor’s Office.
- Generally speaking, courses that have hands on skills (Automotive, Nursing, Medical, Law Enforcement) will meet in person immediately. Other courses (English, History, Math, etc.) will meet virtually until at least Feb. 8. Please see instructions in this message to determine HOW, WHERE and WHEN the course you are enrolled in will meet.
- All courses offered by ACC should have course access details posted in Desire2Learn (D2L) as of today, Tuesday, January 12th. CCCOnline courses may not have provided D2L access as of January 12th, so please check back or visit CCCOnline for details. Please read this entire message to determine the differences between ACC Online and CCC Online course offerings. Please note – not all details of the course may be posted yet in D2L, but the details of how the class will meet (especially if in person, but virtual temporarily until Feb. 8) should be in D2L.
How do I check how my courses will be offered?
- In myACC...Student Tab (across top)...Student Schedule (on left side of screen) and check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L). This will have information specific to your course.
- You may download the Navigate App and check your schedule via Navigate on your mobile device. Download links and learn how to use Navigate.
- Note the DATE the course starts. Some courses are accelerated and may not start until a date in March. Check the date!
- Note the Building and Room or Where the schedule indicates the class will meet. If the ROOM indicates VIRTUAL or REMOTE, see the descriptions of how those courses will be offered.
- Check out this helpful information on how to make sense of the abbreviations and codes on the course schedule. Double-check the Campus – does your course meet in Parker, or Sturm Castle Rock, Littleton or Art & Design?
- Courses that are REMOTE, VIRTUAL or ONLINE (ACCOnline or CCCOnline) will not have the way they are offered change mid-semester. While we will do our best to avoid it, ACC may have to switch an In Person 50% course to VIRTUAL or REMOTE if needed as response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Person 50%
If there is a room and room number/where, with a date and time, this course will be in person for 50% of the time for you. Students with a last name starting with A-K will attend first class session, those with the last name L-Z will attend second class session, alternating as the course progresses.
- Example 1: Your AAA 101 course meets Monday & Wednesday, starting January 19th at ACC Main Building at 3pm. My last name starts with the letter M. Because this Spring semester, I know some in person courses will meet remotely/virtually until at least February 8th. My instructor MAY be streaming live on Wednesday at 3pm and I would be expected to log on and participate virtually Wednesday at 3pm. Instructors will posting specific courses information in D2L on January 12. In myACC - Student Tab (across top) - Student Schedule (on left side of screen), check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L). I will then plan to physically go to class on Wednesday, February 10th to the class location unless I hear otherwise from ACC or the instructor.
- Example 2: Humanities (HUM 115 – World Mythology) meets Thursday nights, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. once a week at the ACC Parker Campus, and starts March 3, 2021. My last name starts with the letter E. I will go physically to the class the first Thursday it meets. On the second Thursday the class meets, I will access the course according to the instructor’s instructions. This may include being online and virtual at the same time the class meets, or may involve self-paced work on my own time. The instructor will communicate this to all enrolled students. Instructors will be contacting students with exact details prior to the first day of class and the week prior to March 3, students can see meeting instructions in myACC - Student Tab (across top) - Student Schedule (on left side of screen), check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L). I will not physically go to class until the week of March 3, and will check D2L closer to March 3 for specific course instructions.
- Example 3: English (ENG 121 – Composition I) meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. in AM4770 (ACC Main Building, 4th floor, room 4770). My instructor MAY be streaming live on Tuesday & Thursday and I would be expected to log on and participate virtually at the time the class meets. Between January 19th and February 8th, the first three weeks of the semester, the instructor MAY be doing class remotely which may include working online, attending virtual meetings live, and self-paced work on my own. Instructors will posting specific courses information in D2L on January 12. In myACC - Student Tab (across top) - Student Schedule (on left side of screen) and check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L). Beginning the week of February 8, my class will begin meeting in person. My last name begins with a W and so I would begin attending class in-person on Thursday, February 11th.
This indicates the courses are Virtual Real Time courses. In the student schedule, the ROOM will say VIRTUAL Real Time. A time and day will be indicated. There will be a date range for the course. All of the class content is delivered online in real time via video conferencing tools such as WebEx, Zoom, etc. Specific meeting times will align with the course schedule. The instructor sets the pace of the course via deadlines for discussions, assignments, quizzes, etc. Watch for either an email communication from the instructor prior to the first day of class OR on Tuesday, January 12, students will have access to each course via D2L and any links for video conferences via the Course Access icon in myACC.
In the student schedule, ROOM or WHERE will indicate REMOTE. All of the class content is delivered online, not in real time. Online content can be completed at any time within the deadlines set by the instructor. Optional real time video conferencing sessions may be available at a variety of times. The instructor sets the pace of the course via deadlines for discussions, assignments, quizzes, etc. Watch for either an email communication from the instructor prior to the first day of class OR on Tuesday, January 12, students will have access to each ACC course via D2L and any links for video conferences via the Course Access or Student Schedule in myACC. A course that is REMOTE will not change to In Person during the Spring 2021 semester.
(no changes for Spring 2021. This courses are offered in this format pre-COVID)
Students may take online courses offered either by ACCOnline or CCCOnline. ACCOnline courses are taught by ACC instructors who know ACC degrees and certificates and support resources for students. CCCOnline courses are taught by instructors who are a part of the Colorado Community College System. Either type of online courses are accessed via D2L by selecting the Course Access icon in myACC. A course that is ONLINE will not change to In Person during the Spring 2021 semester.
You might be asking yourself – what is the difference between Remote and ACC Online or CCCOnline? Remote courses WOULD have been offered in person if the health concerns of a global pandemic had not impacted ACC’s Spring 2021 course offerings. ACC is charging in person tuition rates for REMOTE and VIRTUAL courses. REMOTE courses do not require students to log in at a scheduled time like a VIRTUAL real time course will. ACC has always offered both ACCOnline and CCCOnline courses.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We are here to support you in your success.
Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President for Student Affairs
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