From November 14 through November 18, 2016, all enrolled ACC students will have the opportunity to vote yes or no on an incremental student bond fee for the purpose of constructing a new building for a Castle Rock collaboration campus to serve ACC student needs. Here are a few FAQs about this proposed bond fee referendum. When is the voting period and how do we vote? Voting is November 14 - 18. All currently enrolled student will be eligible to vote in the bond referendum. Students will receive an email from "donotreply [at] arapahoe [dot] edu" Monday, November 14 with a link to a survey to complete the voting process. Each student will be required to enter their ACC Student ID number in order to vote. The Student ID number will be used to verify the student has only voted once, not to track responses. If a student votes more than one time, only their first vote will count. The link will be active until Friday, November 18 at midnight. What is a passing vote? A simple majority will count as a passing vote. For example 51% For the Fee vs 49% Against the Fee would be a passing vote. What will this campus do for the community? It will offer more classes and services in the Castle Rock area and provide ACC students with an opportunity to complete a Bachelor’s degree without having to drive to Fort Collins. The collaboration campus will have space for employers and students to partner on internships and other learning opportunities. What kind of classes will be offered in Castle Rock on the new campus? The campus will have courses that are guaranteed to transfer. English, Math, Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Social Sciences. How will this new campus increase the value of my degree? The Campus will give students an opportunity to gain real world experience when working directly with employers through internships or service learning. The fact that CSU wants to partner with ACC means that they value your ACC Degree. Why is there a big jump in the fee in the year of 2019? The new campus is expected to open in Fall of 2019. Students enrolled at ACC in Fall of 2019 will be the first to have access and use the new campus. It will also allow for space to open up in current classes (like Science) on the Littleton Campus with Parker and Castle Rock students taking those classes at the new Campus. What are our fees now? Right now students taking classes at the Littleton Campus pay a $2.80 per credit hour fee (up to 12 credit hours) that was enacted by a previous student vote to pay for maintenance of student spaces in the Main Building of the Littleton Campus. Students taking classes on the Parker and Castle Rock Campuses or online do not currently pay this fee. Who will pay the fee if it is passed? If the Bond is passed, all students on all campuses (with the exception of Concurrent Enrollment students who take classes at their High School) will pay the fee based on credit hours starting at $2.80 up to 12 credit hours in Fall 2017. What if the Bond does not pass? If the bond does not pass, fees will remain that same as they are now. ACC will continue with the project for the Castle Rock Campus. A Bond Fee may be reintroduced for student vote at another time. A tuition fee increase may be petitioned by ACC through the Colorado Community College System. How many students will be on the new Castle Rock Campus? The campus is expected to support up to 1000 students by the end of the first 5 years of operation with one building. Long term plans include a second building will be constructed for continued growth. Whoa two buildings? Will that mean more fees in the future? No. The fee that would be put in place for the construction and development of the Castle Rock Campus will not go above the projected $8.00 per credit hour in the year of 2021 and beyond. Will I be charged for every credit hour? You will be only charged a fee on a maximum of 12 credit hours per semester. Do other Metro area Community Colleges charge Bond Fees? Yes. Community College of Aurora - $2.24 per credit hour Community College of Denver - $6.79 per credit hour Front Range Community College - $33.71 per semester (Student Bond Fee) plus $4.15 per credit hour (New Construction Fee) Pikes Peak Community College - $3.30 per credit hour (Parking Bond $1.35 and Student Center Bond $1.95 combined) Red Rocks Community College - $70.00 per semester Student Recreation Bond fee plus $2.50 per credit hour Student Center Bond Fee What about 4-year Colleges? We are happy to help you with the transfer process. We want you to pursue your Bachelor's Degree. Here are some of the Bond/Facilities Fees you can expect to pay. Metropolitan State University - Metro Bond Fee of $21.15 per credit hour Colorado State University – $20.75 per credit hour University of Colorado – Boulder – $170.00 for 7 or more credit hours (Capital Construction Fee), $106.96 for more than 1 class of any credit hours (Rec Center Expansion Fee) University of Colorado – Denver – Auraria Bond Fee $64.00 University of Colorado – Colorado Springs – $33.00 + 9.50 per credit hour (University Center Bond Fee) University of Denver – $590 per credit hours Bachelor of Arts Completion fee. Regis University – Various flat fees of about $2046 per semester Didn’t see your question? Just Ask.
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