ACC Student Spotlight: Andrew Groom

As an ACC student, Andrew has obtained a degree that puts him directly in line to start a specific career at a cost well below that of a four-year state school or a private college.
He would definitely recommend ACC to others because the college works hard to engage with the students and incorporate their feedback as much as possible into the running of the institution. He values ACC as receiving a good quality education and views this s a huge benefit.
Andrew is also a work study employee in the Financial Aid Office. He said that working at ACC has definitely helped him integrate into the community here. “There are so many great employees who are ready and willing to help students achieve their academic goals and I have just really enjoyed being able to work alongside such an excellent team,” replied Andrew. Through his ACC student employment, he has greatly improved upon his customer service skills and has increased his cultural awareness of the many differing people and their circumstances as they look to progress through the education system.
Andrew wanted to end by saying, “ACC has everything you need to become successful as a student pursuing you academic dreams and plenty of people willing to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask.” Andrew is ACC!