Have you considered where you will transfer? It is never too early to start researching 4-year universities! Exploring your options earlier will help you make educated choices about your classes here at ACC. Take time to consider what you are looking for in a 4-year institution. Check out the list below to help determine what factors are important to you when it comes to picking the right university for you! Examples of Factors to Consider When Researching Schools
- Program of Study – Consider if the college offers programs that will help you achieve your career goals.
- School Size – Would you prefer a large or small school?
- Class Size – How large do you like your classes to be?
- Support Programs – Does the college offer programs to help you stay in school?
- Transfer of Credit – How will my community college credits transfer?
- City and Neighborhood – Do you prefer a city or a small town?
- Campus Culture – When visiting each college, get a feel for its personality? Does it match yours?
- Distance from Home – How close would you like to live to your family?
- Extracurricular Activities – Do you have activities in your life that you can’t live without?
- Religious Affiliation – Depending on your religious beliefs, you may be interested in looking at a college affiliated with your religious background.
- Cost of Attendance (COA) – While a college may appear more expensive, what will the final cost be after receiving financial aid and scholarships?
- Financial Aid Options – Does the college have special financial aid options to help you pay for college? Payment plans? Guaranteed COA?
- Outside Learning Opportunities – Does the college offer internships, externships, study abroad opportunities or service learning opportunities?
Things to Consider When Transferring to a 4 Year School
- Understand all applicable dates and deadlines.
- Transferring mid-year can result in less financial aid and fewer course choices.
- Completing your associates degree has benefits:
- ACC may have a guaranteed transfer degree or a transfer agreement in your area of study.
- Less expensive in the long run to finish your associates degree before transferring.
- Credits completed at an institution of higher education in the state of Colorado are good for 10 years.
- Students must earn a ‘C’ or better for courses to be accepted for transfer.
Are you ready to learn more about your transfer opportunities? Join us for the Fall Transfer Fair on Tuesday, October 20, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Visit with over 35 local and national universities to learn more about their programs and how your credits may transfer. Come get transfer information, free pizza, and try your luck at the prize wheel!
Other upcoming Transfer events, sponsored by the Transfer Club: MSU-Denver Lunch & Learn Oct. 28, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Lounge – Main Building, ACC-Littleton Campus Join us for lunch and an information session about the transfer process. Hear from a panel of students who transferred from ACC and other institutions to MSU Denver. (Lunch provided.) Colorado School of Mines Campus Visit Nov. 13, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tour Mines and listen to an advising information session. Meet at ACC at 9:45 a.m. to carpool. Advanced RSVP required. Contact Rae Brendecke at rae [dot] brendecke [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (rae[dot]brendecke[at]arapahoe[dot]edu), 303.797.5705 to RSVP by 11/10. For more information on any of these events, or to request accommodations, contact Rae Brendecke at rae [dot] brendecke [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (rae[dot]brendecke[at]arapahoe[dot]edu), 303.797.5705.
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