Meet our ACC Campus Police officers – Chief and Sarge

You’ve seen them around campus, but just in case you haven’t met them, we'd like to introduce two of our ACC Campus Police officers – Chief Joseph Morris and Sergeant Kieth Moreland.
Meet Chief Joseph Morris
Chief arrived at ACC nearly 12 years ago and has been working in law enforcement for 39 years. He graduated from the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy in Morris Plains, New Jersey, before going on to complete his associate (Criminal Justice; Morris County College), bachelor’s (Saint Elizabeth University) and graduate (Fairleigh Dickenson University) degrees.
Chief takes pride in watching the professional development of our police officers and their commitment to strengthening relationships throughout the ACC community. He reminds everyone to be alert to their surroundings and encourages people to formulate action plans in their own minds for situations when threats to safety may occur. One of Chief’s fondest memories at ACC was the summer of 2013 when his son worked on campus in Facilities before returning to college.
Here's a glimpse at what Chief enjoys during his leisure time when he’s not protecting the ACC community:
Skiing, mountain biking & road biking
Weight training & golf
Learning guitar & bass guitar
Meet Sergeant Kieth Moreland
"Sarge” has been working in law enforcement for nearly 45 years and is coming up on his 10-year anniversary at ACC. A graduate of the Los Angeles Police Academy – Elysian Park, Sarge also earned an associate degree (Administration of Justice) from Pasadena City College. He developed the ACC Campus Police internal awards program and enjoys commending ACC’s officers for their actions going above and beyond the call of duty.
Sarge conveys that one of his favorite parts of the job is being able to review the work performed by the other officers and, subsequently, provide guidance/training. Furthermore, he advises everyone to hide valuables that are kept inside automobiles (car burglars love to window shop). He enjoys researching family history/genealogy and serves as lay clergy at his church. Career accolades for Sarge include:
ACC PD Lifesaving Award
LAPD Police Medal
LAPD Police Star (3 times)
LAPD Meritorious Achievement Medal
LAPD Meritorious Unit Citation (twice)
LAPD Human Relations Medal
Next time you see Chief and Sarge, make sure to say hello!
Pictured: Sergeant Moreland (left) and Chief Morris (right)