Spring 2022 Student Updates

Hello ACC Students –
Countdown to the start of ACC’s Spring 2022 semester is underway! Spring courses will start the week of January 18, 2022 and from now until then, I will be sending you information I hope will help you have a successful semester at ACC. You are getting this email because you are either enrolled in ACC Spring 2022 courses or have been enrolled in the past and not yet completed your degree or certificate.
Students who are concurrently enrolled in high school and ACC, please note these items apply to you if you are taking any courses that would normally be in person at ACC and not at your specific high school.
Please continue to monitor the ACC Webpage and your student email for the latest updates. I am including some important updates in this email – please do not hesitate to reach out with questions!
NEXT WEDNESDAY, January 12, NO SERVICES VIRTUAL OR IN PERSON 8:00am - 10:00am due to an All College Meeting for all ACC employees.
Thank you for your understanding as we prepare for Spring 2022.
Important Updates:
Given the rise of the Omicron variant, staffing concerns, the need to adjust during the holiday surge, and current testing scarcity, Staff and Students will be primarily remote with classes being taught virtually through January 31, 2022.
- Staff will be primarily remote. ALL ACC services are available virtually, so there is no need to come to campus.
- Spring Semester classes will begin remotely Tuesday, January 18th. Classes will return to in person starting Tuesday, February 1st.
- Courses beginning January 18 in Automotive Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Health Careers, Music Audio Technology, and Studio Art, as well as, the Law Enforcement Academy will meet in person as scheduled starting on the 18th.
- Students coming to campus must continue to mask.
- All students should check email and D2L next week for specific instructions for classes from your instructors. You will have access to your D2L shell the Friday before your class begins.
- The testing protocol has been delayed through January 29th due to testing scarcity. The first seven-day testing cycle for students will begin on January 30th. In order to opt out of the testing protocol, students must be fully vaccinated (14 days after a single or double dose vaccination sequence). If you are required to test weekly, you will receive more detailed information next week.
Student Services through January 31st:
- The Fitness Center will remain open as staffing permits. Also access our virtual platform Studio Sweat OnDemand!
- The Library/Learning Commons will operate virtually until February 1st.
- The Child Development Center will operate under State childcare guidelines and remain open as per their posted schedule.
- The Testing Center will be open, but scaled back in order to provide physical distancing, please be sure to schedule an appointment.
- The Welcome Center will continue to be open for limited on-campus assistance. The Office of Financial Aid will be available for limited in-person services at the Welcome Center, however we prefer you access virtual options by communicating with the office by phone at 303.797.5789 or by email at finaid [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (finaid[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
- Advising will be operating virtually, this includes advising and registration sessions. Schedule an appointment here!
- The ACC Bookstore has options including in person, limited contact pick up and ship to home options. ACC’s Spirit Shop & Espresso Yourself Café at Littleton plans to be open for grab & go food and supplies. Hours are posted on the website. Sturm Collaboration Campus students – watch for information about services via Crowfoot Coffee as they will not resume at a higher level until February 1st.
- The Cashier’s Office is happy to serve you! You can reach them by email at cashier [dot] acc [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (cashier[dot]acc[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) or leave a voicemail at 303.797.5628. When leaving a message, please include your S#, a brief message as to how they can help you and the best phone number to reach you. Hours are Monday – Friday 8am-5pm. Services are also available online under the Student Finance Tab in MYACC. They will return your call as quickly as possible. If you need to make a payment in cash or have other special circumstances, arrangements can be made for Thursday’s between 10am and 2pm – just contact the Cashier to set up an appointment.
- Other Offices operating remotely include:
- Parking passes can be purchased through your MyACC account. If this option is used students can pick up their parking passes from the Campus Police Department on the Littleton Campus, or from the front desks at Parker and Sturm. OR pay online through Cashnet (this will not post to your student account) to have your parking pass mailed to you. Parking pass enforcement will be limited through January 31st. Please remember to park in ACC lots (parking and building maps can be found here). Street parking is not controlled by ACC and may result in City of Littleton tickets if you do not follow the signage on the streets.
- Information about calculator rentals will be coming soon.
Laptops and COVID-19 Grants
- If you are a student and in need of a device to help you be successful in your remote learning experiences, ACC may be able to provide you with a laptop for one semester (subject to availability). Please let us know by contacting the Dean of Students Office at 303.797.5730 or via our online form if you are in need of technology assistance. You are welcome to use any of the lounges on ACC campuses to access internet during this time.
- If you have incurred expenses or hardships related to the coronavirus, we may be able to help. This not only includes needs such as if you are struggling to pay rent, buy food, pay for childcare, and pay for related healthcare expenses, but also academic-related expenses such as a computer purchase or upgrades to your internet service for accessing courses remotely.
Please fill out the COVID-19 grant application. Funds will be processed through your Bank Mobile account (Look Under Student Refunds). The funding is limited and will be distributed to students on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Remember if you are sick or experiencing any symptoms (even if it’s just a stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, fever, headache, unexplained fatigue etc..) STAY HOME! Also remember you must wear an approved mask to come to any campus. ACC does not allow single layer neck gators and masks that have a vent that exhales to be worn on campus.
If you do not have a CDC/ACC approved face covering, we will have a limited supply available at no cost to students at the front doors. If you feel you cannot wear a mask/face covering, please contact ACC Disability Access Services to explore accommodation options.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. I will be sending an email with more details about college operations and covid-19 protocols next week.
Thanks ACC Pumas!
Javon Brame
Dean of Students
Arapahoe Community College
Questions? Text or call me at 303.877.2450