Try Stacking your Courses at ACC Sturm Collaboration Campus!

Did you know that courses at ACC Sturm Collaboration Campus are designed to be stacked so you only have to be on campus two days a week? Depending on the degree or certificate you are pursuing, you may only need to be on campus Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday.
How It Works
Monday / Wednesday stacked courses are for you if you are pursuing one of these degrees:
- AA Business
- Accounting Clerk Certificate
- AA General
- AAS Secure Software Development
Tuesday/Thursday stacked courses are for you if you are pursuing one of these degrees:
- AS General (including Pre-Engineering)
- AS Biology
- AS Math
- AAS Cybersecurity
- Pre-Nursing Prerequisites
- PTA Prerequisites
Add an evening class, and you’ll have a full-time schedule!
Still not sure how to stack your classes? Schedule an in-person or phone appointment with a Navigator by calling 303.660.3160!
Undeclared major or AGS? Let’s explore careers and choose a major! Call 303.660.3160 to meet with a Navigator!