MS, Biomedical/Clinical Engineering, Ohio State University
MA, Exercise Physiology, University of Maryland
Zoology, (minor in Chemistry), Miami University, Ohio
I have worked in web design and development since 1999, including my time at ACC and as a consultant prior to that. My previous experience with computers and technology was as a Marketing Rep for SyQuest, IBM and Xerox, Store Manager for Egghead Computer, and a Clinical Engineer and Software Developer for ServiceMaster. Academic/professional interests include: Web development and design, mobile apps, and Drupal CMS. Personal interests include: photography, hiking, reading, cartoons and comic strips
Awards & Publications
Participant in the ACC Leadership Academy (2013-14)
Voted Best Instructor for both of my two years in the ServiceMaster Clinical Equipment Technician Certification program, teaching Physiology
Department |
howard.golden [at] arapahoe.edu
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Remote / J213
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