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Second Place

Second Place
Sina March
Bus Stop

Suszanne Bernat Droney
Natural Blonde
Oil Painting
Best of Show

Best of Show
Suszanne Bernat Droney
Oil Painting

Suszanne Bernat Droney
Where to Now on Ponte Vecchio
Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention
Suzanne Connors
The White Vase
Mixed Media

Teri Z Hendrix
Peaceful Spot

Vicki Metz
True Grit

Vicki Metz

Juror Victoria Kwasinski
Morning Serenade
Oil on Canvas
Juror Statement
I was thrilled and excited to be the juror for one of the first ‘This is Colorado’ exhibits at the Madden Museum in 2011. It is a great honor and privilege to be the juror for the 2021 ‘This is Colorado’ exhibition ten years later! This year’s exhibit has a very nice variety of subject matter and skillful use of different art mediums.
As a juror, I look for work that has sound art principles including good color, composition, design, and technique. I am always delighted to experience each artist’s unique voice, personal vision, and creative expression. I am most intrigued by those special works that make one pause in wonder. This wonderful exhibit provides many of those moments!
Sincere appreciation to the Heritage Fine Arts Guild and the Colorado Gallery of the Arts at Arapahoe Community College for your continued support of the Arts.
Congratulations to all who entered, all who were selected, and all who were awarded.
May you continue to CREATE!
Victoria Kwasinski, BFA, is an accomplished fine artist, illustrator, art instructor, juror.
The gallery would like to thank the HFAG for their support and donations towards student scholarships.
For sales please contact the Gallery Director at trish [dot] sangelo [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (trish[dot]sangelo[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).

All Images Copyright 2021