ACC - Countdown to Fall 2023 continues

Hello ACC Pumas!
Countdown to Fall 2023 and the start of classes...again – welcome to ACC! This message is being sent to you because you are enrolled in a Fall 2023 course, and we are excited for you to be a part of our ACC community!
Correction to August 14 communication:
Portions of the first floor of the Annex Building are will be open Monday, August 21 for Fall 2023 and others will be under construction during fall semester. Please do not pass through any door or barrier marking an area as ‘under construction’. Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve ACC spaces.
ACTION ITEM FOR Tuesday morning – August 15: Know how your course will be offered! Do you need to log in and how will that work? Where is your in-person class? What the heck is D2L (Desire2Learn)? Check out the orientation sessions to learn how to use D2L – it will help you be successful!
How do I check how my courses will be offered?
Course Schedule: Go to Select myACC from the top menu. In myACC, go to Student Tab (across top), then to Student Schedule (on left side of screen), check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L). This will have information specific to your course.
NOTE: D2L courses become available on the first day of class. Before the start date, you won't see the link for D2L. Please use Navigate or view Detailed Scheduled under the Registration Tools in myACC to confirm your schedule and plan to log in to D2L on the start date for each of your classes.
Navigate App: You may download the Navigate App and check your schedule via Navigate on your mobile device. Download links and learn how to use Navigate.
Start Date: Note the DATE the course starts. Some courses are accelerated and may not start until a date in September. Check the date and know when your course starts!
Location and Codes: Check out this helpful information on Class Schedule Listing and how to make sense of the abbreviations and codes on the course schedule. Double-check the Campus – which ACC location will your class meet? Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock, Legacy, Littleton, or Art and Design?
Online Classes: All online courses will have ‘ONLINE’ listed in the course location. Courses that are ONLINE may be offered by ACC, CCCOnline, or CO Online.
Courses in person will have a ROOM and a day and time. Example: Humanities (HUM 1015 – World Mythology) meets Wednesday nights, 5:30 – 8:30pm once a week in Main 3710 and starts September 8, 2023. While Fall semester starts the week of August 21st, this class is accelerated and does not start until September 8th. I will not physically go to class until September 8 and will check D2L closer to September 8 for specific course instructions. Students can see meeting instructions in myACC Student Tab (across top) Student Schedule (on left side of screen), check your course schedule. The course title will link to Desire2Learn (D2L) starting the first day of class. For locations where ACC in-person classes meet, you can find maps on our website:
Castle Rock buildings: ACR = Castle Rock Campus / Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock
Legacy: ALC = Legacy Campus
Littleton buildings:
AA = Annex
AD = Art and Design Center
AM = Main Building
AN = North Building
CSB = Church Street Building
Again - online courses you will access via D2L on the first day of the scheduled course.
In person classes - you will come on the date and time of the class to the location. You will still have to access D2L for in person classes, so don't forget to attend one of the D2L orientation sessions offered.
Previous Action Items:
ACTION ITEM from Monday, August 14: Know how to access your ACC email.
You can review the entire email communication from Monday, August 14 online. All students enrolled as of August 14 should have received the email from me. Students enrolling since August 14 can view the email content online.
Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President for Student Affairs