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ACC Mask Update

Email communication sent from ACC President Diana M. Doyle, Ph.D. on May 3, 2021

Good Morning,

This is just a reminder that appropriate facial coverings are still required in all ACC buildings on all three campuses, even if you are fully vaccinated. While Governor Polis yesterday announced some relaxations of indoor mask requirements, they do not apply to public facing state agencies or childcare centers at this time. We will keep you updated if or when mask requirements or interpretations change for us. You may remove your mask outdoors as you walk to your cars, eat your lunch or take a break. Social distancing requirements of 6ft between people still apply at this time.

From the Governor’s press release of May 2nd:

Governor Jared Polis announced that he amended and extended the statewide mask Executive Order as Colorado continues to work towards increasing vaccinations.

The indoor mask order remains in effect for all schools statewide and certain other settings…

Other  directives from the last Executive Order, D 2021 079, remain in effect. Mask-wearing continues to be required in all counties in schools (including extracurricular activities), child care centers, indoor children’s camps, public-facing state government facilities, congregate care facilities, prisons, jails, emergency medical and other healthcare settings, and personal services and limited healthcare settings as defined by PHO 20-38

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation to keep our colleagues and students well.


Diana M. Doyle, Ph.D.
