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ACC Staff Spotlight - Sonny Ellison

Sonny Ellison - ACC Custodian
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What is your job at ACC?


What do you do at ACC (explain your role)?

Clean the college at the Art + Design Center.

How long have you been at ACC?

25 years

Why did you choose ACC?

It's out of Denver area. Littleton is smaller than the big city.

What is your mountain (ultimate goal)?

Just trying to retire.

What's your favorite ACC memory so far?

So much stuff has happened in the years I've worked here. Like when the custodians were being trained on the computers for the 1st time.

Tell us a fun fact about you.

I'm a quiet person but music is something I do like.

What is your advice to future and current students at ACC?

It's a great college to come back to.

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