ACC - Student & Employee Screening Form

Hello ACC Community –
You are getting this message as an ACC student and/or employee. Referring to earlier communications this week regarding the COVID Symptom Screening, all individuals who enter ACC buildings are required to complete the screening. There are now instructions for adding the form to your Apple mobile device home screen.
ACC IT created a handy Knowledge Base article, Adding the COVID screening form to your iPhone or iPad, to help you through the simple steps to do this on your own. While these instructions are not specific to Android devices, I happen to have tried in on my own non-Apple mobile device and it worked. And if I can do it following those steps, I am CONFIDENT you can too...and watch the Knowledge Base for possible future screenshots for Androids.
******IF you are not in in-person classes or do not come to any of ACC campuses, you DO NOT NEED to do the screening unless you come to campus. Anyone who enters the buildings NEEDS TO DO the screening please so that we may comply with state guidance. Thanks for helping us all stay healthy!
Thank you.
Dr. Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President of Student Affairs
lisa [dot] matyeedwards [at] arapahoe [dot] edu