Additional COVID19 Procedure for ACC

Good Morning, Everyone,
I’m hoping this note finds you all healthy and well. Just a couple of important updates today:
Quick reminder:
Beginning today the public will be coming into the Main Bldg on the Littleton campus as the Half Moon is a voting site for Arapahoe County. The voters are required to wear a mask, keep 6ft of social distancing, and will be limited to the first floor of the building. Arapahoe County election monitors will be on hand to enforce guidelines.
Additional COVID procedure:
As you most likely have heard, cases of COVID19 are on the rise along the front range in the metro Denver area. This will require an extra step of precaution for employees and students who come to any of ACC’s campuses. As we alluded to on the Town Hall meeting last Tuesday, the extra steps are to further ensure the wellbeing of our students and employees, as well as work to curtail the spread of the COVID19 virus. Specifically:
- The Governor’s recent Executive Order (EO) requires that we put into place a more formal method for a) all individuals to assess their health before entering any ACC buildings, and b) knowing which employees, students, and guests are on campus each day. The EO’s intent is to stay on top of curtailing the spread of COVID19 and be better able to contact trace when individuals have been exposed (or believe they have been exposed) to the virus.
- Employees will now be asked to complete a brief self-assessment checklist each day you are coming to campus and before you arrive. Sometime this week a quick Employee/Student/Visitor Symptom Screening form will be put on the ACC portal for you to access and complete before coming to campus. HR will send out an email when that quick form is ready for your use and how to access it on the portal. The checklist will be very quick and include the full updated list of COVID19 symptoms. If you answer Yes to any of the questions, you will need to remain home, not come to campus, and contact your health provider. Also, please inform HR and your supervisor of your symptoms and physician recommendations. As always, if you feel ill with any other health symptoms, please refrain from coming to campus. You do not need to complete the form if you are not coming to any ACC campus that day.
- The information gathered from the Symptom Screening form will be used to assist with contact tracing in the event of a COVID19 positive exposure or test case on campus. It will more accurately inform us who to contact with a Watch or Warning.
- If you arrive to campus and have forgotten to complete the Symptom Screening form at home - or if you are traveling to multiple ACC campuses that day - there will be a poster on all ACC entry doors with a QR Code that will take you to the form on your cell phone. Please complete the form before entering the building, and if you answer Yes to any of the items please do not enter the building. The signage including the QR Code will be placed on entry doors sometime this week.
- Students and authorized visitors (vendors, contractors, etc.) also will be required to complete the Symptom Screening form by accessing the QR Code before entering an ACC building. They too will be told not to enter if they answer Yes to any of the items on the checklist. As they do now, students will continue to be required to sign in when entering the Library-Learning Commons, Testing Center, Computer Labs, and onsite Tutoring or Advising to ensure effective contact tracing.
- All other ACC COVID19 precautions remain in place for all three of our campuses: wearing of appropriate facial coverings, maintaining 6ft of social distancing, restricted office occupancy of no more than 50%, and maximum 10 person gathering limit in public spaces (excludes classrooms and other academic facilities such as the Library, Computer Labs, and the Child Development Center, which all fall under separate operational guidelines).
I recognize that completing the Symptom Screening form each day before coming to campus may seem like an inconvenience, but it is a small price to pay if we can help curtail the spread of COVID19, maintain the health and wellbeing of our employees and students, and keep the educational disruption for our students to a minimum. You already have done a great job of taking your temperature and assessing any COVID19-like symptoms before coming to any of our campuses thus far. You have been diligent about not coming to campus when you’re ill or believe you might have been exposed to the virus, and in contacting HR when in this situation. For this I give you a big ACC THANK YOU! You have made it past the midpoint in the semester – you can go the distance!
Stay tuned for more info on the availability and where to access the Symptom Screening form on the portal. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation - it’s greatly appreciated by all.
Peace and be well,
Diana M. Doyle, Ph.D.
5900 S. Santa Fe Dr. / PO Box 9002 / Littleton, CO 80160
303.797.5701 (phone) / 303.797.5200 (fax)
diana [dot] doyle [at] arapahoe [dot] edu