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Did You Know WCP Provides Educational Support for Au Pairs?

Au Pair at computer with child.

At ACC, we provide affordable and flexible courses to meet the educational requirement of Au Pairs in our surrounding communities. ESL courses to improve English skills, test preparation classes to help prepare for further education, and enrichment courses to learn more about American culture, all of Workforce and Community program courses are available to our local Au Pairs. The best part of our courses is not only are they educational, but they also support the growth of Au Pairs on a social level. providing Au Pairs an outlet to meet new people and enjoy a social life outside of their host home. We often see life long friends made in our language programs, and new passions formed in our arts and humanities courses.

ACC is a fantastic resource to utilize if you are an Au Pair host family or are thinking of becoming one. We experience lots of culture in our English as a Second Language program and our Citizenship classes so we have experience in assisting a diverse group of students. If you are not comfortable just yet having your Au Pair venture out to a college campus and coming back home to your young children just yet, we offer in demand online courses which now count towards their educational requirement due to the current health pandemic. These courses are $129 and provide 24 hours of instruction which means, your Au Pair can meet their entire educational requirement within the allotted budget. Starting in Spring 2022, we are going to be welcoming back English as a Second Language students to the campus. Last time we ran the program Au Pairs were able to receive 40 verified instructional hours for just $185, leaving plenty of budget for an additional passion course. All while enjoying time with like mind and similar background individuals, even other Au Pairs!

So, What is an Au Pair?

In case you were wondering what, an Au Pair is, or have heard about the program and are thinking it could be worth looking into for your childcare needs. The Au Pair Program is a great option for your family’s childcare needs, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn about foreign cultures and languages. Au pairs are visitors from overseas who travel to the U.S. on a J-1 Visitor Exchange Visa to acquire a better understanding and appreciation of American culture and life, while living with an American family and caring for their young children. Au Pair candidates are young women and men that enjoy, and have a genuine interest, in working with children. They represent diverse cultural, social, economic, and educational backgrounds. They also hold a common interest in living with an American family to expand their cultural awareness.

Learn more about Au Pair programs.

What is Their Educational Requirement and Why Do They Need It?

Au Pairs are required to take at least 6 semester credits or 72 hours at an accredited post-secondary institution in the United States. Au pairs who extend their visa are required to take additional credits. If the au pair extends 6 months, they are required to take an additional 3 credits. If the au pair extends 9 or 12 months, they are required to take an additional 6 credits. Most au pair sponsor agencies are allowing the 72 hours of education to be completed online / virtually because of the recent health pandemic. Please check with your sponsoring agency to confirm this approval. ACC is not responsible for acceptance of education hours by a sponsoring agency or the department of state. We are only responsible for verifying the number of hours.

Learn more about Au Pair educational requirements

