The Road to Success: Spotlight on Graduates Weslyn Elder and Krysten Welsh

Career Forward provides affordable access to a college education and the support students need to start and finish a certificate or degree so they can get the job they want in Colorado’s workforce. The program provides tuition assistance and student support from our Workforce Navigator, Caz Bemski. Prior to Caz, Jaime Treadwell served as Navigator.
The program is supported by the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI) and ends June 30, 2024. Over 250 students were served by Career Forward, with over 200 credentials conferred to those students. Two of those students and recent graduates, Weslyn Elder and Krysten Welsh, share their experiences below.
Name: Weslyn Elder
Major: Associate of Science / Associate of Arts / Early Childhood Education Teacher Assistant
What inspired or motivated you to pursue your major? Why ACC?
What motivated and inspired me to become a student as ACC is wonderful staff that is so friendly and helpful. Each semester, I strive to complete the most degrees/certifications at ACC. I love going to ACC because of the great community of help that allows me, as a single mom, to be able to pursue my dreams at affordable cost, thanks to grants and scholarships. ACC has helped me reach multiple goals throughout the years I have been a student here.
Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that shaped who you are today?
A pivotal moment that shaped myself into who I am today would be the birth of my son. Once I transitioned into motherhood, everything else made me realize how important continuing your education is. To never give up. To strive for more, not only for myself, but also for my son. I want to lead by example and set myself up for a better life for both of us all while helping the community.
What challenges did you face during your time in school, and how did the Career Forward program help you overcome them?
The challenges I faced during school were being too shy at first. When I was younger, I was always scared to look dumb and ask questions. As I matured, I realized that I need help with those questions to help lead me in the right direction. Now I am not scared to ask for help and advocate for myself. Another challenge I faced was time management. As you can imagine as a single mom, I work full time, I attend college full time, and I am a mom full time. Sometimes it can be tough to juggle everything every day, but with the help with a few college prep classes, I was able to learn how to best manage my time effectively. Also, there are a lot more resources available now than when I attended ACC 10 years ago. I appreciate all the innovative programs and resources that are available to first generation students.
How did your background or firsthand experiences influence your academic and career choices?
I have always wanted to work in health care. I currently work as a level two medical assistant at a primary care/pediatric office, which I also obtained certification for from ACC’s apprentice program in 2023. My firsthand experiences allowed me to trial and error how to become the best college student I could be while keeping my son and myself a main priority. I plan to continue my education all the way to the bachelor's level through ACC's nursing program. I like to now think of myself as a lifelong learner for ACC. I want to be able to show females in general, single moms, and first generational students attending college that you can achieve anything and everything you set your mind to with just a little hard work and time management skills.
What advice would you give students who may be facing obstacles in their education?
The advice I would give to students who may be facing obstacles in their education would be to ask questions. Ask if you can shadow your dream job, to see if it is something you are still interested in. I think a lot of times we just pick a topic of interest and have no idea about all the details in the field we think we may like to pursue. Ask people in that job field to shadow, or to get lunch and sit down and have them share their pros and cons to the career. I would also say never give up. You wanted to be a nurse, for example, but some of the classes are tough and there are so many different healthcare field routes in which one can go. You just need to find a spot that fits your personality and your capabilities. Look into different pathways if needed. Do not get discouraged. Keep your head up and now you can do anything. Also, it is never too late to start.
Did any mentors or role models play a significant role in your academic or personal development? If so, how?
The mentor that played a significant role in my academic career would be Dr. Casimir “Caz” Bemski. Caz helped me in so many ways, from organizing a schedule I wanted, to helping me navigate through multiple different process, all to help me succeed and achieve all the crazy goals I had in mind. Caz helped me become the student I am today. Caz also helped me find scholarships that would be the best fit for me and even become a friend, one that would listen through some of my academic struggles I endured in the previous semesters. Everyone needs to find a Caz in their life to lend that guidance and help along their academic journey.
What are some misconceptions people might have about community college?
Some misconceptions a lot of people have about community college is that it does not offer enough academics or even the desired education you may be seeking. Also, that community college is only for certifications and 2-year degrees. I know that ACC offers SO many different certifications, degrees and even a few bachelor's degrees now, which are super helpful when being a local and single parent. Even if you try for a certification and decide that it is not for you, you can always try another certification in a different field of study.
Looking back, what would you say has been the most rewarding part of your time at ACC?
The most rewarding part of my time at ACC was building great friendships with the staff. Caz and Maris from TRIO have been nothing but joyful and wonderful to work with! I also would say the most rewarding part of being an ACC student is being able to attend multiple graduations over the years. I have made friends with a few classmates that I still stay connected with to this day.
How do you plan to celebrate graduation?
I celebrated graduation by going to dinner with my family and my son and taking all of us to Dave & Busters (mostly for my son) to celebrate this graduation ceremony. I plan to continue my education and would like to complete my BSN through ACC and then hopefully take my son on a trip to Disney World, before starting a nursing career.
What is next for you?
Next for me is to continue with my education, still work for the primary care/ pediatric office I currently work for, prioritize my own health and fitness goals, as well as to continue being the best mom I can be for my son.
Name: Krysten Welsh
Major: Associate of Science-General-Pre-Nursing
What inspired or motivated you to pursue your major? Why ACC?
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by health sciences and I enjoy working with people. I chose ACC because I wanted to go back to school and not get lost in the crowd. I liked that ACC has a smaller student to teacher ratio and I definitely think that contributed to my success. Another reason I chose ACC was because ACC offers RN-ADN and RN-BSN options so I felt like I had the most options to become an RN with ACC.
Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that shaped who you are today?
Covid. Covid changed my life forever and in the best way possible. Before COVID hit, I was working as a hiring and training manager for a local chain of restaurants. I was working 50 plus hours per week, while trying desperately to figure out a way that I could get into healthcare, into doing something more and that I had a genuine passion for. I was scared and unsure of myself because I had failed at college before and I had no idea how I would do it, just that I wanted more for myself. Covid hit, and suddenly I wasn't managing a restaurant anymore. Desperately, I was trying to get into healthcare but nothing seemed to be working. It was not until 2021 when the door that really put me on the path to achieving my dreams opened. Through the Colorado workforce, I found out about a Pre-Health Careers Apprenticeship Grant and I applied. Right when I was thinking I didn’t get it, the “Congratulations, you’ve been accepted” email came through. This class taught me essential skills and knowledge to start working in healthcare as a Cardiovascular Technician and I have been working as an ECG tech since I finished the program. Taking this class, studying, and learning gave me the push to explore going back to school and really pursuing becoming a Registered Nurse. Since that day in May 2021, I have not looked back.
What challenges did you face during your time in school, and how did the Career Forward program help you overcome them?
One of the biggest challenges I faced was figuring out how to pay for school. I am so grateful for the support from Career Forward. Career Forward supported me in not only achieving my CNA certificate, but finishing my Associate degree so that I was in the best position possible to apply to my dream BSN program and continue on the path to earning my bachelor’s. Another challenge that I faced is that I could feel myself slipping into anxiety and worry and during my meetings with Caz he reminded me about the mental health services that are available to students which helped me to put things into perspective. This last semester was a tough one. Another pivotal moment of this semester was preparing for my nursing school interviews. Caz was doing a resume, interview, and cover letter workshop and I asked if I could come and use this to prepare for my nursing school interviews. He said yes and even recruited others to help me prepare for my interview. I loved being a part of Career Forward because it was like having an academic advisor and a mentor rolled into one. I feel like Jaime and Caz genuinely know me and that, no matter what, they were always with me cheering me on and offering guidance every step of the way.
How did your background or personal experiences influence your academic and career choices?
As mentioned before, I have failed at college, three times. I have failed spectacularly; nobody looked at me and thought I was going anywhere. Before Covid, I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to settle because I did not do well in school. I was amazed that Jaime even said yes to letting me into the Career Forward program. While it may have taken me YEARS to learn, I finally figured out that I do not have to do everything on my own or be perfect to chase my dream. My number one goal is still to become a Registered Nurse. And I keep my eye on that goal and remind myself of my why which helps me to keep moving forward.
What advice would you give students who may be facing obstacles in their education?
First thing, DO NOT beat yourself up. Situations can change in a millisecond, one low score, one “no” is not enough to derail your dreams. Second thing, ask for help. Not once has anyone told me “no” when I have asked for help. Ask questions if there is something that you don’t understand or want to learn more about. Asking questions doesn't mean you’re dumb, asking a question just means it’s NEW. Take advantage of every opportunity... even if you think it may not apply to you. Go, try it, ask if there is a way to learn more or do more. If you only remember one thing.... there are more people willing to help you than you ever know. And the only way you know is to ask. And the great part about that is that the ask is free, and no isn’t a setback because no matter what you’re still where you started.
Did any mentors or role models play a significant role in your academic or personal development? If so, how?
When I got into the pre-health careers apprenticeship, my ECG class was taught by an Emergency RN-BSN . I was looking at LPN, ADN, BSN and didn’t know which way was up so I asked her for an informational interview. She obliged and she has been mentoring me since June 2021. She has been with me every step of the way. I call her my lighthouse because she helps me to focus on my goal and navigate the sharp edges that come with working in healthcare and becoming a nurse. Caz also gave me a huge gift by practicing a nursing group interview with me AND enlisting others to help. I was still nervous, but that practice made all the difference in the world. Mitch Fittro, Michelle Hoffer, Abigail Irlbeck also took a chance in giving me the grant to learn ECGs and that gift truly started all of this. Also, Jaime Treadwell, for welcoming me into Career Forward.
What are some misconceptions people might have about community college?
I think people look at community college as less than, but in my experience the only thing that is less than is the tuition. Community college makes education affordable. In my experience, I specifically took Guaranteed Transfer classes and I feel like I know just as much, if not more than someone who took those classes at a 4-year university. I am grateful for community college because pursuing my education has not built crippling amounts of student debt.
Looking back, what would you say has been the most rewarding part of your time at ACC?
The most rewarding part of my time at ACC has to be how supportive ACC is of its students. Anytime I have needed something, or needed help there is someone always willing to help. I feel like ACC really cares about each and every one of its students and provides so many resources so that every student has options. Also, I loved being part of Career Forward because of the workshops. I learned skills and strategies simply by being a part of the program.
How do you plan to celebrate graduation?
I plan to celebrate graduation by doing absolutely nothing! I will probably go up to the mountains around Memorial Day. I’ve also made plans with friends that I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with while I was “in school.”
What’s next for you?
I have been accepted to my dream #1 choice nursing program, so I will start classes again June 3 at the University of Colorado College of Nursing as part of the 2024 Traditional BSN cohort. From there my goals are to survive nursing school, pass my NCLEX, and start working as an RN-BSN.