Discover Your Pathway at ACC

Explore 7 guided pathways to your future during our "Discover Your Pathways" breakout sessions at Discover ACC! on Friday, October 19 from 9:30am - 1:30pm at ACC's Littleton campus. High school students, guidance counselors, and other chaperones, RSVP today for Discover ACC! With over 100 degrees and certificates to choose from, our pathways can help you find a focus, stay on track, and take you one step closer to achieving your dream. Take a deeper look into these pathways by choosing 2 breakout sessions that fit your interests.
ACC Pathways
- Arts, Communication & Design
- Architectural Engineering
- Art History Transfer
- Commercial Photography
- Communication Transfer
- Interior Design
- Journalism & Contemporary Media
- Multimedia Graphic Design & Illustration
- Music Audio Technology
- Music Transfer
- Studio Art Transfer
- Business
- Accounting
- Business Transfer
- Construction Management
- Retail Management
- Business Administration
- Global, Human & Social Studies
- Anthropology Transfer
- Economics Transfer
- French Transfer
- History Transfer
- Philosophy Transfer
- Political Science Transfer
- Psychology (AA) Transfer
- Sociology Transfer
- Spanish Transfer
- Health
- Emergency Medical Services
- Health Information Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Medical Office Technology / Medical Assistant
- Mortuary Science
- Nurse Aide (CNA)
- Nursing
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Math & Sciences
- Biology Transfer
- Chemistry Transfer
- Fermentation Sciences Transfer
- Geography Transfer
- Geology Transfer
- Mathematics Transfer
- Physics Transfer
- Pre-Engineering Transfer
- Psychology (AS) Transfer
- Public Services
- Criminal Justice Career or Transfer
- Early Childhood Teacher Education Transfer
- Elementary Teacher Education Transfer
- Emergency Service Administration (BAS)
- Law Enforcement Academy
- Paralegal / Legal Assistant
- Technology
- Automotive Service Technology
- Computer Information Systems
- Game Design and Development
- Computer Network Technology
- Engineering Graphics Technology
Along with our pathways, you'll get a chance to connect with college resources, meet ACC students and staff, explore degree and certificate options, and learn more about ACC. You'll also get the opportunity to learn about the services ACC provides students and alumni, including career counseling and assessments, academic advising, employment services and career fairs. Plus, every senior will be entered for a chance to win an ACC scholarship! See the agenda and learn more about Discover ACC!