Financial Freedom Week 2022!

April is Financial Literacy Month
Connect with ACC staff and representatives from local credit unions to get answers to some of your most secret questions about money.
- Going to college sure has cost me some money, how can I make it less hard?
- I need a checking account, right? How do I get one?
- What is my credit score and does avoiding thinking about it make it go away?
- I borrowed some student loans and I hear that I may need to probably pay them back, what does that mean?
- Is retirement actually a myth?
Come learn answers to these questions and more! Attendance at any of these events gives students a chance to be randomly selected to receive a $1000 scholarship and a $500 scholarship for the 2022-2023 school year among other fun prizes. Gifts and prizes will be available throughout the week!
Start working toward your financial freedom!
ACC Financial Freedom Week Events
April 11
Paying for College
Littleton Campus at 4pm, room 1000 – Come hear from the Financial Aid Office about the options to help pay for college and how to access the options. Available in-person and remote through Zoom.
Littleton Campus between 1pm and 6pm, room 1000 – Professional staff will be there to help complete your FAFSAs and CASFAs for the 2022-2023 school year! It’s not too late. Get it done today!
Making the Golden Years Golden!
Littleton Campus from 1:30 - 2:30pm, room 1640 – Are you eagerly awaiting retirement, or does it seem too far in the future to think about? It is never too early to start planning. This simulation helps you explore options, identify priorities, know how much to save, and start to build a plan. Join us to explore your desired lifestyle looking into your golden years!
Financial Forks in the Road
Littleton Campus from 11:30am - 12:30pm, room 1640 - We all encounter forks in the road to financial success. Join us to navigate through budget busters, understand spending habits, and learn to eliminate debt.
Meet with Ent
Littleton Campus Student Lounge – Come talk to banking professionals about your questions! They know so much.
April 12
Paying for College
Sturm Collaboration Campus at 4pm – Come hear from the Financial Aid Office about the options to help pay for college and how to access the options. Available in-person. A recording will be available later.
Sturm Collaboration Campus between 1pm and 6pm – Professional staff will be there to help complete your FAFSAs and CASFAs for the 2022-2023 school year! It’s not too late. Get it done today!
April 13
Student Loans! But not boring!
Littleton Campus at 3pm, room M3680 – Have you borrowed a student loan and you are now wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into? Are you getting ready to graduate and the loans you’ve borrowed are now going to go into repayment? What happens if you transfer to another school? Are you just curious about the whole business and want to meet some cool people from the Financial Aid Office? (we really are pretty awesome!). Come hear from people who KNOW what’s going on, not just as financial aid pros, but student loan borrowers themselves! Available in-person and remote through Zoom.
Student Loans! But not boring!
Sturm Collaboration Campus at 10:30am - Community Room – Have you borrowed a student loan and you are now wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into? Are you getting ready to graduate and the loans you’ve borrowed are now going to go into repayment? What happens if you transfer to another school? Are you just curious about the whole business and want to meet some cool people from the Financial Aid Office? (we really are pretty awesome!). Come hear from people who KNOW what’s going on, not just as financial aid pros, but student loan borrowers themselves! Available in-person and remote through Zoom.
April 14
Building Great Credit
Littleton Campus at 11am, room 1640 – Come learn from Denver Community Credit Union pros about the ins and outs of what impacts a credit score and how your credit score can work for you. Available in-person.