Liliana Renteria Mendoza Honored by CACTA

Arapahoe Community College (ACC) Associate Dean for Instructional Operations / CTE Director Dr. Liliana Renteria Mendoza was honored as the 2025 Colorado Association for Career & Technical Administrators (CACTA) Inclusion, Access, Equity, and Diversity Champion at the CACTA mid-winter conference on February 6 in Loveland.
The award is presented annually to a CACTA member who is doing pivotal work to ensure equitable access to - and support for - CTE programming. CACTA serves as the administrative division within the Colorado Association for Career & Technical Education (CACTE).
Dr. Renteria Mendoza exemplifies a commitment to diversity and inclusive excellence through her demonstrated leadership and vision for the CTE community, including the development of a comprehensive improvement plan to address gender disparities within ACC’s CTE programs.
The mission of CACTA is to promote professional leadership and development of members to ensure Career and Technical Education within the education systems of Colorado will meet the continually changing education and training needs of students and business/industry.