Nesheim Appointed to EDUCAUSE Board of Directors

Arapahoe Community College (ACC) Senior Information Officer / Associate Vice President for Instructional Technologies Jeff Nesheim has been appointed to the EDUCAUSE Board of Directors.
EDUCAUSE, the association for information technology in higher education, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the strategic use of technology and data to further the promise of higher education. EDUCAUSE connects and empowers its member community through insights, advocacy, resources, and learning opportunities to anticipate trends and strengthen professional practice.
“It’s a pleasure to welcome Jeff (Nesheim) and Ed (Hudson; Vice Chancellor of Information Technology and CIO at the University of Kansas) to the EDUCAUSE Board,” said John O’Brien, EDUCAUSE President and CEO. “Board members have never been more critical as EDUCAUSE and the institutions we serve navigate dynamic and disruptive change. I’m confident that these new voices will make great contributions to this consequential conversation.”
EDUCAUSE board members work together to advance EDUCAUSE and higher education, serving as the voice of community members in EDUCAUSE governance and ensuring that the association is responsive to the needs of our diverse communities.