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Mortuary Science

Earn an Associate of Applied Science in Mortuary Science and provide services and support for those who have experienced the death of a loved one.

ACC Mortuary Science faculty using a dummy to demonstrate procedures at ACC's Littleton Campus.

Empathy, communication, and an interest in human services are a few of the qualities that our Mortuary Science students possess. Our mission is to educate you in every phase of funeral service to develop both the social and technical skills necessary to be successful in the profession. We are nationally recognized because of our high standards, small class sizes, and online course options and we have the only program of its kind in Colorado. Our faculty are national conference presenters, widely published, and have over 30 years of clinical embalming experience. With your Associate of Applied Science degree in Mortuary Science, you will be one step closer to helping the deceased and their loved ones in such a crucial time.

ACC Mortuary Science Program Information

Mortuary Science Application Deadline

The application process for the Mortuary Science program will be available on December through February 28 for the following fall semester each year. 

*Students on the pre-mortuary science track are not part of the Mortuary Science Program. Taking pre-mortuary science courses does not mean a student is in the program, nor does it guarantee future acceptance.

Admission to the Mortuary Science Program requires a separate application process. Only after formal acceptance are students considered members of the Mortuary Science Program. We strongly advise all interested students to thoroughly review our admission requirements and application procedures.

It is important to understand that meeting the minimum requirements for application does not ensure acceptance into the Mortuary Science Program. Acceptance is based on a comprehensive review of each applicant.

How to Apply

If you are an ACC student already, login to your ACC application account. Start a new application with “Mortuary Science, Associate of Applied Science” as the major and select the semester for program start. The MOR program ONLY admits students in Fall semesters, so you must select a Fall semester. Once you complete the new application, you will get follow-up emails about the supplemental items and further instructions. If you are new to ACC and have all of your appropriate prerequisite coursework nearing completion, login to or begin the ACC application. Start a new application with “Mortuary Science, Associate of Applied Science” as the major and select starting semester.

CIP 120301 (MOR)

Mortuary Science is a field of human and community service which offers a variety of work, intellectual challenge and satisfaction of helping the bereaved through life's most trying period. The program prepares individuals to become a mortuary science practitioner, funeral director and embalmer.

Accreditation Status: The Mortuary Science Program at Arapahoe Community College is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE). The Board can be reached at 992 Mantua Pike, Suite 108, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097, 816.233.3747,

National Board Examination scores, graduation rates, and employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available at in the Directory of Accredited Programs.

Admission Requirements

Program Requirements

Major Courses (39 credit hours)
4.0 Credits

As of Spring 2025, enrollment in all MOR courses and HPR 1058 will require official acceptance into the Mortuary Science program. Please speak to an advisor before attempting to enroll in MOR and HPR 1058 courses as financial aid may be impacted.

Total: 65 credit hours

Graduation Requirements

  • All MOR courses must be completed within four years of starting the Major Courses.
  • All major, general education and other courses required for this degree must be completed with a "C" or better to meet graduation requirements (major courses may only be repeated once).
  • Apply for graduation online at
  • As a graduate of a Career and Technical Education program you will be contacted by an ACC employee in approximately six months to verify your employment information. This information gathering is a federal requirement to ensure that ACC receives certain federal funding.

ACC academic plans will help guide you through your chosen program. The academic plan will provide you with important information, like which semesters courses are offered if there are any prerequisites or co-requisites for courses, program outcomes, course sequence recommendations, notes for the program, graduation requirements, and other important information. These are updated annually, so we recommend downloading a copy of yours to keep on track to graduation.

The Mortuary Science associate degree program at Arapahoe Community College is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), 992 Mantua Pike, Suite 108, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097 (816) 233-3747. Web:

National Board Examination scores, graduation rates, and employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available at

Ranking CriteriaCriteria PointsPoints Earned
Grade Point Average
ACC 1021 (3 credits); 
BIO 2101 (4 credits);
BIO 2102 (4 credits);
BUS 2016 (3 credits);
MAN 1028 (3 credits);
ENG 1021 (3 credits);
PSY 1001 (3 credits);
COM 1250 (3 credits)

GPA is calculated on ACC required general ed classes only. 

Having degrees or additional classes outside the required general eds do not earn an applicant additional points.

Grade Value 
Below C = 0)

  • +/- do not add additional value, example, A+, A, or A- are all worth 4 points.
Field Experience from ResumeMortuary Science Employment or other Deathcare-related roles. Acceptable roles include funeral home, crematory, cemetery, water crematory, natural organic reduction, organ/tissue recovery/coordination, coroner work.1 point per year of experience

General Eds

ACC 1021 (3 credits);

BIO 2101 (4 credits);

BIO 2102 (4 credits);

BUS 2016 (3 credits);

MAN 1028 (3 credits);

ENG 1021 (3 credits);

PSY 1001 (3 credits);

COM 1250 (3 credits)

Full-Time Track:

  • All General Ed courses must be completed with a C or better, either at ACC OR must be completely transferred in, accepted, and appear on the applicant's Degree Check by June 1, 2025. See program guide for more information.
  • Courses in progress during Spring 2025 will be counted here if student provide proof of enrollment. Students must pass in-progress courses with a "C" or better showing on their ACC Degree Check by June 1 or they will forfeit their seat.

Part-Time Track: 

  • Part-time applicants may have up to 2 general eds left to complete and show with a C or better on their ACC Degree Check by Fall 2025 program matriculation.
  • All part-time students general eds must be complete with a C or better, either at ACC OR must be completely transferred in, accepted, and appear on the applicant's Degree Check before a part-time student is able to register for their second year of classes. See program guide for more information. 

Full-Time Track: 

  • All General Eds completed: 3 points
  • 1 General Ed in progress at time of application: 2 points
  • 2 General Eds in progress at time of application: 1 point
  • More than 2 General Eds in progress at time of application: 0 points

Part-Time Track:

  • All General Eds completed: 3 points
  • 1 General Ed in progress at time of application: 2 points
  • 2 General Eds in progress at time of application: 1 point
  • More than 2 General Eds in progress at time of application: 0 points
Video StatementThe 2-3 minute video statement (prompts to be provided on application) is intended to give the application committee insight into how well an applicant presents themself professionally. 3 possible points


  • Complete a Criminal Background Check through ACC. View disqualifying events information
    Note: Criminal background checks require a fee and the applicant's social security number. Should the background check reveal any disqualifying factors or a positive drug screen, the student will be required to drop the program.
YearTotal Enrolled# of New Students# of GradsTimely Grad*Grad RatesDid Not Finish**Overall % EmployedEmployed in FS

*Timely graduation = complete program in 1½ times designated program length.

**Graduation rate reflects cohort graduation rate (% of students from original cohort completing in the designated year)

***Left before completing the program; did not finish.

Visit ACC's ABFSE page for more information.

Single YearTakersSchool Pass RateNational Pass Rate
2023 Arts3190%78%
2022 Arts3155%69%
2021 Arts2361%68%


Single YearTakersSchool Pass RateNational Pass Rate
2023 Sciences3194%69%
2022 Sciences3158%64%
2021 Sciences2365%57%


School pass rate is based on 1st time test takers within one year of graduation.

Contact the program directly for information regarding success of Distance Education graduates.

Visit ACC's ABFSE page for more information.

The mission of the ACC Mortuary Science Program is to educate students in every phase of funeral service so that program graduates are prepared for entry-level employment in funeral service. In support of this mission, the program as adopted the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the importance of funeral service professionals in developing relationships with the families and communities they serve.
  • Identify standards of ethical conduct in funeral service practice.
  • Interpret how federal, state, and local laws apply to funeral service in order to ensure compliance.
  • Apply principles of public health and safety in the handling and preparation of human remains.
  • Demonstrate technical skills in embalming and restorative art that are necessary for the preparation and handling of human remains.
  • Demonstrate skills required for conducting arrangement conferences, visitations, services, and ceremonies.
  • Describe the requirements and procedures for burial, cremation, and other accepted forms of final disposition of human remains.
  • Describe methods to address the grief-related needs of the bereaved.
  • Explain management skills associated with operating a funeral establishment.
  • Demonstrate verbal and written communication skills and research skills needed for funeral service practice.

You'll also be eligible to take the National Board Exam (NBE). Compare NBE statistics.

To learn more, please review the licensure information provided for the program of interest on our Professional Licensure page.

Job Opportunities in Mortuary Science

Sappington Earns Funeral Service Foundation Scholarships

Arapahoe Community College (ACC) Mortuary Science student Parker Sappington has earned the Foundation ’45 Scholarship and the Dennis Schoepp Memorial Scholarship (combined total of $5,000) from the Funeral Service Foundation.

Read more

Parker Sappington

ACC Mortuary Science students at Committal Service at Fort Logan National Cemetery

Tuesday, April 16, ACC Mortuary Science students were invited to attend and participate in a committal service at Fort Logan National Cemetery alongside Stork-Morley Funeral Home, in which 17 sets of unclaimed veteran cremated remains were laid to rest with proper honors and ceremony.

ACC Mortuary Science students at Committal Service at Fort Logan National Cemetery

Grimes has earned one of 5 Harvey Leavitt III NBE scholarships

L. Frankie Grimes, ACC Mortuary Science student, has earned one of 5 Harvey Leavitt III NBE scholarships. This is a very competitive scholarship with hundreds of applicants each round. Harvey Hamilton Leavitt, III volunteered on The Conference’s National Board Examination Committee for 22 years. He was a dedicated funeral director and embalmer from Wadesboro, North Carolina, where he owned and operated Leavitt Funeral Home, established in 1914, as a third generation funeral practitioner. Harvey defined professionalism, was an eternal optimist and his volunteer spirit was catching. He is remembered for his honesty, integrity and generosity of time and talent. In 2023 the board of directors officially named the National Board Examination Scholarship program in his memory.

L. Frankie Grimes, ACC Mortuary Science Student

ACC Welcomes Back Mortuary Science Graduate Amanda Marie Eilis King

ACC Mortuary Science is thrilled to welcome back 2017 program graduate Amanda Marie Eilis King! Amanda Marie Eilis King, CFSP, MBIT, is an Embalmer and Funeral Director holding licensure in multiple states. She completed her embalming apprenticeship under Vernie R. Fountain, as well as extensive training in postmortem reconstructive work. In addition to her AAS in Mortuary Science from ACC in Colorado, Amanda holds a BS from Skidmore College for Studio Art and Biology, and a Post-Baccalaureate degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She is also an educator who specializes in and teaches reconstructive work and cosmetic application. Her contributions in the field outside of the funeral home include articles, illustrations, and photography for trade journals. Currently she is a Funeral Director and Embalmer for B.C. Bailey Funeral Home, and also does freelance work as AMEK Graphics, as well as being an embalming specialist with Frigid Fluid Company. Amanda will be presenting a virtual class to our Restorative Art students on Jan 25, where she will speak on color theory and give tips and pointers on using the cosmetic kit she recently developed for Frigid Fluid Company.

Amanda Marie Eilis King

Listen to ACC MOR Program Chair Faith Haug on A Brush With Death Podcast

ACC's Mortuary Science Program Chair Faith Haug and Joe Finocchiaro join A Brush With Death podcast host, Gabe Schauf, in a candid discussion about how funeral education is evolving. Both share some of their experiences and provide opinions on where it might be headed and what we can all do to help make it better for everyone. Whether you have been in the profession for some time or are just starting out - If you're curious about the state of funeral education, this episode is for you.

Listen to the Podcast

A Brush with Death Podcast logo

Myklebust Completes Train the Trainer Program

Beth Myklebust, instructor in the ACC Mortuary Science program, has recently completed the Train the Trainer program with Insight Institute's Certified Celebrant Program. Beth, a graduate of the ACC Mortuary Science Program herself, has been an instructor in the program since January 2020. In addition to her degree in Mortuary Science, she has a bachelor’s degree in healthcare management and administration, is a Certified Crematory Operator, a Certified Funeral Celebrant, and a Certified Mortuary Science Practitioner. As a result of completing the Insight Institute training, Beth will now be integrating this specialized training into our curriculum, providing students with a unique opportunity to excel in the art of guiding families through meaningful and personalized funeral ceremonies and graduate as certified celebrants. This enhancement to our program reinforces our commitment to comprehensive education and sets ACC students apart as they enter the profession.

InSight | Certified Celebrants logo

Haug elected to Board of Directors for National Home Funeral Alliance

ACC Mortuary Science Program Chair / Faculty Faith Haug has been elected to the Board of Directors for the National Home Funeral Alliance.

NHFA Board of Directors

Faith Haug, ACC Mortuary Science faculty

Meet the Mortuary Science Faculty and Instructors

Faculty / Academic Program Coordinator
Lab Instructor