ACC Study Abroad Program - London, Paris, and Amsterdam

In June of 2022, students from across majors traveled to Europe to experience history, government, and culture while studying criminal justice and comparative government. The cities of London, Amsterdam and Paris have a rich history influencing the foundation and creation of our American criminal justice and political systems. Students started their journey in Amsterdam with an excursion to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, where they learned about systems of international justice and different approaches to incarceration. They visited a working windmill, cheese factory, and wooden clog workshop in Zaanse Schans while learning about economic policies related to one of the country’s most important products. Students had a powerful experience in the Ann Frank house, which demonstrates what happens when the basic rules of the social contract break down.
Students learned how a community’s geography influences government interaction as they traveled to Paris via train. Students learned about the historical architecture and importance of art in France by touring the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe, taking a river cruise on the Seine, and exploring the Louvre. They took a walking tour of the Latin Quarter, visiting Notre-Dame Cathedral. They compared the French semi-presidential system to the parliamentary government of the Netherlands and experienced the difference of the French civil legal tradition as opposed the common law legal tradition of the United States.
In London, students witnessed the traditions at the foundation of England’s constitutional monarchy by watching the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. They saw all three component parts of the criminal justice system with visits to the courthouse Old Bailey; a talk with a Metropolitan police officer reviewing the foundation of the Bobbies, and the Tower of London, which was one of the original modern forms of prisons. Students enjoyed a night tour of Jack the Ripper, which every criminal justice student has heard about in their classes. In a guided tour, students examined the relationship between the Houses of Parliament and the monarchy.
Traveling abroad changes our perspectives in so many ways, we learn about ourselves, about other cultures, and we learn about our own cultures in reference to our new experiences. While in each of these countries, we learned about policies and systems at the foundation of each country. We learned the differences between parliamentary, semi-parliamentary, and presidential government systems. We experienced public policy in action every day of our travels.
Would you like to participate in a Study Abroad Program? Here is your chance! The Ceramics, Photography, Interior Design, Humanities, Creative Writing, and Spanish programs are going to Portugal and Spain: Lisbon, Seville, Madrid, and Barcelona, May 27 - June 7, 2024.
In Portugal and Spain, every step is a history lesson of its own—from Lisbon’s Moorish labyrinth of narrow streets to Seville’s impeccably preserved mosaics. The trail of breathtaking views and architectural wonders continues in Madrid, a city whose youthful crowds mix with a regional history of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian influences. See how close the famed modernist Guadi came to completing his magnum opus, La Sagrada Família. Find even more perspective in the visual playground of Park Güell, and let your eyes wander as you ramble down Las Ramblas. Enjoy experiencing the art, architecture, history, language, food and a Flamenco Performance. Highlights include La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Picasso Museum, Barcelona’s Gothic Quater, Las Ramblas, Seville Alcázar, and Prado Museum.
Every program is intentionally designed to feature guided learning, cultural engagement, program immersion, and experiences to drive global competency development, and connect your learning in ACC programs focusing in Art, Creative Writing, Humanities, Photography and Spanish.
Register now to receive early enrollment discounts, lower monthly payments and start participating in our fundraising! All students are welcome to participate. To learn more about the program options, itinerary, price, scholarships and fundraising contact trish [dot] sangelo [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (trish[dot]sangelo[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).