Art and Design Collaborates with Aspen Groves on a Pop-up Art Show
Exhibiting artwork. It’s one of the most nerve-racking things an artist can do. To put your work—yourself—out there, come what may, is one hurdle that many aspiring artists never cross. And it’s one of the differences between artists who remain aspiring (or hobbyists) and those who become professionals.
The initial investment of learning techniques, mastering media and tools, and conceptualizing contemporarily relevant and visually interesting artwork is only the beginning. Then come the process of professional practices. That’s the “silent half” of an education in the arts—learning how to put together a cohesive exhibition, how to publicize it, who your market is and how to reach them, learning how to put your work—yourself—to there and succeed.
This exhibition at Aspen Grove highlights artwork from all programs in Arapahoe Community College’s Art & Design Center Departments. It includes work from Studio Arts including jewelry and metalwork, ceramics, sculpture and installation, drawing, painting and printmaking, and darkroom and digital photography. It also includes work from commercial photography, multimedia and graphic design, architecture, interior design, CAD and robotics. The student work showcased demonstrates a range of skill levels and approaches to art. The exhibition benefits students by getting their work out into the world at an early stage in their careers; it celebrates their accomplishments and opens the community’s eyes to what a two-year program in arts and creative fields can accomplish. ~ Angela Faris Belt
The exciting exhibition is on display until May 10.
Open Hours
Wednesday - Sunday from noon - 7pm.
7301 S. Santa Fe Dr, Littleton CO 80121
Between See’s candy and Tattered Book Store
“This exhibition was a lot of work to set up and provided a professional learning opportunity. The students were able to get involved in the installation and the behind the scenes of what it takes to host a show. We are excited to share our work with the community.” Larry Starkey, Jewelry and Metals Student
To view more student art visit our Colorado Gallery of the Arts Virtual Shows.
Learn more about the Art and Design Program.
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