Nursing AAS (RN)
ACC offers an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree. This program is nationally approved by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN), the Colorado State Board of Nursing, and the Colorado Community College System (CCCS).
The program prepares ACC graduates to take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) and for employment as a registered nurse. You will develop entry-level skills to work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation units, and clinical settings in the areas of Medical/Surgical, Obstetric & Pediatric, and Psychiatric Nursing. The ACC Nursing Program consistently maintains high pass rates on the NCLEX and works closely with an Advisory Committee that provides feedback on nursing / healthcare industry graduate standards, requirements, and desired new graduate outcomes.
While in the Nursing program at ACC, you will benefit from:
- High professional standards
- Superior reputation in the community and excellent rate of hire
- Seamless progression to earn both your AAS and BSN degrees at ACC
- Active learning in the classroom, labs and supervised clinical experiences
- Simulation experiences state-of-the-art labs
- NCLEX high pass rates
- Accessible faculty and staff
- Competitive application process
ACC Nursing AAS Information Sessions
Attending a Nursing Program Information Session is one of the application requirements for the Nursing AAS degree. Attend an in-person or Zoom session or view our online information session video as soon as you begin planning for eventual admission to the nursing program. You will gain valuable information about the program, and important details about the application process will be explained. Please contact the nursing program office at nursing [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (nursing[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) for more information.
In-Person / Zoom Information Sessions
Spring 2025
- March 10 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
- March 24 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
- March 31 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
Fall 2025
- October 13 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
- October 20 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
- October 27 from 6:00 - 7:30pm
Sessions are in-person or available by zoom. Sessions will be held in A1450, 1st floor of the Annex. Or you can join by zoom.
If you are applying for spring or fall, and are unable to attend an in-person or Zoom meeting, please watch the video.
ACC Nursing AAS Information Session Video
Nursing AAS Admission / Application Process
The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree (AAS) program is approved by the Colorado State Board of Nursing and the Colorado Community College System. You will develop skills to work in hospitals and clinical settings in the areas of Obstetric and Pediatric, Medical/Surgical, and Psychiatric Nursing, and prepares you to take the NCLEX exam to become a Registered Nurse.
If you do not have a Nursing AAS, associate degree, or diploma, you should select “Health” as your area of interest and “Nursing Associate of Applied Science” as your degree when you apply even if you intend to continue on to earn your BSN. If you are starting at ACC outside of the application deadlines, or need to complete any prerequisite courses, submit an application for the “Nursing (Pre-admitted Program)."
You will then need to view a Nursing AAS information session.
Application Deadlines
FALL Semester:
- Applications for fall semester open April 7-18, 2025 by 5pm.
SPRING Semester (January) Starts:
- Applications for spring semester are November 7-21, 2025 by 5pm.
Before Submitting Your Application
- HESI A2 Exam (required). You need to take the A2 also called the RN Admission Assessment. Subjects required:
(Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Vocabulary and General Knowledge go into the English Language Composite Score)- Reading Comprehension
- Meaning - word use
- Conclusions
- Implications
- Understanding
- Grammar
- Vocabulary and General Knowledge
- Biology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Math
- Reading Comprehension
- Attend a required Nursing Program Information Session in-person, via Zoom, or watch the Information Session video within 6 months of applying.
- Prepare for the Information Session by reading these Nursing FAQs and the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Familiarize yourself with the Associate of Applied Science - Nursing degree requirements.
- Review the list of Disqualifying Criminal Offenses that would prevent your admission to the Nursing Program. You will need to undergo a criminal background check as part of the admissions process.
Admission into our Nursing program is competitive and selective, based on a point system based on the following criteria after meeting the minimum requirements. Applicants will be ranked starting with the highest point value first. Random selection is used when applicants have been awarded the same number of points.
How to Apply
If you are an ACC student already, login to your ACC application account. Start a new application with “Nursing, Associate of Applied Science” as the major and select the semester for program start. Once you complete the new application, you will get follow-up emails about the supplemental items and further instructions. If you are new to ACC and have all of your appropriate prerequisite coursework nearing completion, login to or begin the ACC application. Start a new application with “Nursing, Associate of Applied Science” as the major and select starting semester. View the video tutorial.
Nursing Application Process Checklist
This checklist is provided to assist you in gathering all the necessary information prior to completing our online application. This document is for your reference only and is not to be included in the application. Please review all online instructions.
*Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. No materials will be accepted after the application cycle deadline.
- Information Session (required). Attend an in-person / Zoom session within the last six months or watch the online video.
ACC Transcript (required). Upload an unofficial ACC transcript that shows your grade for each of the following classes: ENG 1021, PSY 2440, BIO 2101, HPR 1010 or HWE 1050. If you have ENG 1022, we will accept the higher grade for 1021 or 1022. Transcripts must have a minimum combined GPA of 3.0 and each course must have a grade of “C” or higher. All prerequisite BIO courses must be completed within ten years of the application.
- If pre-requisite courses are in progress, you must upload an email from your instructor that states what your projected grade will be upon completion of the course. All letters must be submitted with your application.
- Final grades will be verified prior to ranking your completed application
Transcripts will also be reviewed for co-requisite courses that have been completed: BIO 2102; BIO 2104; and BIO 2116. No ranking points will be awarded for in-progress co-requisite courses.
- If pre-requisite courses are in progress, you must upload an email from your instructor that states what your projected grade will be upon completion of the course. All letters must be submitted with your application.
Transfer Students: If you have taken your prerequisites at another institution you need to have those credits evaluated by ACC after you are contingently accepted into the nursing program, so that they appear on your unofficial ACC transcript. ACC only accepts official transcripts sent to the Records and Enrollment Services Office from the issuing institution. You will have to have your official transcripts evaluated by ACC by a specified date that will be emailed to you if you are accepted into the program.
Records will accept official transcripts electronically or by mail, but only if they are sent directly to ACC Records & Enrollment. Transcripts issued to the student, hand-carried, or faxed cannot be accepted.
- Colleges using electronic transcripts should send transcripts to: records [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (records[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
- Colleges using paper transcript should mail them to:
Arapahoe Community College
Attn: Records & Enrollment Services - Transcript Evaluator
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160
*How to view your unofficial ACC transcript online:
- Log in to myACC
- Click on the Student tab
- Locate the Degree Requirements information in the center column
- Click the Unofficial Transcript link
- Print and upload with your application
- Health Care Employment (optional). Any employment within the last 5 years that had direct interaction with patients in any way. Upload a completed Employment Verification form for each employer. If you have none then check “not applicable”. (Please review the Ranking Table to determine points allotted for number of hours worked).
- Volunteer Hours (optional). Any volunteer hours of at least 40 hours within 5 years. Upload the Volunteer Hours Verification Form. May submit up to 120 hours = 3 points
- Health Care National Certification or State License (optional). Upload a copy of each. Please do not include your CNA license in this category. If you have none, skip this field.” Or “move on to the next supplemental item. Here are examples of accepted certifications and licenses. This list is not all-inclusive and each submission will be reviewed by the admissions team.
- Veterinary Technician
- Q-Map
- Phlebotomist
- Medical Assistant
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Pharmacy Technician
- Physical Therapy Assistant
- Occupational Therapist
- Wilderness/First Aid Certification
- Licensed Practical Nurse
- Massage Therapist
- HESI Exam (required). You need to take the A2 also called the RN Admission Assessment. Subjects required:
(Sections 1 to 3 go into the English Language Composite Score)- Reading Comprehension
- Meaning - word use
- Conclusions
- Implications
- Understanding
- Grammar
- Vocabulary and General Knowledge
- Biology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Math
- Reading Comprehension
- Upload your test summary that shows at least 70% English Composite Score and at least 70% Math Score. You may take the exam a maximum of two times in the 12 months prior to submitting your application. Only one summary page is allowed; you cannot combine different tests.
- CNA (Certified Nurse Aide) License (required). Upload a copy of your active CNA license from Colorado DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies).
Immunizations, health insurance, BLS card, background check and random drug screening will be required upon acceptance. Any acceptance will be contingent upon completion of these requirements. We recommend you do BLS class and get your TB test after July 1st for a fall start and between December 5th and January 5th for a spring start. This is so that your BLS is good for the entire 2 years and your TB is good for a full 2 semesters. Your BLS card must be from American Heart Association, and it is the BLS Provider Class. You will be asked for the following immunization records:
- COVID-19 vaccine - one dose of J&J or two doses of Pfizer, Moderna, or Novavax.
- COVID-19 booster- can receive 5 months after finishing your primary series and any future boosters recommended by the CDC will be required. No titers will be accepted at this time.
- TB Skin Test – PPD test within the last 6 months is required and will be due annually. If positive PPD or BCG vaccine, a chest x-ray will be required within the past 5 years.
- A QuantiFERON blood test is not accepted
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella – two doses or lab documentation of positive titer.
- Hepatitis B – three doses or lab documentation of positive titer.
- Varicella (Chickenpox) – two doses or lab documentation of positive titer.
- TDAP – proof of vaccine, within the last 10 years.
- Influenza Immunization – Required annually.
*Note that students may apply for religious exemptions through the college. However, many of our clinical sites that are required for program completion will not allow student vaccine exemptions. Therefore, unless you have a documented medical reason for not receiving a specific vaccine, all the above vaccines and/or testing will be required.
Ranking Criteria
Criteria Points
Prerequisite GPA
Maximum Point Award is 4.00
GPA calculated based on prerequisite classes ONLY:
- ENG 1021 (3 credits)
- PSY 2440 (3 credits)
- BIO 2101 (4 credits)
- HPR 1010 (1 credit) OR HWE 1050 (3 credits)
Grade Value: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2. Multiply grade value by number of credits for each class. Divide by the total number of credits for GPA. (Must have a combined GPA of 3.0)
Healthcare Employment
Maximum of 10 points (CNA, LPN) - may include other patient care roles
- 500-999 hours = 1 point
- 1000-1499 hours = 2 points
- 1500-1999 hours = 3 points
- 2000-2499 hours = 5 points
- 2500-2999 hours = 6 points
- 3000-3499 hours = 7 points
- 3500-3999 hours = 8 points
- 4000 and over hours = 10 points
Maximum Points = 3
Volunteer / Service Learning Hours:
40 hours within 2 years = 1 point
41-80 hours within 2 years = 2 points
81-120 hours within 2 years = 3 points
Completed Co-Requisites
Maximum Points = 6
Each course with a grade of "C" or better gets (2) points
- BIO 2102
- BIO 2104
- BIO 2116
HESI Exam - Science Portion
Maximum Point Award is 5
(Chemistry is optional and will only be used if it helps you for science composite score.)
- 70%-80% = 1 point
- 81%-90% = 1.5 points
- 91%-100% = 2.5 points
Anatomy & Physiology:
- 70%-80% = 1 point
- 81%-90% = 1.5 points
- 91% to 100% = 2.5 points
- 70%-80% = 1 point
- 81% to 90% = 3 points
- 91% to 100% = 5 points
Healthcare related National certification or State License
Maximum Point Award = 2 points (1 point / certification or license). Does not include CNA or BLS.
Criteria Total Points
Maximum = 30 points
HESI - Add English Composite and Math Scores and divide by 4
Maximum = 50 points
Total Score (add criteria total points and HESI average)
Maximum = 80 points
Nursing AAS Course Sequence Guide
5 Semester Plan
1st Semester (prior to admission into program)
- BIO 2101 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 credits
- ENG 1021 | English Composition I | 3 credits
- HPR 1010* | Nutrition | 1 credit or HWE 1050 | Human Nutrition | 3 credits
- PSY 1001* | General Psychology | 3 credits
- PSY 2440 | Human Growth and Development | 3 credits
* Any Arts & Humanities or Social & Behavioral Science may be substituted for PSY 1001
2nd Semester (once admitted into program)
Must be admitted into the Nursing Program to take NUR courses.
- BIO 2102 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 credits
- MAT 1120 | Math for Clinical Calculations | 3 credits
- NUR 1009 | Fundamentals of Nursing | 6 credits
- NUR 1012 | Basic Concepts of Pharmacology | 2 credits
3rd Semester
- BIO 2104 | Microbiology | 4 credits or BIO 2108 | General College Microbiology | 5 credits
- NUR 1006 | Med-Surg Nursing Concepts | 7 credits
- NUR 1050 | Maternal Child Nursing | 6 credits
4th Semester
- BIO 2116 | Pathophysiology | 4 credits
- NUR 2006 | Advanced Concepts of Med/Surg Nursing I | 6.5 credits
- NUR 2011 | Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing | 4 credits
- NUR 2012 | Pharmacology II | 2 credits
5th Semester
- NUR 2016 | Advanced Concepts of Med/Surg Nursing II | 5 credits
- NUR 2030 | Transition to Professional Nursing | 4 credits
Program Data
NCLEX Pass Rates - 1st Time Test Takers (CO Board of Nursing)
Year | ACC NCLEX-RN Pass Rates | National NCLEX-RN Pass Rates for Associate Degree |
2021 | 90.76% | 78.78% |
2020 | 100.00% | 82.8% |
2019 | 98.48% | 85.17% |
2018 | 94.20% | 85.11% |
Programs Graduate Job Placement Rates
Graduation Date | Employment Rate 12 Months After Graduation |
Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 | 84.3% |
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 | 100% |
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 | 92.3% |
Fall 2015 - Spring 2017 | 94.4% |
Program Completion Rates
Admission Date | Percentage of Students Completing Program Within 3 Years |
Spring 2020 | 91.4% |
Fall 2019 | 91.4% |
Spring 2019 | 84.8% |
Fall 2018 | 85.7% |
Spring 2018 | 85.3% |
Fall 2017 | 94.3% |
Spring 2017 | 91.4% |
Fall 2016 | 94.3% |
Spring 2016 | 97.4% |
Nursing Program Outcomes
- ACC’s most recent annual licensure examination pass rate will be at least 90% for all first-time test takers.
- 80% of graduates will have employment as an RN within 12 months of graduation.
- 80% of graduates who respond will agree they are satisfied with Arapahoe Community College Nursing Program on the Graduate Employment and Follow-up Survey. 80% of qualitative data will be of a positive nature.
- 80% of generic RN students will complete their program on time within 4 semesters of beginning the first nursing course (NUR 1009).
- 80% of LPN-RN students will complete their program within two semesters of beginning the 3rd semester nursing program coursework (NUR 2006, NUR 2011, NUR 2012).
Student Learning Outcomes
- Provide safe, quality, evidence-based nursing care in a variety of healthcare settings to diverse client populations across the lifespan.
- Engage in critical thinking and clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions.
- Implement quality measures to improve client care.
- Participate in collaborative relationships with members of the interdisciplinary team, the client, and the client’s support persons.
- Use information management principles, techniques, and systems, and client care technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
- Provide leadership in a variety of healthcare settings for diverse client populations.
- Assimilate professional, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a professional nurse.
- Promote a culture of caring to provide holistic, compassionate, culturally-competent care.
Professional Licensing Disclosure
Important Note for Prospective Students:
If you are considering an academic program that leads to a professional license in the state where you plan on living and working after graduating, it is highly recommended that you first seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in that state BEFORE beginning the academic program at Arapahoe Community College (ACC). In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education and the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), ACC provides information pertaining to professional licensure and certification in correlation with programs offered at ACC that may lead to state licensure.
The licensure requirements for nurses differ between all 50 states and U.S. territories. ACC recommends each student visit the National Council of State Board of Nursing website to identify the nursing requirements for the state in which they plan to live and practice. ACC can only guarantee that the requirements for the state of Colorado are met with our programs. State-by-state information is available on the Nursing License Map.
This program meets the applicable state prerequisites for certification in Colorado as listed below:
Colorado State Board of Nursing
ACC has not determined if the Associate Degree Nursing Program and Practical Nursing Program meets applicable state requirements for the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
ACC has not determined if the Nursing Programs meets applicable certification or licensure requirements for the US Territories listed below. Students are encouraged to contact the nursing licensing office for the territory of interest.
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
ACC Nursing Degrees:
Nursing AAS Academic Plans
ACC Nursing AAS Application
FALL Semester (August):
- Applications for fall semester open April 7-18, 2025 by 5pm.
SPRING Semester (January) Starts:
- Applications for spring semester are November 7-21, 2025 at 5pm.
Watch the video for How to Apply
Admissions Information
Accreditation Information
The Associate Degree nursing program at Arapahoe Community College located in Littleton, Colorado is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree nursing program is Continuing Accreditation. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at http://www.acenursing.com/accreditedprograms/programsearch.htm
Related Links
Nursing Pinning Ceremony Photos
Congratulations to ACC's 2022-2023 Nursing AAS graduates! View our Pinning Ceremony photos with the buttons below.