Career Research
Good career decisions are based on accurate occupational information. These resources can help in researching the job market to find the best career for you.
Glassdoor is completely free and allows students to look for jobs, research companies, review interview insights, and locate salary data without having to create an account. Search millions of jobs by job title, location, and more. Job listings include company ratings, reviews, and full job descriptions. Save jobs while searching, and set up job alerts to get new, relevant jobs sent to your inbox. View their brochure.
LinkedIn Jobs
Leverage the world’s largest professional network to build relationships and connect with opportunities. Use LinkedIn Jobs to harness the power of your network to uncover insights such as whom you know at a company, providing you an edge in your job search.
Occupational Outlook handbook
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) provides accurate and current information about hundreds of specific jobs, including educational level, skills, work environments, salary, and labor market trends.
O*NET can help you connect your interests, skills, and abilities to careers that have the same attributes. This resource also has salary and labor market information, which can be narrowed down by state and metropolitan area. You can also use your theme codes from the Strong Interest Inventory to find potential careers of interest.
What Can I Do With This Major?
What Can I Do With This Major? This resource helps connect your degree or major with typical career fields. Learn about the types of industries that hire people with your degree, and strategies to make yourself more marketable. Watch this short video to learn how it works!