Testing Tips and Resources
College Placement Test Tips
- Relax! Your score helps you and your advisor determine which courses are right for your current level of knowledge and skills.
- Arrive early. Give yourself enough time to find the testing area and gather your thoughts before the test begins.
- Pay attention. Read and follow directions and be sure you understand them before you begin each test.
- Be aware. Portions of this assessment are adaptive, meaning questions are chosen for you on the basis of your previous answers.
- Eliminate choices. When you aren’t sure of an answer, eliminate answers you know are incorrect and choose from those remaining.
- Study first. Prepare before you take the placement test as it will improve your score, but also help you relax during the exam.
Resources for College Placement Test Preparation
English / Writing
ACCUPLACER - For general information on the College Board ACCUPLACER Next Generation Writing Placement Test (click on “For Students” tab)
- ACCUPLACER - For general information on the College Board ACCUPLACER Next Generation Math exams. (click on “For Students” tab)
Study Topics & Sample Questions for Math Placement Exams
ACC Math Course(s) | ACCUPLACER Study Topics |
MAT 0250 – Quantitative Literacy MAT 0300 with MAT 0250 - Algebraic Literacy with Lab MAT 1260 - Math for Clinical Calculations MAT 1150 - Technical Mathematics |
Arithmetic - Whole number operations, Fraction operations, Decimal operations, Percent, Number comparisons & equivalents. Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics (QAS) - Rational numbers, ration and proportional relationships, exponents, algebraic expressions, linear equations and linear applications, probability & sets, descriptive statistics, geometry concepts |
MAT 0300 - Algebraic Literacy MAT 1240 - Math for Liberal Arts MAT 1340 - Introduction to Statistics MAT 1120 - Integrated Math I MAT 1230 - Integrated Math II |
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics (QAS) - Rational numbers, ration and proportional relationships, exponents, algebraic expressions, linear equations and linear applications, probability and sets, descriptive statistics, geometry concepts. |
MAT 1340 - College Algebra MAT 1420 - College Trigonometry MAT 1320 - Finite Mathematics MAT 1400 - Survey of Calculus MAT 1140 - Pre-Calculus |
Advanced Algebra & Functions (AAF) - Linear equations and linear applications, factoring, quadratics, functions, radical and rational equations, geometry concepts, trigonometry. |
MAT 2410 - Calculus I Students wishing to take MAT 2410 placement test need to complete the ACCUPLACER Next Generation QAS & AAF placement tests and score a minimum of a 280 on the AAF portion OR earned a C or higher in MAT 1340 OR have ACT Math score of 28 OR SAT Math score of 650. |
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics (QAS) - Rational numbers, ration and proportional relationships, exponents, algebraic expressions, linear equations and linear applications, probability and sets, descriptive statistics, geometry concepts. Advanced Algebra & Functions (AAF) - Linear equations and linear applications, factoring, quadratics, functions, radical & rational equations, geometry concepts, trigonometry Additional MAT 2410 Study Topics - no sample questions given for these topics. |
MAT 2410 Study Topics
- Analyze functions, their properties and graphs.
- Solve equations and inequalities.
- Utilize basic definitions of trigonometric concepts.
- Extend concepts of trigonometry to solve application problems.
- Apply the six inverse trigonometric functions.
- Graph trigonometric functions.
- Make use of trigonometric identities.
- Utilize methods of analytic trigonometry to solve trigonometric equations.
- Apply definitions of the polar coordinate system to perform operations in the rectangular, polar, and complex systems.
- Classify conic sections.
- Examine sequences and series.
- Investigate vector operations and parametric equations.
Topical outline of what the student could encounter:
- IFunctions, their properties and graphs.
- Definition of a function
- Domain and range of a function
- Inverse of a function
- Introduction to where functions are increasing and decreasing using a graph
- Difference quotient
- Algebraic operations of functions including composition
- End behavior and asymptotes
- Exponential and logarithmic functions
- Piecewise functions
- Solutions to equations and inequalities
- Quadratic equations and inequalities
- Rational equations and inequalities
- Absolute value equations and inequalities
- Basic definitions of trigonometric concepts
- Radian and degree measure conversion
- Definition of the six trigonometric functions using right triangles
- Fundamental trigonometric identities
- Trigonometric functions on the unit circle
- Reference angles
- Co-terminal angles
- Concepts of trigonometry to solve application problems .
- Applications of right triangles
- Arc length
- Area of a sector
- Angular and linear velocity
- Law of Sines
- Law of Cosines
- Six inverse trigonometric functions
- Definition of the six inverse trigonometric functions
- Evaluation of inverse trigonometric expressions
- Domain and range of the inverse trigonometric functions
- Compositions of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions
- Graphs of trigonometric functions
- Six trigonometric functions with transformations
- Six inverse trigonometric functions
- An introduction to combinations of trigonometric and algebraic functions
- Trigonometric identities
- Fundamental trigonometric identities (reciprocal, quotient and Pythagorean)
- Sum and difference trigonometric identities
- Double and half angle trigonometric identities
- Co-function trigonometric identities
- Even and odd trigonometric identities
- Proving and verifying non-standard trigonometric identities
- Methods of analytic trigonometry to solve trigonometric equations
- Trigonometric identities to simplify equations and expressions
- Solving trigonometric equations
- Polar coordinate system operations in rectangular, polar and complex systems
- Points and equations using rectangular and polar form
- Graphing polar equations
- Trigonometric form of complex numbers
- Conic sections
- Circle
- Parabola
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Analysis of the properties of conic sections
- Sequences and series
- Algebraic and geometric
- Proof by induction
- Binomial theorem
- Trigonometric concepts
- Decimal degree and degree minute seconds
- Trigonometric application problems
- Area using trigonometric functions
- Graphs of trigonometric functions
- Graphical solutions of trigonometric equations
- Polar coordinate system operations in rectangular, polar and complex systems
- Products/quotients of complex numbers in polar form
- Powers and roots of complex numbers
- Vector operations and parametric equations
- Definition of vectors
- Vector operations
- Horizontal and vertical components
- Angle between two vectors
- Applications of vectors
- Parametric equations
Math Refresher Course
Our Math Refreshers are a great opportunity to brush up on your math skills and prepare for your next math classes. ACC students can use the following steps to register for the Math Refresher Course.
To Sign-Up
- Log into D2L and click on Discovery Tool - Register in the Self-registration Courses Widget
- Select the Enroll button on the Math Refresher Course under Available Courses
- Return to D2L and refresh the page
- The Math Refresher Course will now appear under the "All" and "ACC Sandbox" tabs of your Course Dashboard
The Biology Placement Exam is designed to allow students who have a solid background in general college biology to place out of General College Biology I (BIO1111). BIO1111 is a pre-requisite for some of the upper level (200 level) courses offered in the biology department at Arapahoe Community College. This includes Anatomy and Physiology (BIO2101), Microbiology (BIO2104), and General College Biology II (BIO1112). This pre-requisite is in place to ensure that students entering higher-level biology courses have the background knowledge (and laboratory skills) they need to be successful in 2000-level courses. Students who score a 75% or higher on the Biology Placement Exam will be permitted to enter 200-level biology courses without taking BIO1111, but will not earn credit for BIO1111. It is $10 to take the Biology placement exam.
Please note that all students who take this test have only ONE chance to pass it. If a score of 75% or better is not earned on the first try, the student will be required to take BIO1111 before they will be allowed to register for higher-level courses for which BIO1111 is a pre-requisite.
Who the Test May Be For?
Only students with comprehensive background knowledge of general biology should take this exam. This may include students who took a college-level biology course during their academic careers but credit for the course is not transferrable to ACC; or professionals who are coming back to school and have worked in a field directly related to cellular/molecular biology and/or biochemistry.
This exam is not intended to be a substitute for taking General College Biology I and students who have not had a previous formal college biology course are not likely to pass. Students who take the test and score 75% or higher will not receive credit for BIO1111.
This test is designed for students who…
- have completed a college-level introductory general biology course previously that does not transfer,
AND/OR - have comprehensive background knowledge of general college-level biology from professional or life experiences, (Note: it is recommended that students ask Advising for an evaluation to determine if this is an appropriate option based on their prior work experience, BEFORE taking this exam)
AND - have researched programs they intend to apply for in the future (e.g., nursing) and are confident that General College Biology I is not part of the required coursework.
Considerations before taking the test
General College Biology I is a foundational course that provides students with background knowledge applicable to many scientific disciplines as well as general laboratory skills. As such, it is important to consider whether completion of a general college biology course will be required for you to achieve your future (short-term or long-term) career goals.
This test is NOT designed for students who…
- are unsure of their career path, but wish to pursue a career in biological, medical or natural sciences. (General college biology is required coursework at most 4-year colleges and universities to earn a bachelors degree in many medical and non-medical degree programs.)
AND/OR - may want to transfer into biological research programs at a 4-year college.
AND/OR - plan to earn a degree(s) beyond their associates in a medical field.
AND/OR - may work in a profession where proper laboratory conduct, skills and knowledge are required.
Are there study materials available?
Think you're ready? Take a practice quiz.
What Topics will the Biology Placement Exam Cover?
- Basic Chemistry - Composition of Matter
- Matter and Energy
- Atomic Structure
- Identifying Elements
- Radioisotopes
- Molecules and Mixtures
- Molecules and Compounds
- Mixtures
- Distinguishing Mixtures from Compounds
- pH
- Chemical Bonds
- The role of electrons in chemical bonding
- Types of chemical bonds
- Chemical Reactions
- Chemical equations
- Patterns of chemical reactions
- Energy flow in chemical reactions
- Reversibility of chemical reactions
- Factors influencing the rate of chemical reactions
- Inorganic Compounds
- Water, salts, acids and bases
- Organic Compounds
- Structure/Function relationships
- Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
- Adenosine Triphosphate
- Matter and Energy
- Cellular Biology
- Types of Cells
- Prokaryotic
- Eukaryotic
- Structure of plasma membrane
- The Fluid Mosaic model
- Special functions
- Functions of the plasma membrane
- Membrane transport
- Generating and maintaining a resting membrane potential
- Cell environment interactions
- The cytoplasm
- Cytoplasmic organelles
- Cellular extensions
- The Nucleus
- The nuclear envelope
- Nucleoli
- Chromatin
- Cell growth and reproduction
- The cell life cycle
- Protein synthesis
- Other roles of DNA
- Cytosolic Protein degradation
- Types of Cells
- Evolution
- Natural Selection
- Mendelian Genetics
- Monohybrid Crosses
- Dihybrid Crosses
- Genotype vs. Phenotype
- DNA Replication
- Protein Synthesis
- Cellular Respiration
- Glycolysis
- Transition Stage
- Kreb Cycle
- Electron Transport Cycle
- Photosynthesis
- Light Reaction
- Calvin Cycle
- Cell Communication
- Autocrine
- Paracrine
- Endocrine
Study Resources
Online Videos: Khan Academy Crash Course: Biology
BIO 111 material
- Why Carbon is a tramp
- Water-liquid awesome
- Biological molecules-you are what you eat
- Eukaryopolis-The city of animal cells
- In da club- membranes & transport
- Plant cells
- ATP & respiration
- Photosynthesis
- Heredity
- DNA structure and replication
- DNA, hot pockets, & the longest word ever
- Mitosis: Splitting up is complicated
- Meiosis: Where the sex starts
For a more in depth review:
Atoms, Molecules and Ions
- Elements and Atoms
- Introduction to the atom
- Atomic number, mass number, and isotopes
- Atomic weight and atomic mass
- Atomic Mass
Introduction to the Periodic Table
Types of Chemical Bonds
- Ionic, covalent and metallic bonds
- Electronegativity
- Electronegativity and bonding
States of Matter
- States of Matter
- Van der Waals forces
Acids & Bases
- Acid base introduction
- Acid-base definitions
- Definition of pH
- Strong acids and strong bases
- pH of weak acid
- pH of weak base
- Acid-base properties of salts
Khan Academy Biology Videos:
Introduction to cells
- Diffusion & Osmosis
- Nuclei, membranes, ribosomes, eukaryotes and prokaryotes
- Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
- Organelle Overview
- Chromosomes, chromatids, chromatin etc.
Introduction to Cell Division
- Fertilization terminology: gametes, zygotes, haploid and diploid
- Zygote differentiating into somatic and germ cells
- Interphase
- Mitosis
- Phases of Mitosis
- Mitosis Questions
- Comparing mitosis and meiosis
- Chromosomal crossover in Meiosis I
- Phases of Meiosis I
- Phases of Meiosis II
Stem Cells and Cancer
- Embryonic stem cells
- Cancer
Cellular Respiration
- ATP: Adenosine triphosphate
- ATP hydrolysis mechanism
- Photosynthesis
- Photosynthesis: Light reactions 1
- Photosynthesis: Light reactions and photophosphorylation
- Photosynthesis: Calvin cycle
- Photorespiration
- C-4 photosynthesis
- CAM plants
Literature Sources
Biology for Dummies, R.F. Kratz and D.R. Siegfried, 2nd edition
ISBN: 978-0-470-59875-7
The Complete Idiot's Guide to College Biology, Emily Jane Willingham
Visit the Library for more print resources.
Language Placement exam for Spanish or French
Do I Have to Take a Test?
Please submit any of the following to testing [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (testingcenter[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) to determine whether or not you need to take a French Language or Spanish Language placement test.
- Other credits including AP, IB, CLEP, DSST, UXCEL
- Unofficial college transcripts showing college level French or Spanish language courses
- Have your official transcript/scores sent to Records and Enrollment Services for evaluation
Be sure to include your Arapahoe Community College Student ID number.